113 – 2. ■■’S Summoner (60)


[Land of Cold Sighs] Is set in a snowfield dominated by winter as a whole.

When I looked around, my eyes naturally stung, probably because only the pure white frozen soil greeted me.

Even in the midst of this, the sky is dyed a gloomy purple and does not change in the slightest, so it must be said about this place that it is truly the polar region where sighs come out naturally.

The reason why you can see the ground around you is because the heat from the machine that exploded in the crash landing melted all the snow.

The engine firing sparks in real time is proof of that. Perhaps the second explosion had already occurred splendidly, everything around it had been scorched or carbonized, so no intact objects could be seen.

Wouldn’t all that be left be items that fell somewhere in the process of crash landing?

After grasping that far, a system alarm popped up in front of me.


[Quest occurs!]

[You crash-landed in an unknown land due to a sudden error!]

[Where is this really? Can I survive here?]

[Fortunately, I found the signal and activated it, but the outlook is not good.]

[Am I going to freeze and die like this in a pure white land where there is nothing?]

[Or struggle to survive]

[It’s all up to you.]

[Mission: Survive for 24 hours. <23:59:54>]

[* The higher the temperature of the dungeon, the faster it cools down.]


Extremely simple conditions for a B-rank dungeon. However, considering that the background is a snow country with nothing, it is not so easy.

But for us, the environment of this dungeon isn’t that scary.

I have a scam called Carrion, and if there’s anything lacking, just get the goods from Hive.

[Temperature] Is the meaning of the runes we chose for this confluence.

There is no place as sensitive to temperature as this dungeon, so if you look around here for 24 hours, you might come up with tricks even if you don’t like it.

In that sense, the combination between Rui Shirogane and me wasn’t too bad.


“Wow! Chill! No matter how I look at this place, I can’t get used to it!”

Since her family business is her family business, she must have had a high aptitude for fire since she was born. While vomiting white seaweed, she grabbed the fire next to her and started rubbing it against her body. .

From noble mtl dot com

If someone sees it, it’s an act that would be flagrantly suicidal, but I didn’t care. Her rough information about her is because I saw her at her cafe.

This is the reason why I chose this dungeon.

“Phew, it’s warm. I’m going to live for a while…”

The fire she touched didn’t burn her body, nor her clothes. Just sit next to her, cling to her body. Nothing more, nothing less.

On the contrary, it even swayed markedly as if it was extremely natural that it was added to her body and parasitized. Like water droplets overlapping to form larger drops, that fire slowly merged with Shirogane Rui.

That is her constitution. To be precise, should I say that the temperament she had from birth appeared as a [Skill] At the same time as she awakened?

For me, who handles summoned animals, the term [Characteristic] Is more relevant to me.

Skill [Descendant of Fire].

It was so easy to collect information about her and videos of her activities, probably because she is in a prominent position called her moral committee.

This is the academy. It would not be easy to rise to the top while hiding one’s strength in a place where the rule of thumb supports meritocracy and efficiency under the name of education.

In her case, rather, she shows off her signature technology, and it is a case where she clearly imprints who and what kind of person she is.

It is one of the ways to naturally gain support and dignity at the same time. Rather, should we say that you can stock up on more hidden tiles by opening your hand?

While it has the advantage of being able to quickly imprint an impression of oneself on the surroundings, it is not my preferred method because it is easy to leak information, and the disadvantage of being able to predict other hands based on what is revealed is also clear.

If you’re going to hide it, you have to hide it, and if you want to show off, you have to crush it so that you can’t easily see each other.

A halfway method like that may work for the public, but the risk is greater than the return. Of course, it wouldn’t matter if you had the confidence and skills to continue to stand on top even after taking that risk.

She, Shirogane Rui, belongs to the latter. Even excluding the value of the family name, her power belongs to the axis of the strong enough.

“Uhm, is it because it was a fire burning with engine oil? It’s a little stuffy.”

The eccentricities of adding fire to one’s body, swallowing it, and licking one’s lips seemed like a daily routine.

Maybe it’s because it’s a world where there are many more things about her than her, so I guess I’m slowly going crazy at the point where that kind of appearance became commonplace.

“What is the output?”

“…I think 30% is the maximum, assuming that there is no means to obtain a separate fire. I don’t feel the energy of fire in this dungeon at all.”


Shirogane The flames swayed and embroidered embers in the air as if to represent Rui’s feeling.

She is not even an elemental wizard, but she deals with fire spirits. This is because her power naturally leads the fire spirit.

Because he can handle fire at will, he naturally handles fire spirits that are closely related to him.

