127 – 2. Old Summoner (74)


I was the one who led the process of changing seats and telling the story.

He explained the current condition of Ichiro Shirogane, how to solve it, how to take temporary measures, and the aftereffects that may occur even if he solves this problem afterwards.

Toru Shirogane put on a stupid expression as if he didn’t understand half of what was explained over the course of an hour, and Rui Shirogane did the same.

No, this side probably didn’t listen on purpose with the mindset of ‘I’ll do everything well’ rather than just understanding.

Only the person in charge, Hanabi Shirogane, listened carefully and tried to understand by asking questions. They are also involved, but the difference in passion was so sad. Is this the weight of patriarch…?

“…Ha ha.”

After clearing all doubts, Hanabi Shirogane finally relaxed her expression and sighed as if she had let go of her sigh. It was as if her frozen eyes were melting a little as her tense body drooped and completely relaxed.

The sight of him blinking and dazed for a moment was like a person who hadn’t breathed heavily, but had finally found the light after running through the endless darkness.

For fear that someone might not be mother and daughter, the expression on her face was the same when she released her tired and difficult things.

Turning her gaze slightly to see Rui Shirogane, she still looked at her mother with her sullen expression, then felt her gaze on mine and tilted her head to express her doubts.

…Well, no. Let’s also cancel the word that we look alike. I ignored Rui Shirogane’s gaze and headed straight ahead. Then Hanabi Shirogane, who regained her senses, tensed her body again and stood up from her seat.

“I didn’t know the benefactor who saved her husband’s life. I am sorry for having committed a really big disrespect.”

Then he politely bowed her down.

What I like about her more than anything is that she immediately hit her head as soon as she understood her situation. Unlike Hong Soo-ah’s clumsy five-body fighting spirit that we saw before, it was a beautiful posture with a sense of dignity.

In Japanese, too, Togeza. Yes, that doggeza

Comparing the ones I imitate without hesitation and the ones from the original country, I thought that it was definitely on a different level.

How much do you have to be sincere in an apology? It was a perfect posture that made me unknowingly have the urge to stomp on the head with my feet.

Apart from admiration, even if I received this kind of emotion, nothing moved, and it was just a nuisance, so I told him to stop by waving his hand.

Toru Shirogane sighed and shook her head when she saw her own sister who sympathized with me and me who did not even think to hide her troublesome expression over her own mother.

Yes, I know that feeling well. This is chaos and chaos. You’ve been through a lot too. Still, I will not sympathize. Because I am the same



I grabbed the head of Rui Shirogane, who was giggling next to her, and handed it over to her mother.

Then Hanabi Shirogane grabbed Rui Shirogane’s hair and made her look exactly like herself, as if it were only natural.

“Me, why am I…”

“The disgrace of the family is the disgrace of the clan. Please accept it meekly. Louie.”

“Ahhhhh… Either way, I’m the one blocking it…”

I did say that, but there was no strength at all.

Shirogane Rui seemed to be enjoying himself halfway through it, too. Should we call it an exchange like wrestling? Maybe it was because I was concentrating on looking at the soul until now, but I saw those things regardless of my intentions.

When I consciously stopped using [The Harvester], The thoughts that were subtly disproportionate gradually disappeared, as if the colors and noise that were so bright that it stung my eyes.

At the difference, eye fatigue came naturally, so I closed my eyes and massaged the bridge of my nose between them. It’s a meaningless action, but it’s enough to feel emotionally released.

‘It will take some time to get used to.’

It was harder to control my strength than I thought. Even though I was recovering my body with the power of [Patience], Considering that it was this much fatigue, it was certain that the power would not end up with damage to my eyesight if I went wrong.


Since the errands were over, I left as if ignoring their chatter and tried to join the Comets, but I was suddenly caught by the hem of my pants.

When I turned around, I saw Hanabi Shirogane, who had approached me before I knew it, looking up at me with a clean smile on her face.

“What is it?”

“Because if I don’t do anything to repay my benefactor for helping the family survive, my ancestors will definitely give me a big shout.”

To be honest, it was annoying. It doesn’t seem necessary right away, and it’s certain that their future will be eaten by Lee Se-rin anyway. The fact that he is still constantly looking at me is proof of that.

I’m so sick of it. This guy and that guy are all annoying.

“…So what is your true intention?”

“We don’t have enough energy to follow the blueprint of the plan right now, so we would like to ask for your help.”

The smile that was made when he said that was an embarrassingly shameless yet cool smile. Because of this, the sound like a snake comes out.

“If you are going to make it into debt, wouldn’t it be better to make it bigger?”

“…Really dumbfounded.”

“I will accept it as consent.”

