125 – 2. Old Summoner (72)


In the end, before looking around the workshop, we all decided to stop by a nearby cafe.

I arrived here after Rui Shirogane said that there are many people who are well versed in alchemy in the Shirogane Guild, and among them there are people who run shops as a hobby.

Did you say that the combination of drinks and alchemy is just a difference in ingredients? Let’s just say that he was as good at alchemy as he was at drinking.

The important thing is not the taste of this cafe, but the woman hesitating in front of me, Narae Shin.

To be honest, I have a chimney-like desire to leave this place right now.

But it didn’t. Even if you leave the place like this, you will be able to get away right away. However, over time, it is clear that the same place will be created under the leadership of Ban Tae-woong.

Since you’ll go through the same trouble twice, it’s only right to take this opportunity.


I put down the coffee cup I was holding on to and finished my thoughts, looking at the girl in front of me and opening my mouth.

“So, what do you want to say?”

“…Actually, I had a vague feeling from the first time I met him, but seeing him made it clear.”

Shin Na-rae made a very serious expression as if he had made up his mind at my words.

She hardened her expression and sat next to me, dabbing the powdered sugar and whipped cream on top of the matcha frappe with a spoon, watching Echidna wink.

“That person. A demon, right?”

“The Devil?!”

The one who responded to Narae Shin’s words was Sarah Bright, not anyone else. She put her hand to her waist to draw her sword at once, but it’s a pity that she didn’t bring a weapon here! She made a look.

Then, as if she would fill it with her gums if she had no teeth, she covered her whole body with sacred flags and confronted me as if to keep herself fresh. I calmly watched the woman screaming alone and used her magical power.

“If you don’t want to die, get rid of that nonsense.”

“…Keep, uh, ugh…”

You dare to try to look at mine even though these eyes are open. If it was someone else, she already killed it.

No, before that, the shadow penetrated the inside of the brain, slowly causing the brain to slowly taste the pain of the brain fragments blending and killing them.


The magic of the shadow I possess now expresses my image. It also means that I am at a level where I can convey my thoughts intact to the subject.

What I saw now is [Charisma] Plus [Peace] Mixed with mana.

Originally, it was supposed to simply strengthen the presence and draw attention, but now the normal power made the subject feel what I imagined.

In short, it is to forcefully feel the kind of phenomena such as phantom pain or delusion. That’s the way I want it too.

The reason Sarah Bright’s expression is grotesquely twisted right now is because I half experienced the imagination I had in mind through magic.

It was like watching a newborn deer to see it stagger under the pressure of simple magical power with no intent to kill.

Even the sight of him desperately holding on and glaring at me was disgusting. This side was quiet, but when the subject exposed their teeth first, they were at a disadvantage, so they acted as if they were victims.

You didn’t even think that you were going to die?

“The meaning of a guy who claims to be a knight pulling out his sword, and the attitude he’s in, are terrible.”

It’s soft. Immature feeling down at the same time.

Yes, this is how humans should be. Aren’t the arrogant and arrogant people who claim that their values are correct? He is like a dog that barks at every passer-by for fear that his rice bowl will be taken away from him.

“Go away. Half-poon It’s not even worth dealing with.”

“Your gnome…!!”

People naturally get angry when an infidelity they want to hide is revealed. Now she was caught up in her emotions, and she erased even her thoughts of what she wanted to keep by her side.

I don’t know what past she had or what happened.

She just ignored my ‘words’ to get rid of the murderous intent. Furthermore, he expressed his intention to attack. That is enough.


I won’t kill you. However, I intend to make it so that he will never be able to raise his sword and call himself a knight again. The magical power that fully reflects my will is dyed black and takes shape.

It was the moment when the shadow slowly permeated as if ink were sprinkled on the water and formed into the shape of a sharp blade.

“Sera Bright. I appoint you as a candidate for sainthood. Reap the holy power right now.”



