The name Aiqi said was "Hella".

This world is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so there is no death among the five gods of the universe.

Only Hela, the goddess of death in the Asgardian system.

Also different from the comics, Hela is not Loki's daughter, but the eldest daughter of Odin.

Later, after realizing how deep the water in this universe was, Odin changed his national policy and changed to a moderate faction, which aroused Hela's resistance.

At this time, just like a bad TV series, the prince (princess) who was about to usurp the throne was brutally suppressed by the king.

Hesitant As the eldest daughter of Odin, he has a very large authority in Asgard.

In addition, unlike Thor, he has not awakened his own law power at all. Hela's death divinity has long been perfectly mastered. Even Odin, the king of gods, has no way to prevent Hela from obtaining energy from Asgard. .

So, for the sake of cosmic peace, or for the longevity of Asgard, or just for the longevity of his own rule, Odin suppressed Hela's rebellion, banished Hela to the dead zone, and kept dividing a part of his power. Suppressed Hela.

As long as Odin is still alive, with Asgard's first authority, Hela will not be able to return to this space.

Therefore, Odin in his current state has no way to use his full strength.

The perennial suppression of Hela has seriously affected Odin's strength and even his lifespan. Coupled with the injuries he suffered during his early battles, Odin often needed to enter Odin's sleep in these years.

Now, in his later years, Odin's mood is better, and he regrets the handling of that year.

However, Hela must never let it go. Hela's grievances have been full over the years, and the divine nature of controlling death makes Hela have no mercy for the living.

If you let her out, I am afraid that all the resisting Asgardians will be slaughtered, and then the remaining Asgardians will be involved in the endless war.

Odin himself didn't know what to do all these years.

Odin was surprised that Aiqi knew this time.

This matter was sealed back then, and the younger generation of Asgardians did not know that there was such a princess.

Odin was silent for a while, but since Aiki had spoken out, there was no point in covering it up.

What's more, watching his two sons make trouble, Odin is very worried, it's good to put some pressure on them.

So, Odin briefly told Thor and Loki about the eldest daughter Hela.

The more the two young men listened, the more surprised they became. Dad, how many things are you hiding from our brothers?

It's just that Loki was adopted, and Thor has a first heir to the throne?

Thor's heart is broken now.

After a brief shock, Loki felt very refreshed.

Before, I was sad because I was a frost giant and couldn't inherit Asgard. Now, looking at it, the Asgard throne is a hot potato.

Whoever inherits will have to face the power of the eldest sister.

It's better to leave such a dangerous job to Thor, and hide behind him.

While Loki was complacent, Aiqi said:

"According to your current physical state, if you don't take action casually, it is estimated that there will be no major problems in a few hundred years.

Hela is not an urgent problem, we will gradually solve it later, including enhancing Thor's ability and truly awakening the power of lightning, we can all help.

Now I have a proposal, which is about the disposal of Loki..."

Loki's complacent mood immediately disappeared without a trace, and a heart was raised in his throat.

I thought to myself that I shouldn't have laughed out loud just now.

At this time, Odin said angrily:

"Loki caused a lot of trouble this time, and it also caused trouble for the earth, but how to deal with Loki is Asgard's business, and the earth does not need to intervene."

In fact, although Odin looked very angry, he actually felt a little guilty towards Loki. Saying this was also protecting Loki.

Aiki doesn't care about Odin's rudeness. This is also the attitude of a father who wants to protect his son:

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I don't want you to punish Loki, but I have a suggestion that Loki can do.

This is also an opportunity for Loki to rehabilitate and make up for his mistakes.

I plan to use Loki as a spy and go undercover with Thanos. "

Hearing this suggestion, the others didn't react, so Frigga immediately objected loudly:

"No, the Death Titan is too dangerous, I don't agree.

If you are not careful in this mission, you will lose your life. It is absolutely impossible. "

Not to mention, no matter how many things Loki did wrong, although this is not his own son, he will always be Frigga's heart.

After Loki reacted, he also felt a sore nose, and his heart was full of emotion for his mother.

Thor also wanted to object, but was stopped by Odin and motioned to continue listening to Aiqi's speech:

"If that's not the case, how will Loki get a foothold in Asgard?

With such a big commotion, Jotunheim in the Nine Realms was damaged by the Rainbow Bridge on a large scale, and the Rainbow Bridge itself was destroyed.

Asgard needs an explanation both internally and So, what should Loki do as the main person in charge?

If the sentence is light, let alone Jotunheim and several other planets, even the people in Asgard can't agree?

If the sentence is severe, the death penalty or permanent imprisonment is not an exaggeration, but are you willing?

It's better to take this opportunity to let Loki flee in the name of the failure of the rebellion and defect to Thanos.

There are many benefits to this.

My initial plan was that after the Rainbow Bridge was repaired, Asgard temporarily covered up the news.

I brought the cube of the universe back to Earth, so that on the bright side, the Earth would not be able to get the support of Asgard for the time being.

Loki came forward and persuaded Thanos to dispatch forces to build a portal through space gems to attack the earth.

After all, there are two Infinity Stones on Earth. Under the circumstance that Asgard is isolated, Thanos has a high probability of attacking.

And because Odin, you are still alive, Thanos will probably not shoot himself, in order to increase the success rate, even Thanos may give Loki the only Mind Stone he controls.

In this way, the earth with the net of heaven and earth, coupled with the Asgard soldiers sent over by the rainbow bridge and the Loki who counterattacked, will definitely be able to destroy a large number of enemies with very little cost, weakening the power of Thanos.

Anyway, they have to face each other and lead them into the trap, why not do it?

One more thing, even if we all fail, Loki, as the party who joins Thanos, is likely to become the new leader of Asgard.

In this way, even if it fails, and half of Asgard's population is bloodbathed, Loki, who has endured humiliation, will take up the burden of revival again.

Whether it's success or failure, it's better than leaving Loki in Asgard and not knowing what to do with it. "

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