However, she cannot directly admit the appearance of the spirits because she does not have the ‘spirit eye’, which is her aptitude and essential element as a spirit sage. Even so, when it comes to fire, her talent is crazy because you can discover and feel the spirit more sensitively than most spiritists.

When a well-known elemental sage discusses her talent, she will describe her as a pearl on a pig’s neck.

If she became a spirit sage, she has the talent to rise to the highest and strongest position regardless of the era, but it would be heartbreaking to see her doing the work of an artisan who may or may not be ranked first. .

I will struggle to put her in her own family just because there is a possibility of putting her talent into her hands even a little bit of her.

Even if she is useless as her spirit sage, her ability to collect spirits alone is enough to be useful and valuable.

Until now, her family was in a position to stop it. But not now. Even if it is still in good shape, it is clear that it will gradually deteriorate as time goes on.

Those various complex factors must have been woven together to make her feel like this now.

I will use that feeling. As I help her by the side like this, I slowly carve out the perception that I am on her side.

After reading my thoughts, Se-Rin Lee is sure to start working on the family related to spiritism right away. Because I know her as much as she knows me.

I don’t think you can see the effect right away, but you will be able to see the aftermath in at least three days.

I just need to target her moment and slowly make her into my side. I move her slowly but surely so that she can never betray me.

Performance is necessary for him. I have to make sure she recognizes that I have an edge over her. That way, you will think of relying on me in case of emergency.


At my call, the shadows increased and created a deep darkness. A crow wearing a mask of a new skull appeared from the shadows that expanded its territory, ignoring the presence of fire.


Upon Hive’s appearance, Shirogane Rui, with a startled expression, transferred the flames from his hand to his body and started poking at Hive’s body.

As if she didn’t like that, Hive brushed her hand with her tail hair and immediately flew up, shrunk to a smaller size, and landed on my shoulder.


“Didn’t your brother tell you?”

“Yeah, Tohru just told me that there are amazing people, and I heard the rest as rumors.”

For something like that, it was a little quick to recognize that it was a summoned beast upon seeing it… Well, it seems that there is knowledge or skill to see through that kind of thing. It’s not something to think deeply about.

“Neither you nor I have anything to say about our skills, so we will only take care of the [Creativity] Part.”

Hong Soo-ah said that she would check her skills and if she met the conditions, she would enroll her in the Great Library. But she said that is not a right given only to those who belong to the higher ranks.

As for the tickets, it may be a reward given to those in the top ranks, but the great library has no such restrictions.

“Then, should we go with the feeling of unity? Like this and that with summons?”

“What are you talking about? Of course, seniors do it alone.”

Why bother me?

“Huh? Uh, that, but Shinwoo’s younger brother. I’ll help you…”

Perhaps he thought he was misunderstood by my confident words, but at Rui Shirogane’s demeanor creeping in even the end of his words, he seemed to let out a sigh, so he chewed it up and swallowed it.

I had to tell you this, but I felt a bit regretful. But he soon shook his head.

Yes, let’s assume that Hong Soo-ah’s intentions worked well, as she spoke vaguely from the beginning to mislead her.

Since she decided to put her hands and feet together, she decided to correct the misunderstanding on her own.

“[Creativity] Is two people making a skill, not necessarily two people demonstrating a skill together.”


The card we drew is [Temperature]. And her main specialty is handling fire. So this is kind of an experiment. She is my experiment to see how far she can go with her fire.

For that purpose, it is necessary to find out how far Shirogane Rui’s ability can reach.

The first day’s grasp is to find her lows and highs.

“I’ll take care of it from the beginning, so roll just enough so you don’t die.”

“… Huh?”


At the same time she put on a blank expression at my words, her new model flew to the side. The appearance of the red trajectory that followed one beat later resembled that of a meteor shower falling to the floor.


“Uh, it’s too coercive, CNU’s younger brother?”

Even in the blink of an eye, she managed to defend herself.

In the short time that I could only see after activating [Her Battle Concentration], The utilization she showed was truly the best.

The moment she concentrated her firepower, it was sprayed in one direction, launching her body into the air like her rocket and falling behind her. As a result, she minimized the damage she received and at the same time corrected her disproportionate body.

It is proof that you are very advanced in using fire. Wouldn’t even the pyromancer, no matter how long she flew, shake her head in front of her skill?

It’s proof that you didn’t spend 3 years at the academy in vain. Her strength she has achieved.


Although she completely destroyed her surprise, her expression was not very bright. That’s also because she used up 10% of the flames surrounding her body as she suddenly used fire to prevent her surprise attack.