In spite of my sighs, he even proceeds with his plan on his own. Should I say that he is stubborn about this, or should I say that he is good at his job? I don’t know about anything else, but I want to have him as a subordinate because he seems to be doing well.

Apart from belief, such a person is very faithful to their desires, so it is easy to use them. Her driving force that moves her now is none other than the safe return of her Shirogane and her Ichiro.

When Lee Se-rin sees it, she is single-minded and sweet enough to make her saliva flow. Maybe even now pure love! Beautiful love! I wonder if I’m doing a damn light emission while doing this.

‘…Couldn’t this be why they tried to take over this place?’

If you think about it, it seems that the directors of the companies that have recently come under the umbrella of the Dragonia Group are only parakeet couples or people with pure love equivalent to them.

As I continued to ponder, I suddenly got goosebumps at the sloppy, scrutinizing gaze and stopped thinking.

…I’m sure you’ll do it well. As long as my skills are good, I don’t know if it’s pure love or anything. It’s enough for me to move in my own way.

Looking at it, it seems that he intends to run right away, but this side has no intention of erasing the debt by going through so much trouble. To be honest, what I’ve done now is enough to deal with Shirogane Rui.

I was convinced from the fact that I moved to protect myself even against my own mother earlier. Right now, within her, my priorities are equal to or higher than her family.

Perhaps he was aware of my helplessness and was worried about hurting his mother, so he might have reacted violently on purpose, but his head hurt too much to think about that.

Because devoting one’s thoughts is part of labor. I formed a shadow through magic and sat there.

Perhaps it was because most of my life was spent sitting in a seat after my previous life, but sitting on the floor like now is something that doesn’t calm me down.

First of all, I made not only myself, but other guys too. The quality is poor, but the reason I’m sitting alone is because the picture is bad.

In addition to preventing the tatami floor from being crushed by the edge of the chair, there is nothing to worry about because the floor itself is reinforced by putting a shadow on it.

“…This is great.”

“Isn’t it? Our CNU brother is very versatile. Omnipotent!”

“Please change the rude way you talk about benefactor. Louie.”

“Ah, CNU’s younger brother wouldn’t care about that, right? Wouldn’t you say it’s annoying and tell me to take care of it?”

At the words of Shirogane Rui, who accurately grasped me in that short space of time, Hanabi Shirogane looked at me with a puzzled expression for an instant.

“…Sit down for now.”

When I, the person in charge, turned the story around without replying, I calmly nodded my head in agreement.

“I will listen to the words of my benefactor.”

Then she knelt down in a beautiful posture that was different from what we saw earlier.

At most she prepared a chair, but I felt her stubbornness when she dared to sit on the floor, so I sighed inwardly and continued the story.

“It is not me who helps, but my pet.”

To be exact, with only Hive and Siege, I intend to just stand by the sidelines.

Of course, if the two of them die, they will be nearby so that they can be revived and brought back to life, but in battle, they will only be located completely away from each other. In the first place, the summoner was chosen for this purpose.

“…Ah, come to think of it, there were reports that I was a summoner. I took it for granted that I was a warrior.”

I thought what on earth did I think of me as a warrior, but for an instant, the information about [Battle King] Flashed through my mind. Adding corrections for battle also meant building a body suitable for it.

I didn’t have an unattractive body when I saw it before, but my body now has a strong feeling of being full of small muscles. In addition, you can take care of flexibility, so I think it’s a body that’s perfect for fighting.

At first, I was just amazed that my body could change like this in one night, but to people who don’t know me, I might look like I have talent in martial arts.

Recalling the fraudulent nature of the skill, I returned to the derailed subject again.

“Stop that, you were going to go get your husband right now anyway. Is not it?”

“Yes, with the help of a benefactor, the process will definitely be easier.”

“And I was convinced only by my ability, not by my competence.”


As I snapped his fingers, the shadows stretched under my feet, and a hive the size of a crow poke out of hiding and landed on my shoulder. After that, Shizu also appeared, put a cloth on top of me and floated a lantern.

Even when [The Harvester] Was turned off, Shizu’s figure was vaguely visible. She put her cloth on her shoulders and put her arms around my neck.

Perhaps my soul and related things were influenced by [The Harvester], Just as my body was put into a form suitable for battle by [The King of Fighters].

Because [The Harvester] Contains a lot of things related to the soul. [Arsang’s agony], Which I still don’t know what effect it has, is the same.

I thought I should do something in earnest, but something didn’t go right. In that respect, this opportunity wasn’t too bad.

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Now my job level is 37. The last time I reached 35, the number of summons increased by one, so it will increase again when I reach 40.

Based on that, I intend to use it for the soul in earnest.

‘Besides, monsters I’ve never seen before will be openly roaming the frontlines.’

Time is running out. The magical energy that assimilated into my emotions trembled subtly as if it were displaying the unpleasant emotions around me.

