137 – 2. Old Summoner (84)


By opening my closed eyes, I sighed as I blocked the transmission from the hive through [Link].

‘It was cold…’

The perfection of the monster was higher than I thought. No, I didn’t think that Ban Tae-woong would stop so stupidly before that.

“Am I too soft?”

I didn’t even think that in a situation of crisis where one could die at any time, there were restrictions on behavior to the extent that only a person with facial recognition died.

I would praise the fact that the accident didn’t stop completely, but it’s meaningless if your perception is so low that you don’t notice the approaching attack.

Perhaps all parts of the accident were attributed to self-reproach.


He is insensitive to his own wounds, but reacts very sensitively to the wounds of others. That’s not to say it’s bad, but in this case the tendency was too much.

Moreover, No. 2 Is not even a person, but a machine. No matter how much he moves and behaves like a human, if you look at the results, there is no change in the fact that he is my familiar that can be summoned again at any time even if he dies.

The fact that Ban Tae-woong himself took such an action even though he was aware of it is enough to become a problem when a more terrible situation comes later.

As long as Ban Tae-woong is loved by the world and favored by God, there will be no end to incidents and accidents around him.

In order to solve them, the stronger he becomes, the greater the amount of disaster. It is a vicious cycle repeating itself. Blaming yourself at that time is nothing more than a waste of time, and furthermore, only the guy’s feelings continue to wear out and get tired.

Action is required.

Ban Tae-woong needs to get used to the wounds of others to some extent. If you don’t prepare from now on, he might stiffen up at the critical moment and make a real ‘mistake’.

It seemed necessary to give a vaccination to prepare for that mistake before it turned into an indelible ‘failure’.

What should I do?

After carefully organizing my thoughts, I stopped thinking for a moment. I raised my head at the sight of the approaching giant.

“Looks like you solved it.”

Harrantz Granga. The master of the S rank guild [Hot Hammer] And the person in charge of the foreman of the Shirogane Guild.

I nodded my head at the sight of him holding a hammer that had turned red from the blood of monsters.

“Oh, it may be intact, but I even confirmed that the soul returns to the body.”

I saw it just in case after dealing with Hisame Yashiro, but it was confirmed that Ichiro Shirogane’s body, which was unstable, had entered a completely stable period.

I arrived here immediately after newly adjusting the pseudo-spirit to move in the direction of protecting the body that had not yet returned to consciousness so that there would be no sense of separation between the body and the soul when I woke up.

The whole time it took wasn’t too long, so the fact that I left this place and headed elsewhere didn’t seem to go unnoticed.

“…Hmm, that’s really nice.”

The muscles of the gigantic body writhed and relaxed as it pondered my words. He said he would leave it to me, but it seemed that he was not the only one concerned. The proof is the blood on the hammer.

With the majesty he showed me, it was possible to subdue or kill the enemy without staining the weapon with such blood.

The fact that it was impossible proves that his mind was directed elsewhere.

This is because the extremely delicate power of preserving only the interior while keeping the exterior as it is comes from her ‘image’.

“It will come back soon.”

“Hmm? Alas, that’s right. There won’t be time to procrastinate like this. I will take care of you when I go back.”

At his words, I made a huge box out of shadows. Whether that was a sufficient answer, Haranz laughed and shouted with his magical power toward the one who was arranging the bodies of the monsters on the other side.

“Time to go back!!! You bastards!!!”


The guys who ran up to him proudly began to load the by-products of the monsters into the shadows.

‘That’s absurd.’

The work spirit was so thorough that one wondered if it was the people who knew that their leader was in danger of dying.

I don’t care about my cold eyes! I couldn’t help but shed a laugh at the appearance of those who were seated inside.

If they weren’t meant to be mine, I’d want to swallow them whole and turn my [Harvester] Into a sample for study.

I closed the box of shadows when everyone boarded and went inside to Harrantz. I wanted to keep it sealed like this. It was that annoying, but I had no choice but to make a breathing hole.

We got what we wanted, and we also got information about Yashiro’s headquarters, so let’s finish the rest, retrieve #2, and go collect Yashiro’s guys before they run away.

“Where are we going?”


As if it was only natural, I licked my tongue at the sight of Lee Se-rin riding behind Kalion ahead of me, and I quietly approached her and made a saddle and reins out of the shadows and fixed them.

After confirming that, Kalion immediately grabbed her box and soared rapidly into the air. In an instant, she pierced through the clouds and flew up to the upper layer, and Seline lay down as if leaning her head on my body.

Then she lifted her head slightly up, looked at me, and smiled with her eyes narrowed.

The softness unique to a woman’s body and the sweet scent of tangerine come out at the same time, forcibly demanding relaxation of the body. I refused and hardened my body even more.

