132 – 2. Old Summoner (79)


My first impression of a man named Shinwoo Jang was that he was a ‘lonely person’.

To be precise, he was a person who claimed to be lonely. He was an oddball who made it clear that he was putting up a wall around himself.

He himself has no intention of hiding it, and he ruthlessly breaks down other people’s walls when necessary… But he still maintains a solid wall.

The first meeting was a very short time, but I could tell that he was a stubborn and self-centered person who was troublesome in everything.

It was fine up to that point. Because other first graders are not that different.

He doesn’t show off so openly, but it’s because everyone here is talented. Their pride has pierced the sky, and they know that it won’t be too far off.

Because they were the same. Because it’s already happened. Because it’s kind of like a custom. Some will feel longing and some will feel ashamed as if their dark history was forcibly exposed.

As long as you don’t cross the line, you can tolerate some childish behavior.

But his case was different. He had a strong feeling that everyone was criticizing him. He had to wonder that he had sent such a hostile gaze to not others, but even to a third grader like himself.

There’s no way the chimney won’t smoke at any other time.

Still, rather than rumors, he checked with his own eyes and gathered information quickly.

I heard it later from my classmates, but it seems that the bad rumors about a student named ‘Jang Shin-woo’ were so great that even the 3rd graders heard about them.

The attitude of taking classes on parachutes is also bad. He hides his skills. He threatened the teachers. He uses abusive language and violence. There is a link in the dark world.

There were many other rumors, but as a result, most of them were perceived as bad and bad.

The story about him was exaggerated to the extent that it was surprising that rumors like that could spread in such a short time after entering school.

There’s no way the person in question would never know, but instead of denying them, he looked down and laughed at his surroundings as if he were seeing something different.

When I was once asked why he neglected such things, he only replied that he did not have enough time to get involved in them.

However, I think the answer would be to just leave it alone because it was annoying to see.

That’s right, the guy I’ve seen is very generous yet strict. He has certain standards for himself and others.

If you can meet that, you can attract his attention. He looks at me with indifferent eyes and asks if he can follow me this far, shining a light on the hopeless road ahead.

He even told me how to go further because he couldn’t solve his long-standing worries. He himself tried to the point of vomiting blood, wanting to repay the favor even a little bit.

If someone hears this story, they might think it’s very arrogant. It works though. Indeed, he has the power to be arrogant.

Because the appearance he’s seen so far is literally out of the norm.

To be honest, he didn’t think he had the skills to be at the student level. He is such a great person that it makes me think that it is a waste to be tied down like this.

That’s probably because the moment I saw his power for the first time, I thought that I might really die like this.

He didn’t even have power, but he had spare energy, but the coolness he felt at that time was so frightening.

Maybe the rumors weren’t entirely false.

Even that wasn’t all.

It was a very short time, but in that brief moment, he became stronger. Even when we last met, he thought he was strong like a monster, and it was possible to become stronger there.


To be honest, I have never thought of the world as absurd as then.

No matter how hard I try, I can’t reach him. He was sure that if he took a step he was already heading beyond.

Are you really talking about a person like that when you say ‘real’?

It was from then. Looking at him makes my heart beat wildly. Thinking of him made his heart ache. Surprisingly, jealousy did not come to mind. Rather, it made me happy just to be able to walk with him.

He wanted to be by his side and sincerely thought that he wanted to be his strength.

It’s not as much as other people, but it was frustrating and sad to see him still keeping a distance from himself.

Seeing him putting himself by his side rather than others, a smile was drawn on his lips and he was happy.

My mom always told me to find someone my heart was drawn to. She even added that once she finds it, never miss it.

Is this what the mind is attracted to? No, this is a sensation that cannot be defined with such simple words. I wouldn’t make that

This is a little more special, more affectionate, but also somewhat muddy and complicated.

Yes, this feeling…


They say that even a tiger will come if I speak to it. When I remembered her mother’s advice, her mother called me by name.

As I slowly opened my eyes, a blue light flashed in my vision. The thing that shimmers according to one’s gaze is definitely one’s own magic power.

Originally, it was a technique I prepared because I wanted to surprise him, but I never dreamed that I would be able to demonstrate it like this.

‘I don’t like it.’