“Sister Shinwoo, I’m asking just in case… Are you angry because of what you said earlier?”

“Stop talking nonsense and focus.”

If I had been someone who cared about every little thing like that, I would have suffered a nervous breakdown long ago.

She didn’t deny that she was upset though. If I had to correct it, it wasn’t me who was angry, it was Hive’s side.

The hive has become more noble, perhaps because it has gone through evolution and realized the nature of a ‘king’.

The one at the top. Because that’s the king

Ego, which was smart in the early days, but somehow one-dimensional, has now become so rich that it makes me feel sorry to compare it to someone who is halfway there.

Should I say it’s because of that? Unbeknownst to him, he began to keep in mind that he was the first summoned beast.

To the extent that I complained about the idea that ‘the strongest of the summoned beasts is Kalion’, which has been rooted in my perception.

Of course, this does not mean that Hive is lagging behind. If you only look at powerlessness, I think that the deceitful race of dragons, Kalion, is the strongest.

Nevertheless, Hive did not like that perception.

I want to have it. I want to make the position of the best my own. It must be the nature of a greedy guy before the king who leads the crowd.

Thus Hive was angry.

The reason I forgave the woman who blindly poked her own body in her first meeting was because I didn’t order the attack.

Now that that restriction has been lifted even a little bit, Hive wants to unleash his skills and relieve his accumulated resentment at the same time.

To prove it to none other than me.

As much as he has always been attached to him, it is Hive that he is bound to be affected by other summons. That’s why his method was very similar to mine.

Shadow spreads. Light fell on the black shapes that were placed there one by one, and white bone masks began to take their place.

It looked like the night sky. They reminded me of stars rising one by one in the black darkness, so they moved little by little and widened the darkness.


Then the darkness shrank and began to take on a certain form.

It started with a crow.

Dozens or thousands of clones of the Hive, which kept their previous appearances, were created and spread across the sky. Perhaps because it is the most familiar, an incomparable number is created in an instant.

Now it is difficult to tell whether the darkness is the crow or whether the darkness was created by the crow.

In the meantime, changes continue. Little by little birds of prey such as eagles and owls began to blend into the one-dimensional shadow.

Wolves appeared next.

Somewhere similar to the appearance of Graul before evolution, they move slowly and change their bodies as they escape from the shadows.

Some are as big as trucks, and some are small enough to resemble small dogs. Of course, even if the shape became smaller, its destructive power did not change.

‘They’re different sizes, but they’re all round.’

From noble mtl dot com

Just as the first object I summon from each of the summons is the origin of that species, the beasts of shadow created by the hive also have traits close to raw.

Rather than the lack of data, I got the feeling that that was the maximum with the current power. Some of the skill levels are still low, but it must be because the overall proficiency is low.

As time goes by, you will be able to imitate the form of the beast itself, not such low-level things.

“…Ah, hahahaha… This could be really dangerous…?”

Rui Shirogane let out a dry laugh at the sight of the black beasts appearing in an instant and exuding vicious vigor at him. She wanted to doubt whether what she was seeing was a dream or real life.

But the reality is cruel. Her currents, which caught her wavering right away, quickly fell and attacked her.


She was taken aback for a while, but rather, as if the gap just before her was a target, she straightened up and wrapped her fire around her fist.


She threw her fist at the same time as she evaded her sharp beak and claws with her graceful movements. A very light attack called a jab.


But at the same time, the aftermath of the flames began to run rampant as a storm beyond imagination.


The detonation, one beat slow, was like the sound of drums before a thunderstorm. The chain of fires that exploded so splendidly that it is suspected that lightning struck at the fingertips of a person quickly spreads in all directions and encroaches on the surroundings.

Like the role of a fuse, the one who was attacked the first time naturally disappears and scatters into the shadows. The flames that had been burning for a long time did not dissipate and returned intact to her side and merged into her body again.


Even though he showed such a miracle, Shirogane Rui’s expression was not very bright.

She operated the fire to recover as much as possible, but it was unavoidable that some loss would occur.

After all, the fire she uses is a resource that is guaranteed to be consumed. Furthermore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this dungeon has her worst condition for her handling of fire.

“It’s really too much not leaving a corpse behind…”

No need to worry about this because the fire spirit naturally adds strength, but in a special environment like now, you won’t be able to hope for such help.

In a dungeon, there is no time to leisurely light and grow a fire while the battle continues.

Therefore, the only means left inevitably is to burn the corpse of the enemy.

By using the oil that bursts as the fat boils from roasting her flesh as fuel, adding her mana to the flames, a larger wall of fire is completed in an instant.

