130 – 2. Old Summoner (77)


If a dungeon is a well-crafted world inside a box, then the front line is the devil’s realm.

This is the common impression of people living in this world.

Dungeon incidents occurred even before the system of Awakeners was fully established.

Precisely, even at that time, there were childish atrocities of those who mistook the mystery of awakening as their own privilege and power, and regarded even the dungeon as a means of making money.

On the contrary, it can be said that it was worse then. Only now, an organization that specializes in handling Awoken has been created, and the law has also been revised, so that ordinary Awakeners are moving to catch those who commit crimes.

If there is a villain, there is a bounty that comes with it, so bounty hunters who want to steal the bounty are bound to appear.

Among the villains of that era, the most vicious ones were those who used the powers related to the maker to make the dungeon go wild, making the already chaotic world even crazier, and that is not much different now.

Dungeon rampage.

A dungeon collapse phenomenon commonly referred to as a break.

It’s the f*cking phenomenon that made me decide to make the Exile Project.

The damage is not so great now that there is a countermeasure or solution, and furthermore, [Changyeon], A maker group, but there was no such thing in the past, so I really had to solve everything with my fists.

Therefore, the places that were occupied to such an extent that it was considered impossible for humans to live anymore because the things that could not be solved at the time were called ‘undetected areas’ and ‘blockade areas’, and at the same time they were called ‘frontlines’. Am.

The place where we are now is located in the farthest outskirts of the front line, and it is a very ambiguous place between the front lines and the front lines.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the place is safe. Rather, it is more dangerous because it is full of monsters and criminals who have set up to attack people on their bandwagon.

If you compare the dungeon and the frontline, which one is more difficult, I think you’ll raise your hand on the frontline, which has more things to pay attention to.

Unlike dungeons with clear themes and distinct personalities, the frontlines are a stark reality.

In a closed dungeon, it is impossible to ignore the entanglement with others that cannot be felt, the series of battles with different monsters that lead to turmoil, and the hidden fear of being attacked by the same humans.

No matter how talented a person is, they are bound to panic when faced with a sudden situation.

That’s why people organize parties and expeditions.

Of course, it’s important to work hard to meet the lack of something, but there are definitely things that can’t be filled no matter how hard you try. All you need then is a party.

This is because it is faster and more certain to match the sum with the number of people who can cover the lacking part than to make up for it with effort.

The downside is that you have to bring in new members every time the party is broken. Then you have to put it back together and it takes time to get used to it.

That’s why the party doesn’t break up easily unless there’s something special going on. In that respect, those who work hard at places like the academy have an advantage.

This is because opportunities to interact with people who can fill in one’s shortcomings at a similar level in advance, go through parties, and select people to be with in the future are not given very often.

‘I am an exception.’

I chose Summoner because I didn’t like the fact that I had to lean on others.

I fill in the missing parts with my own strength. Because the only thing I can truly trust in the most important place is myself.

The fact that the efforts made so far were not in vain has been proven here.


The praying mantis, which is bigger than most adult men, swings its forelimbs that curve sharply like a scythe. Seeing the shape disappear beyond the speed of sound in an instant, I concentrate magic in my pupils.


Then the figure was finally caught on the loosely stretched watch.

The nature of fire, especially the mana-filled front legs filled with the power related to activation, fiercely cut through the air, leaving a red afterimage.


At the same time, slimy bodily fluids flowed from the caterpillar-shaped monster next to it. I calmly twisted myself.

As soon as I arrived at a position where I could dodge the front legs that were sharp enough to be equivalent to blades, I aimed at the caterpillar’s head and fired a thorn of shadow.


The thorns of the sharp rising shadow pierced the caterpillar’s head. The caterpillar, which wriggled several times, drooped as it were.


Just then, something cool passed by me. Immediately, I put the shield of shadow in my hand to block the mantis’s forelimbs from the other side, while at the same time concentrating magic into the gauntlet in the other hand.

Lower the weight of shadows and increase the weight of fire.


As if they had waited, the pitch-black flames that naturally flared up were fired without any need to adjust.

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“Feeling, Eek…”

The impact shatters the guy’s carapace and breaks his thin waist. From there, white blood, which is unique to insects, splashes and evaporates in black flames at the same time, giving off a sour yet somewhat savory scent.


A momentary gap created as soon as the attack was launched. Aiming for it, another praying mantis that had been mimicking a tree and waiting for the right moment appeared and swung its leg.

At this time, killer mantis form a couple for mating. In other words, if you meet one person, there is a high probability that there may be another person.

Since this one is bigger than the one I just killed, it looks like this one is probably a female.

As much as the surprise attack aimed at the gap, the power contained was also intact with the mind to kill the enemy in one blow.