“Whoops, stubborn. Wouldn’t it be okay if I hugged you a little?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Stupid. Drop them off and go hit Yashiro right away.”

“I hope other families don’t interfere.”

She seemed to be saying that there was a possibility that other families would not be happy with Yashiro’s demise.

I laughed it off.

“Then it’s enough to destroy that family at once.”

“Oh, be confident.”

No matter how ironic it is, this is an unchanging fact.

Even if an opponent beyond my capabilities appears along the way, the justification is in my hands.

I ordered the whole story of this incident to comet and made sure that it could be spread at any time, so even if someone stronger than me appears, it is possible to call in more reinforcements.

There are various madmen in this crazy world, and among them there is one crazy self-proclaimed bard who sings praises to humanity more than anyone else in this world.

If it’s that guy, he’ll come running with all his might, emitting light from his eyes, saying it’s a new material.

Yashiro clearly lost her humanity. He vomits about asking for the price of the sin, which is unreasonable. Rather, he defends the family, isn’t there something creeping about?

It’s enough to brush and brush and brush and eat like this.

These are famous families whose names remain in Japanese history. There is no way that there is no record of harm.

It’s not like Yashiro this time was massive, but it’s clear that other families also recruited or secretly snatched up guys who could become their main enemies. Either that or even a dark trader was used.

‘I’ll have to listen to the progress report later.’

With Heize’s help and even Kalion’s own mana, he flew and arrived in front of the Shirogane union in an instant.

I heard it through the hive, but it moved quite splendidly, and the surroundings were completely devastated. There will be no need to spend money on building buildings that are not needed.

Still, you should get what you get paid for.

“Are all those things taken care of?”

“Of course. These were the things that were supposed to come into my company. Maybe the insurance money alone is enough to build about 4 decently usable buildings?”

That’s enough. Since the construction itself will be taken care of by Comet anyway, the only thing needed is funds.

Because in order to roll something, you need the right amount of bullets.

It is impossible for any country to create something out of nothing. So, I need to make a guy who can do that.

I checked Lv40 on one side of my field of view and tried to dive without killing Kalion’s speed.

“I must go soon. I hate not giving you a compliment until the end, but I’ll be looking forward to the gift you bring. Honey.”


When she kissed my cheek on her own accord, she disappeared as if she hadn’t been there from the beginning, and her sweet scent disappeared at the same time.

If it is a normal perfume, it is normal for it to have a reverberation, but even that is built by her power, and furthermore, it is placed in her domain, so it cannot be forgiven for even existing if she does not wish for it.

Thus, all evidence of her presence here has been lost. The same goes for her ‘power to hide her appearance’ that she maintained.

As evidence of that, the people who were cleaning up the collapsed city suddenly began to prepare for battle with a roar.

‘I’m pissed off.’

The words you just said were strangely thorny. You feed them taffy like this.

It is certain that she did this intentionally at the point where I could still feel her eyes looking at me. The b*tch who knows better than anyone else that the feelings I will give back will not change.

Who’s the bad guy?

The power she possesses is so out of the norm. It’s strange that she uses that kind of power at all to win the favor of someone she’s interested in.

I reached the stable area of the ground faster than they attacked me and released the shadow.



Thump! Thud!!

[Hot hammers] Suddenly fell from the air to the ground, startled and balanced, and looked around. Among them, the most notable was Harentz, who could be called a giant.

He immediately looked around and frowned at the sudden drop.

“…I see, there was something to ask you to come quickly.”

Those who rushed to attack at once recognized the appearance of Harentz and withdrew their attacks. With this, even complex tasks can be handled quickly.

“Look at the work.”

“Are you moving again?”

“Insects must be eradicated, even their eggs.”

“…I see.”

That was the end of the conversation. In fact, this has been talked about a lot. It’s because my relationship with him isn’t close enough to take the time to explain everything.

No matter what I do from now on, when Shirogane’s work is over, there will be no more business.

This is because Harentz is an outsider, even though he is entangled with Shirogane.

To put it mildly, he is one of the artisans who are still in [Hot Hammer] Because of his relationship with Ichiro Shirogane.

Nonetheless, the reason he can lead everyone this far is probably because everyone recognizes his personality and merits. If he leaves, there will probably be many artisans who will follow him.

Of course, everything is going to be mine now, so I have no intention of letting go.

I could see Ban Tae-woong and the others approaching from the other side, but I didn’t bother to wait. Give Harrantz a look and he scratches his head roughly and nods his head.

I also got his consent to take care of things, so the reason to stay here is gone. After collecting all the traces of No. 2 Stored on the other side through Haze and Hive, I flew up into the sky.

I heard a voice calling me from below, but I ignored it.

The goal we were heading toward was not too far away.

“Good job.”