She didn’t like her parents’ family who bullied her own family, or the woman who mocked her and coveted his body right in front of her. Suddenly, the wind entered the ball.

I wanted to…

“…I know.”

A slightly brusque answer came out of his mouth. As if influenced by her own emotions, the [Cleansing flame] That she kept inside her body also protrudes from her skin.

The spark he created just for me. A gift for me alone in this world. Seeing that, all of my gloomy hearts faded and a smile naturally settled on my lips.

Oops, it can’t be like this. I almost fell into my own imagination again. In order to hide the real smile, I deliberately wear a fake smile.

Then let out a light sigh and bring all your heated hearts down to composure.

The gaze that had been looking at me from before had grown stronger without even trying to hide it. The things I had been watching have finally decided on a policy.

Shirogane Rui slowly rose from her seat. The smile has been erased. The image of herself reflected in her mother’s eyes had a calm face that was close to expressionless.

Is it different from your usual self in that your pupils, which were close to dark gray, are shining blue? It must be because the [True Flame] Is not simply wrapped around the body, but stored inside the body.

As if facing an animal in a dark space, their eyes immediately focused on him, perhaps because of the softly shining eyes.


That, too, was a bloody killing spree that made my skin stand straight.

As if he wasn’t the only one who felt it, those around him also showed signs of wariness.

At first, they tried to dissuade them and send them back, but at some point, they naturally got involved in this.

Perhaps he called them with this in mind?

He hides too much.

When I move according to his instructions, there are times when I get the illusion that he planned everything from the beginning because everything went smoothly.

I don’t want to forcefully reveal the inside, but it’s a natural feeling to want to know everything about the subject you’re interested in.


He patted himself on the cheek to cheer himself up. Come to your senses.

Louis Shirogane, who discovered that she would pass over it even if she thought about it even a little deeper, accepted the dark murder that was contained in her gaze in order to erase her shame.

It is a sensation that makes you feel what it is to have your flesh tremble.

‘It feels different from CNU’s sister.’

If the chill I felt from him was fear as if my heart had been squeezed directly, then the murderous feeling I felt now was as if it were licking my entire body.

I can’t say which is better at the point of killing the same thing, but emotionally, the latter was worse.

Jang Shin-woo’s intent to kill is extremely simple. Because it doesn’t add any emotions other than killing, it makes it heavier and more frightening.

On the other hand, that intent to kill is so terribly complex. In addition to the desire to kill, various emotions are added. In the filthy indulgence that could not be hidden, there was a perverted desire that was unmatched.

The murderous intentions that the mother threw at them were also different. Although sharp, her murderous intent was like the last outburst of a wounded beast.

It was like a hedgehog that had no choice but to set up sharp thorns to protect something. After knowing that what I want to protect is my family, I got a sense of being cozy.

The same intent to kill can be so different.

From noble mtl dot com

Shirogane Rui quietly raised her mana. It was because the things that had been watching her from the other side of the darkness gradually appeared.

The flames of overwhelming heat, different from those of the past, boiled inside. Even so, his body did not get hot, but it was cold.

The stronger the fire, the darker the inner blue. As the action and reaction were repeated, the surroundings were covered with frost, and at the same time, the phenomenon of melting and changing into steam was repeated.

“Louis, what kind of power is that…”

“…Change the strategy. The target’s power is better than expected.”

A startled response flowed out. I didn’t care. This praise is what he deserves, not himself.

If he was a broken instrument somewhere, he is a mechanic who took care of the instrument to his liking.

A strange junior who feels strangely older even though he calls him younger. At some point, I was able to find myself inadvertently holding his figure in my eyes.

I wanted to believe the things he said unconditionally. He gave me that strange feeling of wanting to leave all the decisions to him without even realizing it.

The more he thought about him, the stronger his heart felt.

Even when he thought to himself, he could see that he was strange. Still, he couldn’t stop it.

I wondered if I was a person who was dependent on others, but even now, when I see my mother standing by her side to protect her father, it’s not like I don’t understand.

‘Shinwoo’s younger brother…’

For some reason, I was so envious of her mother who moved to protect her father. She missed him right now, just like him. She wanted to show her strength now and be praised for being good to him.

If you are the person who is changing the work you should have done and the future you should have shouldered one after another, wouldn’t this anxiety that you are feeling now easily blow away?

