A sea of stars for top students

Chapter 8 Sudden Lottery

The next morning, Wu Bin came to the classroom with heavy dark circles under his eyes. He couldn't help it. He was too lazy this week. He slept for about four hours almost every day. This fully demonstrated what it means to be obsessed with studying. He was getting thinner and thinner, but he didn't. Way, who makes learning so happy!

In reviewing mathematics, the morning's class passed quickly. When lunch break came, Wu Bin immediately came to the teacher's office with the completed mathematics paper.

Teacher Liu, it's all done. Wu Bin put a stack of papers on the table.

Diligence is a good thing, but you should also pay attention to rest. Liu Yushan looked at Wu Bin's face and expressed concern.

I understand, Teacher Liu. Wu Bin nodded and accepted humbly.

Yeah. Liu Yushan nodded, picked out a red pen from the pen holder and started to change the topic.

As the red hooks were drawn one by one, Liu Yushan, who was correcting the papers, became more and more surprised. Although he knew that Wu Bin was working hard, he still didn't expect that in just one week, this kid would be able to master all the knowledge he taught him. .

Soon, the first paper was approved. There was only a red hook on the paper, which represented a 100% accuracy rate.

Well done. Liu Yushan looked at Wu Bin and nodded in affirmation.

Teacher Liu is still the best.

Generally speaking, when Liu Yushan corrects a paper, he just ignores it. If he makes a mistake in a small step on a big question, he will circle it. If the mistake is outrageous, he will directly give an Putting a check mark obviously meant to encourage him.

No need to flatter you. If you don't work hard, it will be useless no matter how good I teach you. Liu Yushan said and knocked on the paper. I specially selected this paper for you. There are many easy-to-error questions on it. Can you If you answer all the questions correctly, it means you have learned very solidly.”

After listening to Liu Yushan's words, Wu Bin smiled happily. It is always happy to be recognized for his efforts. It can be said that he really forgot to eat and sleep in his studies this week.

Then Liu Yushan quickly corrected all the remaining papers, and they were still correct, not even a small question was wrong.

After stacking all the papers and shaking them, Liu Yushan looked at Wu Bin and said, You have completely mastered this part of the test. Starting tomorrow, I will teach you about composite functions and trigonometric functions. You go back to the classroom to study these two parts first. Let’s look at each part.”

Okay, thank you, Teacher Liu. Wu Bin left the office after saying that.

As soon as Wu Bin left, the head teacher Chen Fang walked to the desk in Liu Yushan's office and asked: Teacher Liu, did Wu Bin do all the papers you chose for him correctly?

Yes, all of them are correct. Every question is correct. Liu Yushan nodded.

Oh, you're pretty good if you take it seriously. Chen Fang was a little surprised at Wu Bin's progress. Even if it was just a practice paper, it was very impressive that he could get a perfect score. After all, he had only studied for a week.

It's not just that he's pretty awesome. Liu Yushan smiled, It can be seen from his problem-solving ideas that this kid is not one of the top smart ones. Being able to do this in a week can only mean that a person The problem is, he is really working hard.

Teacher Liu speaks so highly of him, so I'm going to give this kid a beating. I can't keep handing in blank papers. After Chen Fang finished speaking, she picked up the textbook and walked out of the office.

Ah sneeze!

As soon as he sat back in his seat, Wu Bin sneezed violently, and he didn't know who was talking about him again.

The energy provided by the host is enough for a lottery. Do you want to draw?

Just when Wu Bin was about to take out his math book and study the next part, the system voice in his head suddenly rang.

'lottery? What to smoke? ’

Sorry, this question is not within the query range.


So what is the energy I provide?

Sorry, this question is not within the query range.


‘Oh, that’s to be expected. ’

During this week, Wu Bin tried to ask various questions about the system from various directions, even some questions that he thought were very basic, but he always got Sorry, this question is not within the query range.

Wu Bin felt that this was a computer that could calculate rocket flight trajectories, but he didn't know what 1+1 equals.

Let's draw. Wu Bin chose the lottery with the thought that if he didn't draw, it would be useless.

The lottery is in progress, please wait.

The result of this lottery is: 9th prize

Reward: Physics Learning Ability +10

‘Pfft… 9th prize? The division is really clear. ’

Physics learning ability +10...

Wu Bin was not very hopeful about this kind of consolation prize, but he still took out the physics book from the first year of high school from the table to try out the effect.

But what he didn't expect was that the moment he opened the book, he seemed to be trapped in it and frantically began to absorb the knowledge in the book.

Starting from the time displacement of the particle, to force and gravity, elasticity, friction, Newton's first law, the law of conservation of energy...

A series of physical knowledge was instantly absorbed by Wu Bin, the sponge, like sea water.

By the time Wu Bin came to his senses, it was already the third period of class in the afternoon.

Closing the physics book, Wu Bin couldn't help but swallow a big mouthful of saliva. This was the first time for him to study in such an efficient manner. In just over two hours, he actually absorbed the entire high school physics book.

In order to verify whether this was his illusion, Wu Bin took out the high school physics exercise book and started doing it.

D, D, B, A, A, A, C, B, B, C…

2.8,communication,is much larger than,0.30...

Answers were filled in quickly one by one. Although it was not an exaggeration to say that there was almost no need to think, Wu Bin could indeed quickly think of solutions to the questions.

This surprised Wu Bin himself. Although there were only formulas and their meanings in the book, he seemed to be able to use them freely.

Wu Bin also solved the next few big questions very easily. He only needed to use formulas.

After finishing everything, Wu Bin suddenly felt that he didn't need to look up the answers. He was convinced that he must have done everything right.

9th Prize???

Wu Bin, who fully felt the changes in himself, was completely shocked. Is the ninth prize reward so terrifying? What's the first prize for? Conquer the earth?

In short, the questions in the exercise book are no longer satisfactory to Wu Bin. He wants to do more difficult ones!

So when the third period ended, Wu Bin went straight to the teacher's office.

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