I stroked Kalion’s head, then got up from his back and threw myself into the air. In response, Kalion’s body turns into light and scatters into the air. It has been repatriated

I think this has happened before. How did you do it then? It probably fell off moderately.

But then and now are different.

It was a normal battle back then, but now the goal is assassination.

Quickly kill and rob everything. Leave only the result that this place was attacked by a third party, and annihilate all without distinguishing between good and evil.

The surrounding air moves gently due to the haze. At some point, Shizu’s black cloth, which had been placed on my back, clung to my body, and my body slowly took its place as if floating in the air.

There was no sound when it landed on the ground. Rather than silence, there was a strong feeling that the sound itself did not spread even though it rang.

I was convinced that my surroundings were completely under my control. It was a collaboration between [Space Manipulation] And [Psychokinesis].

I pulled out the shadow.

I wonder if some kind of magic was working in the realm itself, and the darkness with the hazy fog distorted my cognition.

There was a sharp, piercing life on the other side. Go away immediately, I felt like he was saying that.

‘That’s funny.’

Do you dare to tell someone to go see it? They are very ignorant of their position.

Moreover, I couldn’t erase the feeling that I knew that someone would come and prepared in advance. It’s not like they’re giving up because they have something to do… What could be more ridiculous than this.

Did you think that they could get out of their sins here?

The shadow extends.

Added the energy of [Battle King] And [Harvester] To [Patience]. It compresses overwhelming mana to the limit. What is needed is an overwhelming [Energy of death].

As I pondered what the highest level of death I’ve ever felt, the coming crush, I felt the [Successors] Still giving me strength.

Construct the scene that saw it as a shadow. The archetype is the manipulation of the shadows of the vampires surrounding them.

When Heize’s [Spatial Manipulation] Was added to that, not only this place but everything in the area quickly began to fill with shadows.

The hive was slowly encroaching on the swamp of shadows and released the white mask. By the time they noticed my intentions, the surroundings were already in my territory.

Because it was night, it was late to realize their intentions. Even if they make excuses, it doesn’t change that they are incompetent.

I have gathered enough information. I saw the possibility, and I also personally experienced the convenience.




This is my specialty and what I can do best at the moment.

Add belief to it. My own beliefs that no one can interfere with.

Some say that an ignorant person becomes afraid when he has faith.

That’s right. This is because they carry out their own will without any thought of accepting other assumptions.

If the idea is impure and unrealistic, the world sees it as a criminal or a psychopath. If the idea is good, the world will see it as a saint and something equivalent to it.

This is to let the world know what you are.

Slowly spreading it around and ignoring it.

The country makes them aware of existence.

Inject one’s image into reality.

It is no different from making a place in the world one’s own after all.

That’s what ‘imagery’ is. At least that’s what I’ve seen and thought.

That’s why we have to be more firm. Don’t even think about being swung around, only yourself should be the center of the world.

A shadow covered the body.

The mask that covers my entire face, like a gas mask, is cracked. It was like a scar that a giant beast had scraped off to forcefully peel off its mask.

With that as the starting point, dark red eyes resembling blood gleam in the cracks of what naturally broke in the form of a skull.

The things inside were no different from those of reptiles, not of humans.

I wonder if those eyes are reflecting something, but the light inside them was too faded. A white, off-white light that could easily be considered colorless twinkled in his eyes.

From noble mtl dot com

Even though the wind wasn’t blowing, wall-colored flames form on the hem of the rustling coat. The thoughts of the dead gather in the light of the imitation, the only one shining in this darkness.

Scream, wail, pain, curse, remorse, madness.

Miscellaneous things are entangled and harmonized, adding noise to the stillness. At the end of the temperature of the surroundings, they become like swords and are added to the hem of the clothes.

The path I am on is slowly changing. The intact building is weathered and gradually loses its color. It welcomes the traces of time as if it had been from the beginning.

The grass on the floor lowers its head. The ground is dead black. What they have in common is that they are all waiting to be reaped.

As if to oppose such a phenomenon, mana radiates from the other side. As if poison had been applied, glistening memorizations were added from all sides. All of them are caught and stopped by the grip that extends from the shadows.


He sighed. Breath flows in the cold, cooled temperature.

The temperature has gone down. If so, what comes next is determined.

Grey snow falls where no light can be seen. One two.

They piled up quickly and left a shape in a space where only black remained.


I roughly trampled on the piling up snow and smiled rottenly at the texture that was reproduced better than I thought.

“…Ah, damn it.”

Just seeing this again made me feel better. At that time, I killed even one more person in time to express my feelings.

My duty on that day was easily revived just by looking at it.

Kill them all. To protect ‘human’. Be sure to live To protect ‘humans’.

Yes. Let’s kill them all.

Because there is only one ‘human’ among the people in this room, ‘me’.


Only for me.

Now this place is hell for you guys.

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