Do as much as you can.

It was as if I could hear his voice. Why did the words I heard once come to my mind now? I don’t know. But what is certain is that the anxiety I felt until now has completely disappeared.

Actually, I wanted to follow him wherever he went. It was because the woman who was her fiancé followed her, and there was nothing she couldn’t follow herself.

But he flatly refused.

At first, it was very sad and sad, but I didn’t show it outwardly. Because he thought his feelings would be burdensome to him.

He rebuked himself for not being honest, and he envied the woman smiling faintly in his arms. Many times, I wondered how great it would be if one day I could be like that too.

I was surprised by his words that continued quietly as if he cut off his thoughts.

Yashiro goes ahead with the attack.

I was confident in accepting his words without questioning or arguing about what he said with conviction, not speculation. It was only then that I realized why he had told me this.

He believed in himself and left it here!

Then let’s live up to that expectation.

He’s not here right now, but let’s use the power he created for us to burn all the heinous things that want to devour him.

Clap, clap, clap.

“Awesome, so great.”

From the other side of the darkness, a frivolous voice unsuitable for an urgent situation was heard.

The one who appeared out of the darkness was a man with a frivolous appearance as much as his voice. He groaned at the flashy suits he would only see at the host club and the perfume that was so strong that he could smell it even from afar.

Even so, his mother frowned when she confirmed that he was in a bad mood because he had no sense of presence.

“Brother Hisame…”

“Hmm? Are you Hanabi? The impression was so different that I didn’t know who it was. There are so many things I want to say to you.”

“There must be still time left. There should be a message from Tsugumi-sama.”

“Right. But it’s not like we’re going to keep that kind of verbal loyalty. Yes?”

With just that, the frivolous man who cut off his mother’s words opened his narrow eyes, which were thin and questionable whether they were even open, and looked at me with ominous purple pupils inside.

I knew at once who was the owner of the sticky gaze I felt on the other side of the darkness at the chilling sensation as if I was appreciating while licking my entire body.

Furthermore, recognizing the demonic energy swaying within him, I could see that the man in front of me was no longer a person walking the path of a human being.

“That power will surely be needed to make Yashiro even greater. I will not kill you.”

“Shut up, cheating.”

Without the slightest hesitation, a feeling of nausea surged up inside of him, who regarded people as tools.

My strength and myself are all for him. Dare to cross his own, considering the dog of the clan that is only about to perish. He just can’t forgive.

“Hmm, it looks like he inherited his fiery personality. I’ll take that sharp tongue in return for telling you the truth. Take it as a lesson.”

What annoys me most of all is how confident he is. What on earth can you believe and assert?

“Then, let’s fix the twist that happened a long time ago.”

Steel puck.

It didn’t take long to figure out why. From the other side of the darkness it crawled out.

Everyone held their breath at the sight of the bony limbs wriggling and supporting the heavy mass of flesh that appeared as if it had been there from the beginning.


Crooked teeth nestled inside the huge mouth. It was distorted so hideously that a high-viscosity liquid flowed from a place that hadn’t even closed. The first sloppy sound was the sound of it rubbing against flesh.

Aside from that, it was quite disgusting to see his mouth open and exhale all over his body.

“This is one of the masterpieces that will set the faded Yashiro back on the road to revival. His name is Ookuchi.”

Obviously it’s someone else’s. However, it was very human-like, perhaps because the existence was located extremely naturally. The bizarreness that comes from the cognitive dissonance amplifies fear.

“Ah, ah… Bae, Go, Paa…”

“Even if you don’t bother, I’ll make you eat right away. First of all… well, why don’t we eat at least those guys over there?”

“Ooh, ah…”

At Hisame Yashiro’s words, the monster moved. He didn’t want to watch it quietly, so he immediately wrapped the flame around his fist, but at that moment, a sharp blade arrived in front of his eyes.



It was a sudden blow, an attack aimed at an opening, but the blade did not pierce the eyeball.


“You are so confident when you enter someone else’s house proudly with mud feet. As the owner said, these are very rude people.”

Because the girl’s hand suddenly jumped out and grabbed the blade.



Belatedly, the mother and Shinwoo’s brother’s friend came running and attacked the man wearing a black mask, but he threw away the dagger and slowly disappeared into the darkness.


