The boy Legolas has been leading the elves to help maintain law and order.

After learning of Edge's dragon slaying plan, Legolas intends to be the last archer.

Because Legolas' bow and arrow skills are still better than Bard's, after all, he has practiced for hundreds of years.

But how can such a showy thing be cheap to outsiders? Of course, Aiki left the opportunity to Bud.

Legolas expressed his grievance, but he was honored to witness the death of the last dragon in Middle-earth.

When Aiki sent someone to call Legolas over, the Elf Prince still looked very excited.

After all, it was not long before the dragon slaughtered, and in addition to being away from his father recently, his relationship with Taurier quickly warmed up, and the young man's life was quite nourishing.

After being away from home for a while, Hermione sometimes felt homesick and secretly cried a few times, but it was better for Harry to help comfort her.

In Harry's case, where would you be homesick when you think about it? Anyway, Harry didn't miss his uncle and aunt's house at all.

And when Legolas left home, he seemed very happy. He wondered how Thranduil would feel if he knew.

So, when Legolas knew that Aiqi was going to take him back to the Greenleaf Hall, he felt a little depressed.

Fortunately, after knowing that his mother's relics were found, Legolas's mood improved again.

Although Legolas has very little memory of his mother, this does not prevent Legolas from thinking about his mother in his heart.

And his father, Thranduil, missed his wife like a demon, and he was even more worried about his wife's relics being detained by the dwarves.

Now I can finally get the green leaf and white gem back, and finally I can fulfill Thranduil's wish.

In fact, it would be good to send his men on this kind of thing, but Aiki just planned to discuss something with the elves, so it was good to go.

With the magic of the portal, this distance is nothing at all.

Opening the space, Aiqi brought Legolas to the Green Leaf Hall.

Thranduil was very excited when he learned that the Green Leaf and White Gem had returned, and was grateful to Aiqi.

By the way, Aiki informed that a large number of orcs were marching toward the Lonely Mountain, hoping that Thranduil could dispatch a small number of troops.

Thranduil didn't care about things outside the territory, but if he hit the Lonely Mountain, it would be not far from the dark forest, so Thranduil immediately agreed to send someone.

Aiqi said goodbye to the father and son of the Elf King, leaving them to cherish their wives and mothers, and then opened up the space again and went to Rivendell.

After Galadriel expelled Sauron, he was in a state of disengagement and was in Rivendell.

Aiqi saw Galadriel and the local lord Elrond, took out a lot of high-level mana potions, and gave Galadriel a big supplement.

Galadriel was revived after pouring a few bottles of potion. Although he still felt very tired and the magic circuits all over his body hurt, fortunately, his mana was restored.

Aiqi introduced the current situation to the two, and the two elf lords congratulated Aiqi for removing the evil dragon.

The two had faced Sauron with Gandalf, and of course they knew that there were a large number of orcs.

But their territory is too far, it is inconvenient to transfer troops here.

Fortunately, Aiki didn't expect to use their army, and in fact Thranduil's army didn't.

Aiki just needs more people to watch the battle, to shock Middle-earth, and to attract elves and dwarves by the way.

Under Aiqi's persuasion, the two elf lords agreed to personally bring a small number of people to Longhu Town through Aiqi's portal to assist in the battle.

Aiqi was very satisfied with this arrangement. After settling these things, he began to discuss with Galadriel how to make the Starlight Bottle.

This way of intercepting the magic light and the way of creating the Silmarillion belong to the same lineage. Galadriel generously taught it to him, and Aiki will be able to create his own starlight bottle in a short time.

After returning to the camp, the two elf lords were settled. While waiting for the army of Thranduil, some subordinates came to report, and the two invitations Aiqi had sent out had already been responded to.

When they just occupied Long Lake Town, Edge sent out two invitations, the first one was for Tony Stark and the other was for Bruce Banner.

Tony said that he would come over after he was busy with the things at hand. His character likes to be in the limelight and be a hero very much. Now that there is such an opportunity, Tony will of course come to join in the fun.

And Banner has been temporarily subdued by the people Aiqi sent, and after receiving Aiqi's notice, he came quickly.

At Edge's temporary home, Edge meets Banner.

After a friendly courtesy, Edge asked Banner:

"Dr. Banner, has there been any progress recently?

I arranged for the werewolves of the comrade-in-arms group to train you. I don't know if it will work. "

Although Banner looked tired, his eyes were somewhat relaxed:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, it does work.

Fortunately, His Majesty sent someone to contact me, and I learned that the legendary werewolf actually exists.

Their transformation and after transformation, the handling of animal nature and bloodthirsty desire, and the handling of Hulk and me, have a lot of reference.

With the help of the experience passed down and summed up by generations of comrades-in-arms, I have initially learned to control transformation. "

Archie nodded:

"Yes, the werewolf has the most experience in this transformation.

Dr. Banner, what you need to pay attention to is not to look at yourself and the Hulk separately.

You and Hulk are of one mind, just like the coexistence of wolves and humans in werewolves.

If you suppress the Hulk too I am afraid that the phenomenon of personality splitting will appear in the future, and there will be cases where the Hulk refuses to transform back, or at a critical moment, he needs to transform but cannot transform. "

Banner hesitated a bit, but Aiki continued to persuade:

"The appearance of the Hulk is an established fact and cannot be reversed.

Learn to accept everything in order to gain dominance.

I know that you, as a high-level intellectual, don't like fighting and killing, but the Hulk is already a part of you. Since it cannot be reversed, it is better to turn it into combat power and do something meaningful.

This is also to strengthen your control, communicate with the Hulk and transform a few times, I believe you will be able to retract it freely soon, and it will not be difficult to meet your girlfriend again. "

When it came to his girlfriend, Banner hesitated.

For her own sake, Banner's girlfriend even broke up with her father. She must fully control herself as soon as possible and live a stable life.

Seeing that Banner already had an idea in his mind, Edge continued:

"Since you agree, here's an opportunity to let you familiarize yourself with fighting with Hulk, and let Hulk release his anger and desire for destruction.

Soon, a large number of orcs will attack here, bringing disaster to mankind.

If you can fight, you can save the residents here.

I hope you can think about it carefully.

My accompanying mage has the information about the Orcs. After reading it, you will understand why I want to clean up these Orcs. "

Banner expressed his understanding that whether to participate in the exhibition or not will depend on the materials.

Aiki is not worried either, Banner still has a good sense of justice. Besides, to get in with the Hulk, he has to transform repeatedly and participate in the battle. Aiki is not worried that Banner will not agree.

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