For a thousand years, Elijah had developed the habit of not being alarmed.

Of this family, only Elijah was the most gentleman.

Elijah greeted Aiqi in a very graceful manner, Aiqi put down the book, stood up from the chair, and also said hello to Elijah.

Elijah said first:

"According to what Rosemary told me just now, it is clear that the one **** in the corner should be the new doppelganger.

Well, I don't know this unknown gentleman, what's your intention to let me come here? "

Archie nodded:

"You can just call me Aiki.

I also happened to take over the doppelganger from Ross.

Originally, the two of them planned to use the doppelganger in exchange for exoneration, but unfortunately, now the doppelganger has been taken over by me.

For the time being, these two people are going to work under my subordinates, so I still have to take care of the safety of the two of them.

The chips in my hand are not only the doppelganger, but also others.

Likewise, what I need is not just the safety of these two people. Their exoneration is regarded as a spare head, and we will discuss the specific content.

First of all, do you want to inspect the goods first? "

Aiki waved at Elena and lifted Elena up with her mind power. Elena struggled to float in front of Elijah.

Elijah was taken aback. Although most wizards can use magic to make objects float, they are generally small objects.

It was the first time Elijah had seen a person as easily mentioned by magic as Aiki.

Seeing Aiki's relaxed and freehand look, Elijah was secretly vigilant, and it was obvious that Aiki was not easy to mess with.

However, relying on his immortality, Elijah was not afraid.

He turned his attention to the woman in front of him who looked exactly like Katerina.

Elijah took a deep breath on the trembling Elena's shoulder, judging from the smell of Elena.

With the experience of being a vampire for more than a thousand years, Elijah quickly judged that the woman in front of him was a human.

Satisfied, Elijah decided to use this doppelganger to draw out his younger brother Klaus.

So, Elijah sorted it out, ignored Elena, turned to Aiqi and asked:

"It is indeed a human doppelganger.

So, what do you want from me? "

Aiqi replied plainly:

"The double body is of no use to me, I am a mage, and knowledge is my pursuit.

I want your mother's magic book. "

Elijah was taken aback. Few people knew that the mother of their ancestors was a witch who was proficient in magic, and even fewer knew that Elijah also held his mother's magic book.

Back then, when their family became vampires, they still relied on their mother's magic. There were many ancient spells in the mother's magic book, and there were even some clues that could deduce the magic that created vampires back then.

Elijah looked at Aiki with a wary expression:

"How do you know? What do you want the magic book for?"

Aiqi responded indifferently:

"I am a mage, and it is the mage's instinct to pursue knowledge.

Among your possessions, only magic books can still arouse my interest.

That's why I came to trade with you. How about it? Do you have any ideas? "

Elijah hesitated for a moment, then suddenly accelerated and charged towards Aiqi, wanting to subdue Aiqi suddenly.

Aiki's reaction speed was faster than Elijah's, and a flash of lightning struck Elijah who was on the move.

Elijah was blown away by the explosion brought by the lightning in the opposite direction. The high-voltage electric current made Elijah lose control of his body and flew backwards, hitting the wall.

Before Elijah could fall off the wall, Aiqi's hand spurted a cold current and hit Elijah. The cold breath froze Elijah, and the ice fixed him on the wall.

If it weren't for the vampire's physical fitness, Elijah might have died in low temperature (although he could still be resurrected).

Ai Qi looked very sorry:

"Are the brain circuits of your vampires so similar?

Do you like to rush straight up when things go wrong?

It seems that even Elijah, the most particular of the vampires, is not immune to the vulgarity.

Remember, although your mother turned you into vampires, she did not turn you into monsters. It was you who turned you into monsters. "

Elijah was dazed by the impact and the cold, and he couldn't recover.

However, when I heard Aiqi's words, I was still I suddenly felt annoyed in my heart.

At this time, Aiki didn't care about Elijah's reaction, but approached to make it easier for the system to copy the template of Elijah's ancestor vampire.

At this time, Elijah recovered a little, but was frozen by the cold, and it would be difficult to free himself for a while.

Archie looked at Elijah, who was frozen on the wall, and Archie asked:

"Can you tell me where you hid your mother's magic book?"

Elijah just looked at Aiki, still not going to tell him.

Aiki didn't care whether Elijah spoke or not, he just stared at Elijah's eyes and meditated in his heart:


The magic dementor from the Harry Potter world was cast in the form of a silent spell, and Elijah couldn't help but recall his experience of collecting magic books back then.

Elijah also reacted quickly at this time. The scene at that time was vivid in his mind, and it was obviously abnormal. He quickly wanted to transfer his thoughts to other places.

Unfortunately, Elijah did not learn Occlumency, and Aiki quickly got the information he wanted:

"It turns out that you hid the magic book in a tomb in New Orleans, which is a good idea."

Elijah yelled and started struggling, trying to break free from the ice.

Aiqi directly threw him a "Petrificus Totalus", Elijah suddenly stiffened, motionless in the ice.

At this moment, two figures quickly flashed across the room, startling Ross and Treve.

Aiqi glanced out of the corner of the eye, smiled and said to Elena, who was still tied to the corner:

"Looks like your knights are here."

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