A sea of stars for top students

Chapter 57 Considerations for the Future

Wu Bin, come on, come to the podium.

In the second physics class on Thursday afternoon, while all the students were busy doing papers, Cai Guoping waved to Wu Bin.

What's wrong? Teacher Cai. Wu Bin, holding the Mechanics of Middle School Olympic Physics Course, walked up to the podium and asked.

Cai Guoping first glanced at the book in Wu Bin's hand, then smiled and said, Guess why I called you here?

But before Wu Bin could start guessing, Cai Guoping continued: Do you think I want to comfort you? Absolutely not! In fact, when I recommended you to participate in the physics competition, I didn't think of anything but asking you to meet See the world, accumulate experience, etc., I just think you can win a prize! And you can win a big prize!

Oh, I remember, Mr. Cai, you also thought that if I wanted to pass the semi-finals, I would be too tight on time. Wu Bin said after recalling it.

Cai Guoping, who was exposed in person, frowned and said, That's to remind you that you have fallen behind and must study hard. Don't you understand the teacher's painstaking efforts!?

Oh, I understand, Teacher Cai is wise! Wu Bin immediately changed his tune when he realized that Cai Guoping seemed unhappy.

After hearing this, Cai Guoping smiled, took the Cheng Shu from Wu Bin's hand and asked, Do you think you understand the three Cheng Shu?

Wu Bin shook his head, Far from it. At most, I just know what these three books are about.

Hahaha, quite humble. Cai Guoping laughed a few times, then pulled out two books from the textbook and handed them to Wu Bin and said: Mechanics by Shu Yousheng, Electromagnetism by Zhao Kaihua, I listened to Teacher Bi I said you haven’t read these two books yet, so I found them for you. Read them, and you might gain something new.”

Thank you, teacher! Wu Bin took it as if he had found a treasure, but after getting excited, he said cautiously: Teacher, this book... is quite expensive.

You don't need to think about this, you just learn. After Cai Guoping finished speaking, he added in a low voice, Consumption of public funds to help the school win honors also has to invest in you, so you don't need to have a psychological burden.

Then... thank the school too!

Hey, that brat is quite spiritual. Cai Guoping laughed and said, One more thing, have you thought about the future development direction?

Ah? Well, does it count if you want to participate in IPhO?

At most, it counts as your current goal and development direction. I mean what major you want to study in college and where you want to develop your career in the future.

This...no. Wu Bin shook his head.

In the past, he was too lazy to make life plans. After all, his motto is that everything will be straight when it comes to the bridge. Now he has no time to do it because he is busy conquering the physical copy of the electric light every day.

You're in your third year of high school. It's time to think about it. It's better to be prepared than not prepared. Do you know the Expo Center on Guozhan Road?

Wu Bin nodded.

There is a consumer electronics technology exhibition next Sunday. I have two tickets. Are you interested in going with the teacher?

Is this also consumption of public funds? Wu Bin asked.

Cai Guoping laughed after hearing this, hit Wu Bin on the head with a book and said, The teacher invited you privately. It is considered a gift for passing the semi-finals.


It's nothing. If I say you will pass, you will pass. Just say whether you want to go or not.

I want to go, I want to go! But what is that exhibition about?

Cai Guoping nodded with satisfaction and replied: Expand your horizons and increase your understanding of cutting-edge international fields. Then you can ask specific questions with purpose and solve them.

After Cai Guoping finished speaking, he moved the high school physics textbook over, pointed at it and said: No matter how difficult high school physics is, it is only a foundation, and there is still a long way to go before you can apply what you have learned. As he spoke, Cai Guoping rolled his eyes at Wu Bin and said : I don't want you to go to college and waste three years of it like you were a freshman or sophomore in high school. Only when you're about to graduate will you suddenly realize what you want, and then study in a hurry.

Ahem...Teacher Cai, I won't do this again.

Whether you know it or not, it's always right to give you more warnings. Let's just say that next Sunday, after school, I will take you to the exhibition.

Okay, thank you, teacher. Wu Bin bowed towards Cai Guoping.

Well, go back to your seat and continue reading.

When Wu Bin returned to his seat, Gu Fan on the side came over to take a look and whispered: What two more books are there?

No, you can read it yourself. Wu Bin placed the two books in front of Gu Fan and said.

No, I just asked casually, you can see for yourself. After Gu Fan finished speaking, he went to make his own paper.

Since the last time he read Wu Bin's Black and White out of curiosity, Gu Fan was almost shocked and lost interest in learning, so he never dared to touch Wu Bin's book again.

Seeing Gu Fan's reaction, Wu Bin smiled. He was not in a hurry to open the two new books. Instead, he continued to work on a sample question in the Cheng book. He hid his expectations for the new book in his heart and prepared to enjoy it in two days. .

On Sunday, when Wu Bin returned home from school, he had some food and went to his favorite little park with two new books.

Meow~ Meow~ Meow~

As soon as the kittens who hadn't seen Wu Bin for a week smelled his scent, they rushed from all corners and surrounded Wu Bin and rubbed him hard.

Dahuang, are you getting fat again? Wu Bin squatted down and touched an orange cat. As he spoke, he took out a small bag of cat food from his pocket and sprinkled it in front of it.

Meow~ The orange cat barked at Wu Bin as if he understood, then lowered his head and started eating wildly.

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