At the same time, a clicking sound was heard from the other side.

The owner of the sound was Hisame Yashiro, without any need to hide it. The target water did not work. That’s why she clicked her tongue.

In other words, it means that even his actions up until now were all under the calculation of that man.

That fact gave me a little goosebumps. Because the enemy is great? No, it was because of the admiration for Jang Shin-woo, who was only able to prepare for him even though he was not here.

“Did you enjoy robbing empty houses?”

“Woomun. From my point of view, you guys are the worms meddling with the family business. You cross the line on the subject of being a stranger. I will forgive you with my life, so stick your neck out.”

“Ahahahaha! Even the jokes aren’t funny. If you want to play the king, it’s better to express a little more dignity. In the first place, the question is whether an idiot like you can play the role of a dignified king.”

The girl is clearly smiling. But she made it clear that the aura of her magical powers around her greatly angered her.

“Seriously, scumbags like you are making the master tired. Wouldn’t you mind quickly realizing it and incinerating yourself?”

The arrogant expression, which had always been ridiculing the bad laugh from beginning to end, wriggled, as if the vicious language, which would have been unreasonable even if a weak person was beaten down, had offended his temper.

“Who is your master? I will slowly dissect his body while he is especially sane.”

“Do you have the strength to do that? Even now, like a rat, he is hiding somewhere else and voyeurizing this way.”


The expression of Hisame Yashiro, who was trying hard to pretend to be calm at the revelation that followed, collapsed for the first time. He cried out with his eyes wide open.

“That b*tch is the most dangerous! Kill that year hurry!!!”


At the same time, people with swords rushed in from all directions.

No matter which side is blocked, the other side will be hurt. The shiny tip of the sword probably wasn’t just because of the ritual. No offense should be allowed.

At that, sparks were raised wildly and most of them were shaken off, but among them there were those who rushed through the heat of infatuation.

Those who jumped in without yielding to the pain of boiling and evaporating flesh and blood quickly thrust out their swords.

“It’s a rose!”


Ban Tae-woong cut off the assassin’s sword, and Cheon-mi, aiming for the gap, swung her dagger leisurely.


Even though the flow was clearly visible, the enemies did not avoid it. No, even though I avoided it, I was cut.

Slow but fast. I avoided it, but I can’t avoid it. The bizarre phenomenon expressed surprise from the assassins, who had been calm even in the pain of being cooked on fire.

I thought I had completely blocked them. Because if a colleague is defeated in an instant, he will hesitate. But what Ban Tae-woong didn’t expect was that they were also first-class murderers.

Even the gap that was visible in an instant was smoke. I brandished a long sword with the intention of slicing down all of my incapacitated comrades.

Ban Tae-woong, who reacted belatedly, jumped in panic to protect his thousand roses, and the sword decapitated his colleague. Short hair difference. Right before the sword touches Ban Tae-woong’s body, its trajectory is bent.

“Something immature.”

Cuts down allies to make gaps. The try was good. Because it actually worked. But because of that, the sword slowed down. It’s a deadly surprise attack, but it’s meaningless if the swing itself is slow.

And Shirogane Hanabi didn’t rust enough to miss such a lukewarm blade. She was a little dull, but still strong and sharp.

f*ck! Pukkuk!!

Hisame Yashiro gritted his teeth at the sight of her dislocating all of the enemy’s joints without even using a sword.

“You two years old…Are you trying to repeat the mistakes of that time again!!!”

“Ha, mistake? Who the hell is making the mistake right now!! If I had known that Yashiro would commit an affair like this, I would never have made the choice to save you guys.”

Her ferociously speaking Shirogane Hanabi pulled out her hairpin tucked in her hair, then pulled out her blade hidden inside her, tearing the lower part of the neat kimono she was wearing completely.

“Yes, I will admit it. I’ve definitely made a mistake. At that time, I met him and got to know her feelings, and she was too soft to withdraw. So we created this kind of damage.”

Her mood changed right after she trimmed her rough clothes and tidied them up. Her life, which was no different from her hedgehog, was condensed into one, and above all, it became a sharp dagger.

“That is over now. Even for the sake of the souls of those who have been sacrificed because of you, I will definitely correct the mistakes of that day.”

