So Stuthy doesn't think there can be many women who can finally get Orgrim's favor.

Maybe he will have a lot of women, but most of them will not care about the kidneys.

She knew very well that Orgrim was a man he couldn't control.

"Although it's nothing, but let me have some mental preparations, right?" Stussy continued to say to the phone bug.

Orgrim also smiled helplessly, and said, "Dover, don't spread rumors to me, I think I've been very clean in this regard. In the past three or two years, I haven't provoke any flowers and plants. of..."

"Furfur, maybe that's what I misunderstood? You and the Admiral Peach Rabbit in the Navy Headquarters really didn't have a relationship because of hatred? Have a forbidden love between justice and evil?" Doflaming Brother asked with a smile.

Orgrim was dumbfounded, then laughed and said, "You guy, shouldn't you be watching too much? What is love because of hatred, what is forbidden love, what about the justice and evil of the special mother? That woman can't wait to burn me to ashes, even if one day, something happened to me and her, it must be one thing, I took her to Avalon to be Mrs. Yazhai, and whipped her several times a day. What... feelings can't have feelings."

"Really? Maybe that's what I misunderstood. You know, my family has a cadre in the navy, and now Lieutenant General Taotu has become his immediate boss. It is said... in this Taotu In Lieutenant General's office, there is a photo of you, the one you are sitting on the Void Throne, that's why I misunderstood, furfurfurfur..." Doflamingo joked with a smile .

"That woman posted my photo? Is she really a pervert?" Orgrim said in surprise.

After a short pause, Orgrim asked in surprise: "No, didn't you say last time that the cadre in your family is now in G-5? He also said that if our people meet, how much care will be taken? what about..."

"You really don't know? Admiral Peach Rabbit has been transferred from the Marine Headquarters Marineford and has officially entered the new world. She is now the base commander of G-5, so you better be careful, Lord Hammer. If you really have a grudge against her, maybe one day she will trouble you." Doflamingo said with a smile.

"G-5...?" Orgrim raised his brows and whispered, feeling a little strange in his heart. In his impression, the woman in Gion seemed to have always been the boss of the Navy Headquarters, and later became a General alternate.

How did it end up in the Navy's trash can G-5 now?

Shouldn't it really be aimed at Lao Tzu?

However, there was only a Gion, and Orgrim didn't particularly take it to heart. The weakness of the navy in the New World could not be reversed by a single Gion.

After hearing Gion's name, Stuthy had no intention of meddling at all.

Because she knows very well that a pirate in Orgrim can't fall in love with any navy, and Gion, she understands a little bit, that woman can't be arrogant and has a strong sense of justice, how could it be possible Do you like an evil pirate like Orgrim?

"Ah, by the way, if this news is an appetizer, then... the news that the navy invited the tyrant Bartholomey Bear to join the King's Shichibukai should be cool enough, right?" Doflamingo suddenly said. said.

Stuthy turned his head instantly when he heard the words, and said, "Yes, I also want to talk about this, but it's just gossip at the moment...".

Chapter 60--356 : A sledgehammer breaks into the pirates

On the port of Avalon, an ordinary merchant ship slowly moored in the port.

Then, a young woman stepped off the boat. The woman wore a red top hat, short lavender hair, a pair of sunglasses on her delicate face, and bit a burning cigarette in her mouth. She looked very of boldness.

What's even more exaggerated is her dressing style, which can be called domineering and mighty.

The lower body is nothing, short skirts, boots, garter, looking very sexy.

As for the upper body, there are only two pieces, one is a tie, which is hung directly on the chest, and the other is a jacket, which is worn on the body.

Yes, there are only these two pieces, her style is obviously very bold.

As soon as he walked out of the port, he heard the sound of a phone bug.

The woman took out a small phone bug from the short skirt at the back waist. After taking a look, she picked it up very casually.

"Hello, Bello Betty is here." Betty said with a smile to the phone bug.

That's right, this woman is the future Eastern Army Commander Bello Beatty of the Revolutionary Army.

However, in Orgrim's impression, she should be a very young woman. Unexpectedly, at this time, she has already joined the revolutionary army, and after more than ten years, there is still no major change.

Are women in this world always so amazing?

But when it comes to thinking that Gion and Stucci seem to be like this, as if the years have left no traces on them, there is no fuss.

"[-]" "Betty..." The phone worm called softly, and then asked, "Have you arrived at Avalon?"

"You really know how to pinch time. That's right, I just arrived in Avalon, a second ago." Betty complained.

"That's good, I'll leave it to you, but pay more attention to safety, don't think that Orgrim is a talkative guy, don't provoke him." The phone worm urged again.

"Anna, I know." Betty said impatiently.

"By the way, Xiong Jun has already joined the Qiwuhai under the king." The phone worm suddenly mentioned this matter again.

Betty was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Is it so fast? Don't you really think about it?"

"This matter is very important to us. Whether it is Drago or Xiong Jun, we all have this kind of willingness..." The phone bug explained.

"Forget it, it doesn't have much to do with me anyway. I just need to do my business well and see Orgrim." Betty smiled and didn't discuss these issues much.

"Well, in short, pay attention to safety." The phone bug finally warned.

"I know, don't worry, anyway, few people know the identity of my revolutionary army, and the World Government's penetration of Avalon should also be limited." Betty casually complained, and then directly hung up the phone bug.

After putting the phone bug back into the mysterious short skirt, Betty flicked the soot and slowly exhaled the smoke: "Is this Avalon? It's really a prosperous place, I thought it was It was exaggerated by the pirates, now look at it... Is this Warhammer Pirates very good?"

At this moment, a strong-looking man not far away laughed at Betty and said, "Hey, lady over there, do you look lonely? Do you need me to accompany you?"

Betty turned her head when she heard the words, glanced at the man, and then put on a bright smile on her face: "Really? There is such a good thing? Avalon is really a warm place, thank you , I'm here for the first time, I just need someone to introduce me..."

"It seems that you need help, but everything has to pay for it, do you understand what I mean?" The man looked at Betty with fiery eyes and swallowed.

Betty pointed to the port alley not far away and said, "Of course there is no problem, let's go there and talk..."

Fifteen minutes later, Betty's character figure came out of the alley. At this time, she was holding a tissue in her hand and was wiping the blood on her fingers.

"It turns out that it's not different from the rumors. As long as it doesn't violate the red line of the Warhammer Pirates, is there no scruples in Avalon? Pirate Paradise, it's interesting... I don't know that Kazg. Ross Orgrim, would you like to see me? After all, after listening to what Mr. Dorag said, it seems that guy doesn't have a good impression of our revolutionary army..." Betty pouted.

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