I remained unconcerned with the attack that came right in front of me. Because it had sharp teeth already in its back.

Chin! Kwadeuk!!


A single bite of the cud breaks his body. As it was, it was pushed down by the gigantic body and disappeared as if it permeated into the ground. Naturally, the attack aimed at me also failed. The guy who was forcibly dragged down ran wild, but that was short-lived.

Sorry! Pudeuk!

The body, which was only half seated on the ground, rotated rapidly for an instant and was cut off as it was. All that was left was the chilly corpse of a limp, half mantis.

“Good job. Ea.”


In my congratulations, the guy who responded by moving his tail once dived back to the ground.

I knocked on the ground at the place where the first break occurred, and the remaining clone of Hive stretched out like a shadow and swallowed the corpse on the floor.

“Awesome. It has definitely exceeded the level of a cadet.”

“You are definitely not human.”

“Keuhehehe, Goyan bastard. There are things I can say to the elders and things I can’t.”


Harrantz, who narrowed his fingers at my criticism and crushed the head of Killer Mantis, who sat between them, smiled. But he immediately erased his smile and brushed the monster’s corpse from his grasp.

Of course, Hive’s alter ego devoured it as well.

“As you can see, these guys haven’t lived a year. These guys can’t even get ready for a warm-up.”

For people to say that, people are having a hard time… Well, if that’s the case with you, that’s probably the case.

In the first place, the point at which they caught them with their bare bodies and exploded them to death was beyond human beings.

Killer Mantis is a C-Rank monster. Since it naturally possesses [Body Acceleration] And [Stealth] Skills, anyone who encounters this guy at first glance will be caught in the clutches of its sharp forelimbs without exception.

In addition to boasting a sharpness comparable to swords, it is famous as a newbie killer on the front line because it is easy to lead to serious injuries even if you know about it because its main hunting method is a surprise attack using stealth.

However, the defense power is garbage compared to the attack power, so if you can find it first, you can kill it in an instant. So, at first, it was in B rank, but as time passed and the level of the Awakener increased, the grade was lowered to C rank. All.

Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s weak. However, it is because the overall level of education has increased, so relatively many ways to deal with and cope with it are known.

On the contrary, for those heading to the front line, there is probably no other guy as troublesome as this one.

It’s a long way to go, but it’s a fight, and since it’s an individual that doesn’t have a nest concept, once it’s decided to hunt, it’s impossible to ignore it because it relentlessly follows up no matter how high the opponent is.

If left unattended, it could become dangerous, so every time we meet, it makes us lose our strength.

As much as the base resembles a praying mantis, the breeding itself is OK once it spreads through spawning, so no matter how much you build it, it’s a big deal because it pops up somewhere around this time.

In terms of game, it can be described as a confirmed battle monster.

Why do you know so well?

It’s because when I visited the front line with Exile’s case, the number of deaths suddenly increased due to this mass outbreak.

It was a really terrible time. Even so, Killer Mantis’ material is not suitable for making equipment or using it for alchemy, so it is not very popular.

Nevertheless, it happens in large numbers, so it has to be killed. As a result, it reached the stage where only the magic stone was removed and the body was left unattended.

The problem arises there.

No matter how much it is an insect, there is a gloomy characteristic of the energy of death naturally in the place where the corpse rots.

So, instead of burying the corpse in the ground, you have to burn it so closely that not even the corpse remains.

If you don’t deal with it properly, the deadly spirit and poison will encroach on the ground and the undead will run rampant.

But it doesn’t work that way. Do you know Burning the corpse of a creature requires more fuel than expected.

Even if you burn it with overwhelming firepower, it is inevitable that it will take time.

What would happen if such a thing happened in large numbers instead of just one or two? Of course, I’m the only one and it just goes away.

Because it is a carnivore, the taste of meat is not good, so it cannot be used for food. Since there is no plausible demand, no one pays attention.

As a result, it becomes a place where the energy of death can easily gather.

At that time, the undead that actually occurred naturally began to appear, and Gwangilgyo was paroxysmal, to the extent that dispatches for ‘mortification’ were periodically made to the frontlines.

Once the atmosphere for the undead has been created, it is very difficult to restore it to its original state. At that time, I heard that the damage was not insignificant because they had to search the whole forest forcibly to normalize it.

Thanks to that, I was fortunate enough to be able to collect enough experimental data from Exile.

‘I went with Lee Se-rin to avoid annoying stares, but that made me more tired.’

It was a terrible day that I don’t want to go through again.

Magic was wrapped around her fist, and when she swung her fist without even looking back, something flew to the other side with a popping sound.

It was another Killer Mantis who rushed at me thinking I was being careless.