From noble mtl dot com

“…Ha, isn’t that bastard’s life precious?! This one, with the slightest move of her hand, could kill the bastard you love so much!!!”

For Hisame Yashiro, her initial ease has disappeared.

When her position was identified, Hanabi Shirogane’s atmosphere changed drastically, and that alone made him break out in a cold sweat.

For him, the scenery that day must have been a nightmare itself. So he put in a lot of time and effort.

I joined hands with the guys from the underworld, and with their help, I slowly eroded the house using the puppet’s drink, which became even more powerful.

For his more perfect work, he made his own doll by requesting the Dark Demon Tower. In exchange, he had to give away the remains of the former head of the Yashiro family and some hidden visions, but the result was perfect.

I am strong now. It is no exaggeration to say that she gained enough strength to kill the Hanabi of that time.

“Try it.”


But what the hell is that confidence right now? Because of that sense of deja vu, Yashiro Hisame couldn’t hide his anxiety even though he was in an overwhelming situation.

“… Ha! You said you love him, but in the end you’re also Yashiro!?”

“Are you talking back?”

Calmly, with all her heart, Shirogane Hanabi widened her eyes.

“Try it.”

If only you could do that.


The sound of grinding teeth permeated the dark night. He knows that too. If Shirogane Ichiro’s leash disappears, even the last means to restrain that fairy will be gone.

Let’s stay calm here. Yes, there is not a single factor that you can be proud of.

To her own self, Yashiro Hisame exclaimed as she rearranged her own hair, which was disheveled by her cold sweat.

“Ookuchi!! Eat them right now!!!”


Kududeuk, ppudeuk!!!

In an instant, a lump of flesh expands. The mouth is enlarged, and the whole body is covered with the mouth, and the monster moves the body. It looked like a huge wave. A huge wave that would swallow everything it touched.

“Kick, keukikikick…Your years, your years are what you did!!!”

I didn’t like the eyes that were still staring at me. A goddamn b*tch who was competent in anything she was born after. Always compared The label of you was too heavy and hateful.

I hate you for having everything and for taking away everything you wanted, for letting it go. Hateful. Don’t kill me Don’t make me writhe in pain thoroughly.

It is not enough to return the pain he has experienced.

For him, I did the troublesome thing of stealing Ichiro Shirogane’s soul. I will clearly see the person I loved so much turning into a monster, and furthermore, the four years of dying while being raped by such a monster.

Now I’m tearing off the stigma of that day as today!!!!

“Ki-hik, ki-hi-hik!!”

Taking advantage of the commotion, he quickly retreated into darkness. Shirogane Hanabi is still looking at herself, but it is a prepared puppet. The real thing has already penetrated the inside of the building.

‘If only I could reach the inside like this…’

This is the moment when Shirogane Ichiro’s body can be killed.

“I will win. You must be thinking that way.”

Stand tall.

Hisame Yashiro’s pupils constricted as he cautiously moved. He couldn’t breathe. His body trembled. The joints creaked as if an oiled machine was moving.

I heard a sound that couldn’t be heard here. I didn’t want to look, but I had to look behind me. And he saw

A costume made of white and black, an artificial smile that does not match the atmosphere. Secret two-tone hair with a mix and match of sky blue and pink.

“Uh, why…”

Are you here when you can’t be here? Wasn’t it there just a moment ago? Doubts ensued. I borrowed the puppet’s vision again, but that woman was still there fighting Ookuchi. So what the hell is the woman in front of her now her own eyes?

Twins? No. Even identical twins can’t be this far. Then hallucinations? No, the feeling of intimidation now in front of me cannot be dismissed as hallucinations!

Then what the hell is that!!!

“Even if you ask why, there is only one answer I can give you.”

Hisame Yashiro was terrified at the girl’s calm words. This feeling, this creep. She felt the same way for the guy who passed Yashiro’s salary.

The guy who created her own monster. She was just like the master of the Black Demon Tower who cooperated in turning Ichirō Shirogane into a monster.

She doesn’t see herself as a person. Not a tool or anything, just an indifferent gaze. That was what Hisame Yashiro feared more than anything.

“Befitting a maid, I came here to perform the duties of a maid.”

Cleaning up the trash.


At the same time as the words followed, the girl’s slender hand penetrated the man’s abdomen.

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