No outsiders know what happened in the basement classroom.

All I know is that in the basement classroom that afternoon, there were continuous high and low howling sounds.

When Professor Snape Lupin came out of the basement classroom, Snape's face was ashen.

And Lupin was very tired, but his face was full of satisfaction.

The next day, the secret that Snape and Lupin had to tell began to circulate from Gryffindor House.

The message gradually spread to other colleges.

Even Slytherin Academy has some inexplicable guesses about these two nearly forty old singles.

Fortunately, none of the students have spread these rumors to the staff, and the Hogwarts portraits have also been silent about it.

So anyway, the excessive spread of rumors was avoided.

For the next period of time, Snape began to search for the location of the secret room.

Given that Snape was always swaying where possible, Voldemort and Quirrell didn't get any more chances to get the basilisk out.

In this secret room opening incident, after a cat was petrified and the walls were graffitied, there was no movement.

But on the other hand, Voldemort's plan also succeeded.

Because the matter of the secret room was thrown out, Voldemort's fundamental purpose was to involve the professors who protected the Philosopher's Stone, mainly represented by Snape.

Snape devoted most of his energy to finding the secret room, so he didn't have time to stare at the place where the Philosopher's Stone was hidden all the time.

So Quirrell was given more time and opportunity to explore each level assigned by the professor.

Quirrell seemed to be getting closer and closer to the ultimate goal of obtaining the Philosopher's Stone.

However, in addition to the levels assigned by each professor, there is another major obstacle, which is Dumbledore.

Comrade Deng himself is the biggest defense system.

Even in Voldemort's heyday, he avoided confrontation with Dumbledore as much as possible.

The leader of the righteous path and the first person in the British magic world who can keep the name of the ruthless man for decades. For Voldemort who possessed Quirrell in a ghost state, he belongs to the final level boss.

So Voldemort had to try his best to get Dumbledore out of the way or restrain Dumbledore when he completely understood the guard level, so he could use the fastest speed to break the guard, get the Philosopher's Stone, and retreat safely.

Originally, Voldemort wanted to find a way to have a relationship, put a smoke bomb at the Ministry of Magic and called Dumbledore over.

But the risk of exposure is too great.

Well, after accidentally using the Basilisk recently, Voldemort thought of a better way.

Anyway, the basilisk is the pet left by the ancestor Salazar Slytherin. It's a big deal if you use it as the last descendant of Slytherin.

Voldemort stepped up his preparations.

On the other hand, after days of investigation, Snape finally targeted the crying Myrtle.

Although Snape didn't know what happened back then, Dumbledore and Hagrid knew.

Back then, Dumbledore was Voldemort's teacher, and Hagrid was Voldemort's classmate.

And when Voldemort made things too big and couldn't end it, causing Hogwarts to temporarily close the school.

Because Voldemort's forces had not yet been established at that time, he was born in an orphanage and was not an adult. He could not do without Hogwarts, so Voldemort decisively planted the blame on Hagrid, who was raising an eight-eyed spider, which avoided Hogwarts. School is hereby closed.

The girl who died in the back room incident is now hovering in the women's toilet in a ghost state.

Because after the crying Myrtle became a ghost, she didn't go back to Hogwarts first, but to entangle her classmates who laughed at her back then.

That's why it was avoided that the ghost came back to spread some details of the year and expose the young Voldemort.

Later, after Myrtle returned to Hogwarts, Voldemort had graduated for many years, so the events of that year were never exposed.

Now, Snape, who got the news, has specially investigated the events of the year, and asked Myrtle in detail about the whole process of her death that year.

It was finally Unexpectedly, the one who ran out of the secret room was always a basilisk.

Myrtle died just after looking at the basilisk.

The big yellow eyes he saw before he died were the eyes of the Basilisk.

Snape checked it a few times, and finally locked his eyes on a faucet that was carved with the snake's pattern, and which did not let water.

Who would have guessed that the famous Sarah Chaslytherin would set the entrance of her secret room in the women's toilet.

Does Slytherin have any hobbies that he has to say?

However, having said that, when the secret room was built, maybe it wasn't a women's toilet.

Hogwarts has a history of more than a thousand years, hasn't it been renovated a few times?

The school was established a thousand years ago, and the faucet was only invented four hundred years ago.

When Hogwarts was built, there must have been no taps.

When it was rebuilt, the entrance to the secret room was still maintained. The remodelers also knew that the serpentine pattern was engraved on the fake faucet at the entrance, indicating that the participants must have knowledgeable people.

If it wasn't for the magic left behind by Hogwarts, it is very likely that the descendants of Slytherin were involved.

In fact, the descendants of Slytherin have a long and prosperous history. The American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ilvermorny, was established by the descendants of Slytherin.

The descendants of Slytherin are full of amazing talents and wealthy people.

Maybe Slytherin's descendants will join in when Hogwarts is redecorated, and they will remodel the ancestral secret room very intimately.

These are all probable inferences.

It has been a period of time in modern times that the descendants of Slytherin have fallen because of inbreeding and excessive spending.


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