‘There is no end. Really.’

Those like cockroaches, no matter how you kill them, they keep coming out, right? The funny thing is that the A-rank individual called Death Black, which is a monster of a cockroach, is not as strong as this.

‘…It’s kind of weird.’

It is said that summer is entering, but it is not yet the time when the population will increase to this extent. Even so, the number of monsters encountered on the way to the destination exceeds three figures.

It means that someone is clearly intervening in the mysterious phenomenon, which is increasing rather than decreasing in number. Well, there’s no way I didn’t take any defense measures after doing such a cute thing.

It was my mistake. If I had known this guy had that level of defense, he would have just flown straight up and dropped me from directly above. Then, wouldn’t he have taken care of the surroundings like a bomb?

It’s already too late, but no matter how much I think about it, it’s regrettable. Of course, this doesn’t matter because the data is piled up like this.


At that time, I felt a wave of thick magical energy from the other side of the forest.


“Sir Iik…!!”

“Kurreuk, Kreung!?”

With the fact that the monsters flocked to it as if they were being led by the wave. From the beginning, monsters are sensitive to magic. This is because they instinctively know that they can become stronger by consuming it.

So, if you randomly scatter magic like that, it will lead to a large number of monsters.

Our advance is more relentless than we thought, so it looks like blood has dried up just like this. Now, without any intention to hide it, I openly called the monster and fell for it.

“…Kid. Did you feel it too?”

Sounds obvious. Without replying, I picked up Shizu, and as if it was natural, I marked the path toward the source. If this is the case, it doesn’t matter if you send it first.

“This is Ichiro’s magic.”

At that, I stopped what I was about to tell you to run and destroy the ringleader.

I passed it by in an instant and skipped it, but when I looked back closely, there were certainly similarities to the magic I felt in that room.

But this is Ichiro Shirogane’s magical power? There were many strange things. This definitely needs to be addressed.

I glanced away and glanced at Lee Se-rin, who was sitting behind me. Judging from the way she looked at me and smiled softly, it seemed that she had no intention of helping.

Since she arrived on the front line, she had always adhered to the position of a bystander like that, so I didn’t even expect it. I only looked at her to gauge whether or not she intervened in her affairs.

Still, I have to make corrections. No matter how stupid I am, I’m not stupid enough to forget the magical power I once felt.

“This has too many impurities to be considered Ichiro Shirogane’s magical power.”

“You mean that?”

Without answering right away, I used the [Reaper]. In an instant, the surrounding colors shimmered brilliantly in five colors, and a blinding cascade of light burst out.

After adjusting the magical power to observe only the soul beyond them, it is transformed and then faces up to ‘something’ that is located far away.

The lumps that don’t fit together are forcibly entangled. Most of them were merged, but in the middle, I could see that they were refusing to merge with their teeth growling at them.

Perhaps that is the shape of Ichiro Shirogane’s marriage. Did she lose consciousness and said 3 months? At that level, it would not be strange for an ordinary person to lose her ego.

But that soul still clearly maintained its self. I’m not sure if it’s because of his strong convictions or his heart for his family, but he’s been fighting since that day.

‘It’s amazing.’

However, it is very inefficient. If I faced that situation, I would have thought about whether there was a way to absorb them all instead of fighting back.

“…Chimera, I think?”

I’m not sure. First of all, I knew that Ichiro Shirogane’s soul was used as the fuel to move that pseudo-chimera, not magic stones.

That’s why I felt a sense of difference. The magical power itself uses Ichiro Shirogane’s, but since the subject is the subject, the magical power has been altered once through a filter, so impurities have been added to the pure magical power.

As soon as he delivered it, Harentz’s expression visibly deteriorated.

“Then it must be the work of the Dark Magic Tower. If you dare to open your hands to such things, Yashiro’s name will also fall.”

At that, I nodded in agreement.

There aren’t many people in this world who make such bizarre things. At best, it must have been the work of those who committed themselves to the Dark Magic Tower after being banished for violating a taboo.

I looked around for a while, but didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. If you destroy that Chimera, Ichiro Shirogane’s soul will escape.

‘Originally, I mean.’

I used [Harvester] Even stronger.

At the same time, pain arose as if the brain was ripening after a long time. It felt like my eyes were on fire. No, I could actually see magic power shining in the form of fire.

I tried to ignore the pain and blood dripping from my eyes and looked at him again. He didn’t just look at it, he continued to use it until the [Book of Investigation].

Then, what seemed obscure like a haze gradually became clearer.

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‘f*ck, it’s so damn hard.’

First of all, the reason why Ichiro Shirogane’s soul is tied to the body of that chimera that bothered me the most. You need to figure that out

I was able to arrive at the correct answer after grasping that only tenaciously. And I was astonished.

