A sea of stars for top students

Chapter 63 They all have cards

On Saturday afternoon, Wu Bin was standing with his parents at the entrance of the Shanghai Physical Association, preparing to take a photo.

Okay, that's it... come on, mom, lean a little further to the left, yes, yes, tsk, Wu Bin, why don't you get intimate with your parents, yes, that's it, answer me a question now, why are you looking down and thinking about something old? Cai Guoping said while holding up the camera.

Hometown. Wu Bin and his family shouted together.



Cai Guoping looked at the photos in the camera and nodded with satisfaction.

Sorry to trouble you, Teacher Cai.

After taking the photo, Wu Bin’s mother quickly walked up and thanked her.

What's the trouble? I brought the camera just to take pictures for you. Please don't bow anymore. I really can't bear it. Cai Guoping hung the camera around his neck and quickly held it. Wu Bin’s mother is planning to bow.

Ever since Wu Bin introduced his parents to him, Wu Bin's mother kept bowing to their two teachers and saying all kinds of words of thanks. He really couldn't stop her.

Moreover, it was not easy for Wu Bin to go up and dissuade him, otherwise he would be scolded by his mother for being rude.

So he had to stand back and talk to his father in a low voice.

Dad, your suit is very stylish. When did you buy it? I've never seen you wear it before.

Young man, you still have some sense. It's Anima's. I originally planned to save it for you to get married.

Dad...it's Armani, okay?

Oh~ It's all the same. Your mother bought it for me anyway. It's expensive. Wu Bin's father waved his hand and didn't care about the name of the brand.

Then what are you wearing now? What will you wear when I get married? Wu Bin asked.

We'll talk about it later. Anyway, now is your most glorious moment, so I think you should wear it. Wu Bin's father was full of pride when he spoke.

It's only 8th place in the province. What a glory. Wait until I win the cup next time, and you won't be too late to be proud.

It's swollen, isn't it? Do you know how many children in this competition province are taking the exam? Wu Bin's father grimaced and planned to teach Wu Bin a lesson.

How many people are there? Wu Bin asked pretending to be ignorant.

Just... just, there are many, many people! You brat, you dare to tease your dad, right? Wu Bin's dad raised his hand and was about to hit him.

But Wu Bin escaped first with a smile.

At this time, Wu Bin's mother shouted: Look at you two, father and son. The teacher is here and you are still fooling around. Come here quickly.

It's okay, I'm chatting with my dad. Wu Bin came up and said.

At this time, Bi Wanqing who was standing aside looked at his watch and said, It's almost time, let's go in first.

Yes. Wu Bin nodded.

After saying that, Wu Bin was about to follow the two teachers when his mother grabbed him.

Binbin, look at my hairstyle. It seems a little messed up. Wu Bin's mother said while fiddling with her hair.

That's great. Those who didn't know better would have thought you were the student who went in to receive the award. Wu Bin said with a smile.

Wu Bin's mother laughed after hearing this, The brat knows how to pick the nice things to say. After saying that, she asked again, Is that really good?

That's great~ Okay, let's go in.

After entering the venue, Wu Bin said goodbye to his parents and teachers, and was guided into the backstage by the staff.

Just wait here for a while. Someone will guide you when you go on stage to receive the award. The staff said as they took Wu Bin to a room in the backstage.

Okay, thank you. Wu Bin nodded.

As soon as the staff walked away, Wu Bin quickly scanned the other people in the room and quickly locked on a target.

Haha, did you fail the exam? Wu Bin took two steps forward and looked at Li Yan, who was smiling all over his face.

As expected of a person who combines all kinds of dark horse attributes, I knew you would come in. Li Yan ignored Wu Bin's sarcasm and changed the subject.

You guys are not real at all, and you have no trust between people. Wu Bin shook his head and did not answer Li Yan's question.

Naturally, Li Yan had no intention of picking up Wu Bin's words, so he patted Wu Bin directly and said, Come, I will take you to meet the great gods.

After speaking, Li Yan first introduced the tall man nearest to them.

This is Xiao Shen, Xiao Songyang, and Cai Zixing are among the top 20 in the country in the final camp. They are definitely the leading figures in our provincial team this time.

No, no, no, Li Shen, don't brag about me again. What can I do without you? It's hard for me to resist your thighs.

Xiao Songyang waved his hands quickly and praised him in return.

Xiao Shen is being humble. After Li Yan finished speaking, he went to the next person. Just as he was about to introduce him, the man quickly said, Okay, Li Shen, please don't brag about me. I will do it myself. After that, he looked towards the next person. Wu Bin stretched out his right hand, Zhao Kehan, from the Second High School Affiliated to Normal University.

Wu Bin, from Xia Zhong. Wu Bin stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

He heard from Teacher Bi that the Second High School Affiliated to the Normal University ranks among the top three in physics competitions all year round and is a strong school among strong schools in competition.

Nice to meet you, please take care of Wu Shen in the future. Zhao Kehan ​​shook his hand and smiled.

Then several other students took the initiative to come over and get to know Wu Bin in order to avoid being poisoned by Li Yan.

After everyone got acquainted, Wu Bin did some calculations and found that 6 of the 10 people in the room were from the Second High School Affiliated to the Normal University, which was simply terrifying.

Moreover, with Li Yan's enthusiastic supplement, Wu Bin also discovered that each of them was better than the other.

What about scoring 139 on the Peking University Science Camp Qualification Examination Paper with a perfect score of 140? What about being first in the province in last year's rematch? What about Jingbei Winter Camp being fifth in the country? What's a daily hobby is to explain difficult problems to people, while torturing the national training, laugh. Laughter Specialization, accumulating polynomial fractions with cos is like a physics genius.

Anyway, to sum up, this group of people are as good as they come. After the introduction, everyone is awesome and shines.

After everyone got acquainted, everyone spread out again to continue chatting, and it was rare for Wu Bin to hear that two of them were having a serious conversation.

Alas, this year's questions are too biased. As a physics competition, it's okay not to test the spiral divergence. It's also good to test the Lagrangian system to find angular acceleration. It's just confusing with some mechanics questions that require a lot of calculations. Man, isn’t this a lie?”

Yeah, this paper is really awesome...several great people were dismissed inexplicably. The one who shined in the Beijing University Physics Camp, He Shen, was so cool this time. I heard that he didn't even participate in the experimental questions. .”

Oh, it's boring. Hey, did you watch the Cavaliers' game yesterday? Kevin played very well.

It's really good, but it's a pity that I still have to serve as the background for James. Yesterday's 2+1 was so handsome.

‘? ? ? ’

‘Why are you back on the sports channel again? ’

Wu Bin was originally planning to ask a question about geometric optics that was very skillful, but now he had no chance.

But just when Wu Bin was thinking about going back to chat with Li Yan to kill some time, a boy wearing black-rimmed glasses suddenly walked in at the door. For a moment, everyone in the room stood up.

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