The light shone and Ban Tae-woong and Shin Na-rae opened their mouths at the same time. Ban Tae-woong fully received the mana that was directed at Sera Bright and shook his head calmly, grabbing my hand that was on the verge of moving.

Perhaps because even her holy spirit was sealed by Shin Na-rae’s ‘authority’, Sarah Bright naturally sat down on the spot when her pressure was released. The cold sweat shed during that short period of time was no joke.

She didn’t intend to kill her anyway, but I don’t know what she was afraid of.

Having these thoughts must be a ‘privilege’ that you can have because you have become stronger. If I had been weak, I would have spent my emotions arguing over Echidna right here.

I reaped my magic. From the beginning to the end, the expression that was indifferent to the end is filled with disgust and annoyance as if seeing bugs on purpose.

“…Never twice.”

This is a warning not only to her, but also to those around her.

I absolutely hate reaching out for mine. If you keep making exception after exception and making compromises with yourself, this is the one that wears out in the end.

So draw the final line from the beginning and consume it. Pay only for the bare minimum and essentials.

I closed my eyes and snorted as if to let go of my anger, and Comet and Echidna immediately jumped in to comfort me, probably to ease my mood.

“Master. Try this here! I asked the person at the store to add herbs that calm the mind and body. In what sense, isn’t that what the current master needs the most?”

There are many words. One word. Take a well-cut cookie with a bite that sits in your mouth. It is bitter. And write Every time I chewed on it, the crumbs spread in my mouth, and it became soggy in an instant.

…This wasn’t dessert to anyone’s eyes, it was medicine.

What came to mind at that moment was the desert. There was such a demonic nature in this cookie that it made my mouth dry and naturally looked for moisture.

How on earth do I have to modify it to get such a novel taste? Could it be that I have unleashed a poison on her that should not have been released?

Wrong reading.

Still, it wasn’t to the extent that I couldn’t eat it, so I threw the rest into my mouth and forced myself to chew and swallow it. The bitter taste subtly lingered in my mouth, and it bothered me.

“Lord, please accept my offering.”

From noble mtl dot com

The straw was placed in time for what was in the mouth to disappear.

It was the matcha frappe I bought. No, it’s okay because I have it. I told [Link] To drink you, and then drank the coffee I ordered for you to drink.

The bitter taste of the coffee flowed down the bitter taste in the mouth, making it cleaner. No, it wasn’t just dripping, it had the effect of making the subtle scent of coffee stand out even more.

By suppressing poison with poison, it produces a higher effect. Is it? Comet’s stubbornness to pursue perfection was visible in such trivial places.

“Not bad.”

I wish I could make it even taste better. Still, thanks to that, all the grunting feelings were relieved. Maybe this is what he was aiming for and did this.



The tense atmosphere was relieved by the appearance of Echidna drinking matcha frappe at my command, although sullen, in contrast to Comet smiling triumphantly.

“You eat too.”

I handed over the cookie that Comet gave me to Ban Tae-woong, who was still dazed in front of me. Putting it in directly is disgusting, so I made a hand with a shadow and forced it in halfway. I can’t be the only one isn’t it?

“Huh?! Well well, gulp. Ugh, what is this… So bitter!! And sore throat, khehehe!”

Ban Tae-woong, whose complexion turned blue as if he had eaten something he couldn’t eat while repeating his cough, immediately picked up the drink on his table and gulped it down.

“Puha, sa, lived.”

With this, the atmosphere must have been aroused. I have no desire to take this seriously. The tension on the faces of those who understood it was relieved at once.

“…Haa, you really are too selfish. Aren’t you tired of it?”

“Ummm, Shinwoo’s younger brother is unpredictable. That’s the charm.”

Rui Shirogane naturally accepted Lucia’s words.


Lucia shook her head and agreed with her words. For an instant, she looked at Shirogane Rui with eyes wondering if what she had heard was correct.

“Huh? Why?”