It was like an animal growling and threatening.

“Tell me your true feelings. You intend to attract the woman behind me through me.”


Silence is no different from affirmation. If my network is also a skill, is it a skill? She is truly a dark-hearted woman.

Shirogane Hanabi didn’t lie. She just cleverly hid a part of the truth.

It’s a technique I usually use, so there’s no way I’m not aware of it. What bothered me more than anything was that they raised me up as a tactic to pass the fact on without getting caught.

She is a skilled assassin who can lead a family as well as a company. Isn’t it too unfortunate for such a person to simply bow down in a friendly relationship?

It is true that she wants the safe return of Toru Shirogane as her top priority, but it is also true that she has something to hide as a shield.

There is a goal you want. But she hid it.

What is the reason?

‘It’s not that simple.’

Someone is inferred to be behind Ichiro Shirogane’s falling into such a state. And she knows who it is.

In other words, he didn’t want me to find out about it.

Then who is behind it?

Her past. Shirogane’s location. The aftermath it will create.

After weighing them all, I came to one conclusion. At the same time, the shadow fades and settles on my body like clothes.

I put the mask that was naturally on my face on my head like raising the visor of a helmet so that I could wear it again at any time, and I untied my legs.

I felt like I finally knew if they couldn’t properly deal with Ichiro Shirogane. That woman was wary of the person summoned by Yashiro.

For some reason, she was wary of Yashiro. In other words, she regarded Yashiro as an ‘enemy’.

“Yashiro wants the downfall of Shirogane. Is it because I want to take you back to my original family?”


Shirogane Hanabi chewed her teeth as if my words were the truth. It was Shirogane Rui and Shirogane Tooru who were taken aback.

“Mom? What do you mean?”

“Why in the world…”

Severing the long-standing relationship between the main family and the branch family. It is also the main source of supply that will firmly support them.

However, Yashiro decided that it would be more than enough to calculate all of them. So even in such a state, it was not properly supported. No, it may have been that he took the initiative and applied pressure.

In that sense, the appearance of her existence as me must have seemed like a rope descending from the sky.

‘Is that why you clung so desperately to me?’

I am known as the fiancé of Se-Rin Lee of the Dragonia Group. Because of this, I could have asserted that there was no way I could come under the breath of Yashiro or the like.

The weight class difference between Dragonia and Yashiro was not considered. She made the assertion because she knew what kind of monster Lee Se-rin was.

In the past, she was a giraffe with enough talent to be the next head of Yashiro.

I guess you couldn’t just watch someone like that rot away like a woman from a branch family.

It was the scaffolding that would destroy Shirogane. She trashes her place where she will be and stakes the life of something dear to her. It was a very typical cancer world. But nothing is as effective.

If you don’t have a weakness, it’s the job of an assassin, and even a contractor, to prepare something that can be turned into a weakness.

In that respect, Yashiro accomplished what they had to do.

But apart from that, humanity must have been thrown as dog food. In order to cope with the darkness, the things I wanted to know about the darkness have become eaten by the darkness, so it is no different than the first Yashiro’s arrogant karma returned.

Even their own families used it as a throwaway card, so it must have been a fairly large fire.


After organizing my thoughts up to that point, I put my hand on the armrest of the chair and tapped my fingers as usual.

This is the fork in the road.

‘Should I accept this and bear the burden, or will I continue to get the unknown aftertaste of being that woman?’

A branch house abandoned even in the main house. Se-Rin Lee must have taken all of this into consideration and tried to take over Shirogane. Then it would be possible to leave some of her troubles to her.

But that could also be the result of giving Lee Se-rin the right to intervene in my future work.

Everything boils down to his own interests, and he is an extreme hedonist who only pursues fun. Even if he is crazy, he is a monster who is mad and looks like a normal person.

She is wrong in the first place because she expects her from her.

‘It’s a bit early… But should I lay the groundwork now?’

She still lacks the skills to run her company using her Comet as the main axis. What if that woman can fill it?

‘Is there a profit…?’

Just having Comet absorb her ability itself, including her way of thinking, will lead to future-oriented gains.

If I can rob Yashiro and acquire the art of assassination, then her EA power will increase as well.

If you’re going to do it, let’s get rid of the annoying things. And to negotiate it with Lee Se-rin. Because Yashiro, who can be ‘used’ in many ways, would be more beneficial to her than the mediocre Shirogane.



I made up my mind. So he forced the woman in front of him to answer.

Shirogane Hanabi shrugged her shoulders once, probably because of her magical energy, and then she let out a long breath, then looked up at me with her unwavering eyes and opened her mouth.

“…As you might guess, it was Yashiro who orchestrated this incident. The current head of the family and my father wanted me to come back to my family, but I refused.”