By absorbing the fire that has grown so large, the consumed fire is covered.

If you keep repeating it like that, you can have a ridiculous circulation structure that consumes fire and at the same time kills enemies to supply fire.

But I can’t hope for such tricks against this enemy. There is substance but no form. No matter how much you threaten them with fire, they don’t back down and attack.

The opponent Rui Shirogane hated the most.

“Academy, more than class, it’s hard!!!”

Break the jaws of approaching wolves with your knees and pop the heads of birds of prey that have come down. There was no superfluity in the action, and it moved naturally like water flowing.

Even if she doesn’t have fire, her main power, she is a superhuman with her magical powers.

For those who have a body that is no different from a weapon that can easily kill a person with simple physical abilities, weapons are no longer essential, but an area of choice that can increase the method of attack.


As the fierce battle was repeated, her body that embraced the fire slowly began to heat up.

Her body was hot enough to tell even from a distance. Like a haze she shook her new body and she couldn’t get it right.

The heat could not melt all the snow around her and vaporized it like steam.

The moment it broke through a point, the accumulated heat distorted as if condensed in one place. The gathering place is her fist.



As he threw his fists together with the heat, a thunderous explosion erupted and the surroundings exploded in a chain of flames. Caught in the explosion, the beasts of the shadows quickly began to dissipate.

It’s not just about operating fire.

Just as I use shadows to imitate the framework of magic, she amplifies her power by mixing magic with fire and exploding it.

Simply with that alone, you can pull out the same power as if you had activated [Explosion] Of the middle rank fire magic dozens of times.

‘It’s definitely a great aptitude.’

That made it even easier. It’s not just her problem, it’s a chronic problem for those who handle fire.


Exhaustion immediately.

Under the pressure of an endless stream of monsters targeting him, in the midst of this, he must constantly use his brain and mana to use his skills. In the process, heat and fatigue accumulate, and the body naturally gets tired.

She has a bigger proportion than other people.

There is no risk in dealing with ridiculous power. Her risk, as she treats her fire as if it were her own limb, is that her body straddles the limits of “Humanity.”

The human body is said to consist of 70% water. Due to its structure, it cannot be changed, and if the balance is slightly distorted, the body will naturally break down.

It is the human body that looks strong but is fragile. That’s why she ‘has a human body’, so she has no choice but to be weak.

Because her temperament and skill [Descendants of Fire] Only gave her complete immunity to fire and the power to handle it like limbs, but it did not give her immunity to the secondary heat caused by it.

That’s why she needs to use fire like that to release the gathering heat. Otherwise, all the liquid in her body would boil over and she would collapse first.

However, such a method is only a temporary measure.

As an analogy, it’s no different than immersing an overheated machine in cold water to cool it down.

The fatigue your body gets is more extreme than when you accumulate heat, and the exhaustion you feel as a result is just a mouthful.

‘About 2 hours or so?’

That is the limit of what she can do without a break. Because this is her, she can endure it.

If an ordinary person imitates her, she will not be able to catch up to even half of her power, and even if she catches up to the powerful part, she will quickly ruin herself and consider retirement if she imitates such a volatile fighting style.

Perhaps she overused her powers beyond her own limits and died before then.

‘This is it.’

There I found the starting point.

I quickly checked the information in my head and confirmed that there was no such content in the Great Library, and I snapped my fingers.


When her voice filled with her magical power resonated clearly, the beast of her shadow that was rushing at her stood tall and stopped as if time had stopped her.

Then, as if ink melted, the shadows that had sunk to the floor gathered in one place and a hive appeared.

The guy looked at Rui Shirogane, who had immediately stopped and waved his fist at the fire, then looked at him and turned his head away.

There was no sound. But for some reason, is it my fault that the way she looks like she is laughing at her?

Hive came closer to me with frequent steps like a magpie, then entered the shadow. He must mean he was satisfied with himself.


Only then did her body catch up with the perception in her head, and the elongated Rui Shirogane lay down on her floor as if collapsing.

“I’m tired…Making my sister so hard for my younger brother…It’s bad…The Demon King…A vile company…”

I heard her teary-eyed complaint in one ear, saying that she was really scared that she might die like this, and I immediately snapped my fingers with magic power.

What comes to mind is a brilliant white dragon.



For an instant, Shirogane Rui’s face turned white at the sight of Karion who appeared in an explosion of light. She has no intention of making me fight. ‘Cause now it’s my time



Shadows were molded and the formula was reorganized. Kalion’s magic interfered with it, and I started adding and modifying the plan I wanted.

A smile naturally smiled at the figure of the shadow that was quickly assembled and completed.

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