The eyes cross. The accident was subtly inconsistent. At this fact, one side expressed amazement and the other looked at each other with wonder. Then, Lucia, who had been frozen for a while, sighed.

“…No. I think I have a rough idea of what kind of person the chairman of the morality committee is.”

“Really? I was also relieved because my brother’s friends are funnier than I thought!”

This person is not an ordinary person either. With that fact, Lucia alone embraced her head.

After finishing my mouth with coffee, I sat down with Sarah Bright and said while watching the excitement.

“Is it okay if I go to the main topic now?”

“…Yes, I’m really sorry for the damage caused by the servant’s work.”

If you hear an apology from someone else, it will only decrease its value. I didn’t even get an apology, I just ignored it.

“First of all, Echidna, this guy’s species is the devil. But at the same time each of my ministries. Don’t worry, there won’t be anything like the church thinks.”

Among the policies of the church, to be precise, of Kwangilgyo, there are several items that must be carried out with the highest priority no matter what happens.

It’s not part of a doctrine, but it’s like a rule that you have to follow yourself to keep that doctrine.

For example, there are the disposition of the undead and the rescue of citizens, and this includes not stopping to devote oneself through penance that is closest to the doctrine.

Among them, demons have the power to shake people’s emotions and bring about confusion, so they are placed in the top priority for elimination under the pretext of erroneous faith.

Basically, asceticism is hard work. People are strong but at the same time fragile. Gwangilgyo believes that this can be overcome through training. In fact, as you train repeatedly, the ability points accumulate in the status window, so this is also true in some sense.

But the devil easily softens even the strongest. It stimulates and corrupts the fundamental emotions of humans.

That is why those in the church are extremely afraid of, vigilant against, and reject the existence of the devil.

Moreover, there are those who try to prove the firmness and steadfastness of their faith by punishing the devil. A typical example is the Bright family, where Sarah Bright is located.

The number of demons defeated by the current head of the family exceeds 10,000, and among them there are demons who have attained high ranks.

The word “Strongest paladin” Is not for nothing.

In that sense, the existence of Sarah Bright can be seen as a failure of the Bright family. There is nothing wrong with power. He has a neat appearance and his skills in handling divine power are also at a high level compared to his peers.

Just being in this academy is proof of that. It’s just that the inside is rotten.

Now that I have realized the power of the soul, Sarah Bright’s appearance in my eyes looked no different from the so-called wind-balloon doll. No matter how neat the outside is, the inside is empty, and when the wind blows out, it will sag as it is.

It breaks so easily. Compared to the growth of the body, the inside has not matured. It can be seen as an example of a typical hobudogyeon.

“Above all, this guy is a priest.”

“…A priest?”

“This is ridiculous…”

The one who expressed doubt and denial about my words was Sarah Bright, who took care of herself between Ban Tae-woong and him. His complexion was still pale, so he didn’t wake up properly, but he was just holding on with his own ego.

If it hadn’t been for that woman who was seated next to her, she would have passed out right away.

‘Are you saying that a candidate is a candidate?’

The name of a saint is not simply a given title or status. The strength and demeanor that the existence will bring, all of them are harmonized and naturally follow.

In that respect, Shin Narae, that woman was a candidate for a saint. I don’t know if she intended it, but it’s because she is helping the weak lamb next to her in real time.

In other words, Sarah Bright, that woman is no different than relying on her own will, not her will.

Because they themselves are weak, they are afraid of carrying them, so they try to find it in others.

A normal person would fail at that. But luckily, there was a place of refuge called ‘Narae Shin’ by her side.

Even though she is not yet an official paladin, the fact that she sits next to her saintly candidate could be a kind of defense mechanism to protect her own weakness by ‘imitating a knight’?

Putting aside her heart, her skills are outstanding. But for her, even that works at the lower level, up to the intermediate level if you hit it well.

