A sea of stars for top students

Chapter 18 Qi Ji can’t take ten steps in one leap, but the horse can’t let go of its ten-step perfor

During lunch break, a group of classmates gathered around Wu Bin and asked him about his study experience.

But Wu Bin's answer was still the same, When it comes to learning, you must take the initiative. Only by taking the initiative to learn can you feel the fun. When you have fun, you will become interested, and your efficiency will...

However, it was obvious that most of the students, like Gu Fan, did not buy into this theory and hoped that Wu Bin could give him more information, such as learning methods or experiences.

In terms of study methods...does studying 20 hours a day count?

Wu Bin's answer stunned the students around him. One of them shook his head and said, How is this possible? Just don't say it. Why bother blocking us with such words?

Who says it can't be done? Wu Bin has been studying for 20 hours every day this month. I will prove it to him!

At this time, Gu Fan suddenly said loudly.

Yes! We will prove it for him too!

Xu Hao and Wang Qi also stood up at the same time.

In fact, Wu Bin didn't really care whether his classmates believed what he said. After all, it would be fine if he understood it himself. But seeing Gu Fan and the others speaking so forcefully for him, he was still a little moved in his heart.

After hearing what Gu Fan and the others said, several other students recalled:

Let's put it this way...it seems that Wu Bin has been sitting on his seat recently and hasn't moved much.

I do see him often when I go to the office during my lunch break.

Wow, did you really work that hard? 20 hours?

This time, the students looked at Gu Fan from surprise to admiration. Anyone who can learn like this is definitely a monster.

A horse can't take ten steps with one leap, and a horse can ride ten times, but it's hard to give up.

Originally, Wu Bin subconsciously wanted to use this sentence from Xunzi's Encourage Learning to encourage his classmates, but he thought that it would be too pretentious to suddenly pull the essay, and he probably didn't get a high score in Chinese, so he decided not to pretend.

Oh, I almost forgot that Teacher Yu asked me to go to the office. I'll go there first.

Wu Bin said hello to his classmates and walked out of the classroom.

The students who were still gathered around were discussing Wu Bin's words.

Do you want to study 20 hours a day with all your strength? Do you think you can do it?

No, I feel like vomiting just thinking about it.

Me too……

You can't learn, you can't learn.

I want to study hard. If 20 hours is not enough, just 10 hours. I used to think that my grades were due to my talent in reading, but now I'm a little shaken.


After hearing the last sentence, many people silently returned to their seats and began to think about life, including Gu Fan and the three of them.

Yu Xuguang's office is on the third floor, and he is not with Cai Guoping and others, so Wu Bin is not very familiar with it. He only knows the names of several teachers in the office or has met them in person.

Teacher Yu, I'm here.

Wu Bin knocked on the door of the office and said.

Oh, Wu Bin is here, come in.

Oh? Is this Wu Bin, the dark horse who got perfect marks in the physics test? Another middle-aged man in the office with a rather backward hairline raised his head and glanced at Wu Binfa and asked.

Wu Bin had met him in an interest group before. He was a physics teacher in Class 5 named Lu Gang.

Yes, that's the boy, isn't he?

Yu Xuguang said a little helplessly.

Come, sit down. Yu Xuguang dragged a chair from the side and put it in front of Wu Bin and said.

It's okay, Teacher Yu, I'll be fine just standing.

Just sit down when I ask you to, and just treat me as a teacher and a friend. Don't feel any psychological pressure.

Yu Xuguang said, standing up and pressing Wu Bin on the chair.

Wu Bin, have you tried to catch up on chemistry?

Well, I tried it. I read the books for the first year of high school during the National Day.

Do you think it's interesting?

It's quite interesting. Wu Bin nodded.

That's good, as long as you're interested. I don't have any other intention. I just hope you can make a big step forward in chemistry. Yu Xuguang said as he pulled out a wooden bucket-like toy from the drawer and returned it. Picked up the water glass and poured some water into it.

Look, the final water capacity of a bucket depends on the shortest piece of wood on the wall of the bucket, which is this. Yu Xuguang said, pointing to the gap.

‘Wow… It seems that this is not the first time that Teacher Yu has had such a heart-to-heart talk with someone, so he is very well prepared. ’

Wu Bin nodded and sighed in his heart.

So, the grade of the weakest subject in your study is also an important factor affecting your overall performance. Partial subjects are definitely fatal. It is possible that you could have been admitted to 985, but in the end you could only take one or even two subjects. , or maybe a junior college, which is really a shame.”

Teacher, I will study chemistry well.

With your words, the teacher will feel relieved. If you have anything to ask, just come to the teacher and the teacher will definitely answer it for you. Seeing Wu Bin being so obedient, Yu Xuguang was also deeply relieved and looked at Wu Bin with admiration. nodded.

Then Yu Xuguang chatted with Wu Bin about many students he had taught before and his own personal experiences when he was studying. Finally, he confirmed again that Wu Bin must be a good prospect before saying, Okay, then you go back to the classroom first. If you have any questions, just come to the teacher.

Okay, thank you, Teacher Yu.

For such an enthusiastic and good teacher, Wu Bin still respected him very much. He thought about starting to master chemistry today, but trigonometric functions were also very tempting. The note-taking method Liu Yushan taught him last time was quite useful.

‘Oh, I’m so confused. ’

Hey, classmate Wu Bin, please wait a moment.

Just when Wu Bin was struggling and walking out of the office, Lu Gang suddenly stopped him.

Wu Bin was stunned, stopped, and looked at Lu Gang inexplicably. It seemed that he had never had any interaction with him.

Haha, don't be afraid. My surname is Lu. Just call me Teacher Lu.

I've heard about you, Teacher Lu.

That's easy to explain. You know that I teach physics. I just want to ask, is it true or false when Teacher Cai said that you could only get a score of 0 on the physics test a month ago?

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