‘Is that… Possible?’

That’s not just tied. Shirogane Ichiro’s soul is clearly one. However, it was strangely twisted and settled all over the chimera’s body.

How is that possible? Is it possible that the connection with one’s own body has not been severed, and furthermore, that the soul is tied to another body while being completely torn?

It was strange even after I said it, so I tried it again several times, but the result was not different.

At that moment, I remembered a game I had enjoyed in my previous life. It was a game where you solve a puzzle by making orange and blue connection points and passing through them.

The curious thing about the game is that if you put the connection points on the same line, an infinite repetition occurs as if you are facing a mirror.

If you look at one side of the aisle, you can see your back. If you hold out your hand, the half of that part will appear on the other side.

Ichiro Shirogane’s soul feels just like that right now. Connected but divided Among them, the technique used was too complicated for me to understand.

No, can I read that in the first place?

I was astonished at the fact that such a thing could be possible with a simple chimera, not in a special cast.

Because the material is special? No, that alone is not enough. That is no different from forcibly intertwining things that simply have good materials and cannot be achieved apart from one’s own high school.

The proof is Ichiro Shirogane, who is struggling from within.

Originally, a chimera would not move even if it were fused into one. However, even though the inside is a mess, that guy is moving normally. That existence itself should be seen as a lump of contradiction itself.

‘It’s not like the sealing mechanism was applied.’

If the soul was sealed with a seal, it would be impossible to use Ichiro Shirogane’s magical power in that way. Further, more than that, fuel is needed to maintain the seal.

But to me, that chimera didn’t seem to have that.

‘It’s bizarre.’

A phenomenon that cannot happen is being maintained for some reason. It is an obvious anomaly.

Most of the chimeras that alchemists make are basically made through body modification.

Forcibly connect parts of another object to an existing object. There, something to replace the soul is sewn in to extend it to be recognized as a part of the body.

It is only when such a harmonization process is completed that something worthy of being called a chimera is born.

But what should I say about that? It wasn’t that the parts were connected, it was just forcibly putting living things together.

As an analogy, it is like mixing rubber clay of different colors to create a plausible shape.

A contradiction, a contradiction.

‘Why did he follow me so obediently?’

You were expecting this. I glared at Lee Se-rin, who was smiling brightly from behind with cold eyes, and clicked my tongue.

Originally, I was going to pass on the work as it is and move on my own. But I can’t just pass by looking at something like that.

That’s not going to happen, but it’s a contradiction beyond my understanding. If something goes wrong, along with that, there is a possibility that Ichiro Shirogane’s soul will disappear.

‘My head hurts.’

What is certain is that I will move myself and extract the soul of Ichiro Shirogane, the power source. My intuition whispered to me that it was possible if I had [The Harvester] And my summons.

Since ancient times, coping skills and improvisation have been considered necessary above all else in these unexpected situations.

And those things are my strong point as I prefer improvisation. In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say that this situation is literally perfect for me.

I instantly felt relieved because it was so contrived. I looked at Lee Se-rin, but she was still looking at me from the perspective of a bystander.

Since the preparations have already been completed, are you saying that you should eat it on your own? Be very kind too.

“Five minutes.”

Harrantz raised his eyebrows at my sudden words. Whatever reaction he may have is out of my interest for now.

My brain, which was running taut in real time, stuttered as if it had been overloaded. I somehow managed to get rid of it with magical power.

I felt my eyesight flicker and my body’s center of gravity faltered. Does not matter. Fix it as a shadow and use [Milittle] To the fullest to focus only on the recovery of the body.

That wasn’t enough, so I resummoned Echidna, who should have been sitting next to Comet, and returned it to my recovery.

Summons and gives orders to Kalion and Graul.

Graul ordered the Hive to bite and kill all enemies approaching to prevent unnecessary interference, and Kalion entrusted control of all magical powers that interfered with my calculations.

That eased my throbbing head a little.

From the moment he realized that Ichiro Shirogane’s strangeness was influenced by something spatial, Heize was already moving and figuring out what that was.

All of that was accomplished in just two seconds. It would be more than that if you add the increased experience time, but what about it? To others, it must have happened literally in the blink of an eye.

“…No, 3 minutes is enough.”

A smile came to his lips.

An incomprehensible strategy appeared after a long time. Is it because you took the idea from a game? The gamer’s attacking instinct, which he thought had died long ago, was wriggling.

“I’ll press down thoroughly.”

The figure of the shadow that began to sway under the influence of my emotions looked like a dead man’s hand extending through the soil of a well-covered grave.

Well, that’s not too bad.

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