I was able to feel more keenly because I was dealing with ‘image’ like this. To survive in this world, simply having a strong body is not enough. Even her heart must be completely trained to stand at the starting point with rain.

That’s why it bothered me. Others desperately try to get to the starting line. It will continue now and in the future.

But she was different. What she is doing is her self-consolation. She is desperately running away from reality by acting as a knight who protects someone. If he had put that effort into self-contemplation, he would have become stronger earlier… Should I say that he is really dumb or human in a true sense?

However, as far as I could see, it was disgusting to see her mouth still alive without being able to take care of herself properly.

“Why? There are also parasites that imitate knights, so how can you conclude that there are no demon priests?”


Pud Deuk.

Sera Bright chewed her teeth at my words. I immediately figured out who the parasite I meant. I’m glad I have an eye on it.

You won’t understand it if you explain it a hundred days. I gave my gaze to Echidna. With her whipped cream smeared all over her mouth, she raised her head. Seeing that, it seemed that my grunting heart melted in an instant.

Should I say that the tension is relaxed, like when someone who was always on the battlefield returned home?

It seemed that the tight nerve cords were loosening a little.

Recently, such a tendency has become stronger for summoned beasts. I’m just guessing that it’s because I feel relieved because it’s connected to my soul.

…But to be honest, I still don’t know.

Getting to know that bit by bit is probably one of the ways this power grows. It’s not like you’re feeling this way for nothing.

I cried a little bit and as if trying to calm down my rising emotions, I grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth directly and lowered the cotton thread I had raised to drink her drink.


“I will obey the command of the Lord.”

At those words, Echidna grabbed her small hands and placed them in front of her chest and quietly closed her eyes.

“[Have rest.]”

Her There’s nothing like her long-winded prayers to her. There is no need to be precise. In the [Doctrine] That she has seen and perfected through her experiences, words are useless.

One truthful proof is more important than a hundred words.

What you need is a sincere heart and tenacity to try to achieve it. Just fulfilling those two things will activate her divine power.

She wants her heart to become my strength. As long as I keep going, she never gives up trying.

To me she wishes to be proven.

‘Will I be your strength?’

Instead of [Link], The image of her faintly resounding through her soul becomes pure divine power and gently wraps around her.

It is a pure question. At the same time, it is also an innocent wind.

I also answer this with images.

Don’t ask for obvious things. Because time is scarce

At that, Echidna smiled faintly. The sight caught my breath.

The appearance, appearance, and even the race are different. However, that smile wrapped in light was very similar to the one I saw from the top of the clock tower.

In that fact, I held the accusation. But I deleted it right away. It made the chest cold as if forcibly freezing it.

Because a world where that smile can be maintained is the goal I hoped for.

Your whole body is filled with vitality as if to comfort me when I make a resolution. My mood is lifted and the feeling that something empty is being filled slowly settles in my chest.

Healing is only possible because it is a demon that feeds on emotions and controls them.

A rest like sweet rain that falls on the hearts of those who are tired from the constant battle.

A help like a tailwind that pushes back those who are constantly advancing.

“…Is this proof?”


Instead of answering, I heard someone whimpering. Looking around, I saw that everyone was making a solemn expression.

Honestly, gathering around the main character also means that there is a flaw somewhere. They are made to be ‘complete’ by the ‘protagonist’ filling in the lacking part.

The least responsive was Sarah Bright.

This is normal. As you can see, she is the one with the most heartache. Even if a little drizzle falls on it, which is twisted and tangled, it won’t change much.

However, no matter how small a change is, it remains unchanged. Whether this will be her poison or her advantage is up to her from now on.

…No, should I say it’s up to Ban Tae-woong?

“Lord, did you do well?”


From noble mtl dot com

As if to cut off my thoughts, I smiled like an innocent child and brushed the hair of the girl clinging to my bosom. Just like before, carefully but surely with strength.


I swept it as if leaving a trace that I was here.

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