Is that so? I clenched my chin and insisted on continuing.

“The current Yashiro… Has lost the spirit of invitation. On the contrary, the branch family that was not affected by the main family had more of the original family’s attitude.”

“Is that why you abandoned your post as the next Yashiro and married a man from the branch family?”

“Yeah, all the guys who were opposing opinions were convinced by Yashiro’s ‘conversation’. Of course, it was kind of like running away from home, because it was just scumbags who didn’t even care about the old rules.”

In short, you hit it with force and ran away. That she had the power to do so at the time. Yashiro didn’t have the strength to tie her up like that.

“I have no desire to go back to that cold, bloody lair where people are seen as mere tools and means of making money. Above all, for me at the time… I had a family I had to protect.”

“…You mean?”

“When I left the family, I was already pregnant with Louis.


Perhaps it was because of the sudden mention of her name, Rui Shirogane expressed her embarrassment in a high pitched voice.

“It is a very nostalgic past. She first got to know him when she met him at her academy. Since I was a branch family, I knew information about his identity, but… Yes, I can say that I first learned about a person named ‘Shirogane Ichiro’ back then.”

Saying that, as if recalling the past, Shirogane Hanabi, immersed in melancholy, smiled very softly, which was in contrast to the rigid expressionless expression of the moment.

“Meeting him made me feel like a person for the first time. She developed a relationship between a soldier and an artisan between the main family and the branch family, who only knew information, and the relationship soon became a woman and a man. Compared to the cold home, his embrace was very warm. He was even more attracted to me because his attitude wasn’t just a facade.”

Even at her young age, it was certain that she would become the next family head, and in a sense, she was the closest person to the first Yashiro.

Perhaps the head family regarded her as the reincarnation of the invitation that made her Yashiro the brightest sparkling star in Japan?

Since she already shone the brightest, they cling to her, who will bring a new wind and revival to them.

I don’t know if it’s halfway through, but I can’t give up all the more because I’ve tasted the part of her competent. There aren’t many things soggy as her obsession and obsession with the weak.

However, they decided that it was impossible with their own strength. Then let’s wait for the time.

Waiting and waiting until her blade becomes dull and things as precious as her life begin to emerge. That’s how you catch that weakness.

Even if the blade is dull, just sharpen it again. However, it is only when their minds go astray that they worry about their safety. So let’s make it come back by our own will.

Makes those who went out on their own come back. It is one of the frequently used rhetoric, and its meaning is to make one’s will bend oneself.

What on earth can you do with a broken will? It doesn’t matter if it’s voluntary or unintentional. The act of breaking with one’s own hands is of significance.

What they want is a tool that will bring them brilliant prosperity, not a monster that will point a dangerous blade at them.

I had already been burned by that fire once, so if I went back this time, it would be impossible to get rid of it in any way.

Maybe something even more terrible will happen. To stop it, she moved.

“I thought something like this would happen someday, so I desperately thought about it, but…”

The thing I was worried about finally exploded.

I succeeded in elevating Shirogane’s union to the best of the generation, but I failed to protect her most important weakness.

“What an idiot. In case something like this could happen, the amulet I gave you was also conceded to ease the tension of the guild members who accompanied you on this expedition for the first time. If you are targeted by such a topic, you say that the most dangerous thing is your surroundings, so you deliberately walk away and carry everything alone so that no damage will occur…”

I fell in love with that, but he’s such a mean person.

“What the hell is the reincarnation of the first Yashiro when you can’t protect a single family member… It’s ridiculous.”


As she spoke with tears in her eyes, Rui Shirogane, who was next to her, grabbed her hand tightly.

Toru Shirogane grabbed her head and let out a deep sigh, as if her brain capacity had been filled up just by noticing the circumstances of the family she didn’t know about.

The rough story was not much different from what I expected. If this is the case, the justification itself is sufficient. The question is whether Se-Rin Lee will receive this.

“Let’s make the conditions clear.”

Is Yashiro’s downfall what you want? Or is it the life of her husband? I presented two options.

“…Does the choice have meaning in the first place?”

If Yashiro is not destroyed, nothing will be improved no matter how much the situation is resolved. Shirogane Hanabi’s choice was decided in the first place.

“I need both.”

“The price is high. Perhaps you will lose everything you have built so far.”

“…I’ve definitely realized this. I don’t care if I can protect my family. Even if it means selling my soul.”

It seems that she was already quite crowded. I don’t know what her original self was like. However, it must have been ‘perfect’ to the extent that the people of Yashiro wanted to do such troublesome work.

The girl who did that has now gained humanity and stepped back.

After watching that scene for a while, I opened my mouth to the void.

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“Come out because I know you’re watching.”


At the same time, the sweet scent of strong citrus crossed the tip of her nose.

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