A sea of stars for top students

Chapter 6 Serious people will shine

After spending time in the office at noon and studying systematically in the evening, time soon came to noon on Sunday.

When you get home, remember to do a few more sets of papers when you have time. Don't keep thinking about playing. You are the only one left in the senior year of high school, you know. Okay, let's get out of school.

After the class teacher finished speaking a few commonplaces, the students picked up their schoolbags and walked out of the classroom. At this moment, even the top students in the class who were obsessed with answering questions looked a bit like birds rushing out of their cages. , the joy of flying to freedom.

After all, there is only a half-day holiday on Sunday afternoons a week, and there is usually intense study from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Every student seems to be tightened up, and today is the only time they can relax for a while.

Wu Bin, come here.

As soon as Wu Bin walked out of the classroom holding an English book, he heard Liu Yushan calling him outside the classroom.

What's wrong, Teacher Liu? Wu Bin walked over quickly.

Take these sets of papers back and do them. Liu Yushan said and handed a small stack of papers to Wu Bin.

Paper? Wu Bin was stunned for a moment and took the paper. After scanning it, he found that they seemed to be questions he was familiar with.

This is a test of your study this week. Go back and do it well.

Teacher Liu...thank you.

Wu Bin instantly understood that Liu Yushan should have selected these sets of papers for him based on his current level. It could be said that he really cared about him as a student.

What a teacher should do, well, I won't talk about what you can do with your own abilities. Go home. After Liu Yushan finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the office.

Wow...have you offended Lao Liu? Did you come here specifically to give you extra?

Oh my god, that's a lot.

Gu Fan and Xu Hao, who were following Wu Bin, immediately gathered around after seeing Liu Yushan walking away.

Oh, it seems you two will never understand how cool Teacher Liu's turn is.

Wu Bin stuffed the two papers into his school bag, patted the two of them on the shoulders and sighed.

Come on, wait until you are in the top ten in some exam before you mock us.

Gu Fan knocked Wu Bin's hand off. After this week, Gu Fan believed that Wu Bin really wanted to counterattack, but he still persisted in not believing that he could succeed in the counterattack.

No problem, just watch me climb up in Bronze.

When they reached the fork in the road in front of the bus stop, Xu Hao took Gu Fan to the Internet cafe. As for Wu Bin, he didn't even call because he knew he would be rejected.

After saying goodbye to the two of them, Wu Bin stood alone at the bus stop holding an English book. The reason why he didn't read the math problems at this moment was that he found that when he was solving problems, he would enter a state of selflessness. It was a bit dangerous on the road, so I chose to memorize words.

Huh? You don't want to read math questions anymore?

When Wu Bin was looking at it, a girl's voice suddenly sounded from behind. When he turned around, he found that it was Pei Jiamin.

Yeah. Wu Bin nodded towards her.

Hearing that Wu Bin only replied with one word, Pei Jiamin was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer, and she became even more upset.

‘Why should I come up to him and ask him, really! ’

Ever since she first noticed that Wu Bin was studying hard, Pei Jiamin found that she wanted to take a peek from time to time to see if he was still working hard. However, the result every time he took a peek was the same, yes, he was still working hard.

Judging from Wu Bin, she found that the saying Those who are serious will shine is true. Sometimes when she feels tired from studying in the evening, she will feel that her mentality has calmed down after taking a look at Wu Bin's devoted look. , so that you can continue to do the questions.

Just now, when she saw Wu Bin walking over with an English book at the bus stop, she felt inexplicably nervous. She was even so nervous that she blurted out the words in her mind for no apparent reason, causing her current situation to be extremely embarrassing.

Fortunately, the No. 72 bus she was waiting for arrived, and she hurriedly said: Next time you have something you don't understand, you can discuss it with me. Then she jumped on the bus.

‘Tsk, is it a gift from the strong? Just wait, dad will surpass you soon. ’

Wu Bin, who only wanted to study, clenched his fists and continued to memorize the words.

After taking the bus back to his community, Wu Bin did not go straight home, but took another road.

On the way, Wu Bin called his mother and told him to stay outside for a while and go back at dinner time.

After walking for about ten minutes, Wu Bin walked into a small park. This was a park he had loved coming to since he was a child. Most of the time, there were not many people here and it was very quiet.

After finding a bench under the shade of a tree and sitting down, feeling the occasional cool breeze, Wu Bin had a very comfortable expression on his face. In this hot summer, such a refreshing natural breeze cannot be found anywhere else. .

Meow meow meow

After the breeze blew, several wild cats suddenly emerged from the grass and ran towards Wu Bin.

Xiao Huang, come here, this way. Wu Bin patted his leg and shouted to a cat with yellow patterns.

The yellow-haired one was also very obedient and jumped onto Wu Bin's lap in three steps and two steps at a time, and rubbed Wu Bin's hand. The other ones lay beside Wu Bin, wagging their tails happily, without any trace of emotion. A little wildcat vigilance.

Wu Bin was born with this kind of cat-loving physique. Sometimes he felt like he was like a giant piece of catnip. Every wild cat that saw him would want to come over and nuzzle him, even at the first sight. Wild cats that quickly leave the scene when someone arrives will also cautiously try to approach him.

Wu Bin naturally likes cats very much, but unfortunately his mother is allergic to cat hair and cannot keep them at home, so he has to feed the wild cats that like to be close to him in this small park. When he goes to school, his father will help Come here and spread the cat food.

After enjoying the rare cat-catching time for a while, Wu Bin continued to read English books happily, fully enjoying the sunny afternoon.

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