“Can the Battleship dock?”

Mo Fei only had time to wash his body, change his clothes, and then had to return to the deck.

“It looks like a deserted island in front, but you can see structures like dock berths on the coast, but it looks very old.”

In the process of reporting , Standing on the bow of the ship, Tepes still did not put down the telescope in his hands.

“Go forward while measuring the depth of the water, and be careful to get aground.”

Mo Fei gave such an order.

Battleship has a deep draft. If an island does not have a pier and only has a shallow beach, it is difficult for the Battleship to dock directly… Fortunately, there is a pier on this deserted island.

In other words, the pier once owned by the desert island has been preserved to the present.

The area of ​​this island is medium. Looking from a distance, you can see that it is shrouded in a thin layer of mist. The vegetation hidden behind the mist presents a dark green color. It can be said that the forest has grown up in a wild state-the natural environment has not been conquered and transformed, so it can be roughly judged that this is indeed a desert island.

It can also be said that traces of human life once existed here, but they lost to nature in the competition for survival.

Battleship slowly docked on a berth, a team of Seaman disembarked, and briefly inspected the environment near the pier. After confirming that it was indeed a desert island, it immediately retreated back to the coast.

Under the command of Tepes, the Seaman began to clean the water in the cabin, repair the damage, and arrange the deck, mast and sails.

Mo Fei also came to the shore. He looked at the various collapsed buildings filled with dust and moss embedded in the lush forest, and suddenly felt that this kind of decadence was a little familiar and even missed. .

The failure of mankind always carries a tragic feeling. At this time, this position should probably be accompanied by such a line:

The fire will be extinguished, but the position I don’t see Wang Ying…

Well, that’s a long way off, Mo Fei shook his head and laughed.

Battleship should not be repaired for a while. After standing on the shore and moving his hands and feet, Mo Fei decided to go back to the boat to sleep…This kind of wild environment is often inhabited by various beasts. Therefore, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Tepes prohibits all crew members from leaving the dock area.

After Mo Fei Awakening came, he found that the time had come to the early morning of the 2nd day. After a long time of tiredness and wake up, Mo Fei felt a sense of exhaustion on his body…

After eating something casually, he took a nap on the side of the ship. The sound of repairing ding ding dong dong from under his feet aggravated his sleepiness.

Being sleepy and unable to sleep, Mo Fei decided to take a walk on the island.

It may take a week for the boat to be repaired. During this period, Mo Fei cannot stay on the boat forever. It is also great to go hunting in the forest and catch some game.

Mo Fei pressed the long sword at his waist, which looked like two but was actually three, and then looked back at Seaman, who was doing maintenance work nervously behind him, and then moved forward. Walked towards the center of the island.

But before he could take a few steps, Tepes hurried up.

“Elindell Commodore, may I ask you what this is?”

“Well, the Seaman are all busy, and I can’t relax, so I plan to explore the depths of the forest , See if there is any potential danger, and try to help everyone eliminate it if possible.” Mo Fei said, this person can always find a suitable reason for his out-of-group actions.

“In that case, I will act with Commodore too. Maybe I can help.” Tepes said. He might be worried that Mo Fei would turn around the island twice. Dig out a treasure.

Mo Fei took a look at the other person, and then said, “Okay, let’s go together.”

To repeat, it’s a pity that Tepesh is not a younger sister.

The two one after the other walked into the forest, leaving only the hard work of the Seaman by the boat.

Walking along the traces of a certain road, you can see the remains of more villages and even towns under the shade of the woods…Unfortunately, Mo Fei is not an archaeologist. How interested, so he didn’t stop to identify these monuments.

This place itself is a Kirishima, and the lush branches and leaves of the towering giant trees hide, so the surrounding environment becomes more and more gloomy.

There are many small animals along the way, but Mo Fei did not see any beasts.

After walking a considerable distance into the island, Mo Fei suddenly stopped without warning. He raised his ears to listen carefully, and the right hand was involuntarily supporting the sword hilt.

His performance also made Tepesh become nervous. Mr. Major watched all around with an extremely vigilant gaze.

“Can you hear it?”

After a while, Mo Fei asked.


Tepes shook, except for the sound of the sea breeze blowing through the woods and other environmental sounds, he did not hear anything worthy of attention The sound.

“There is a sound of fighting.”

Mo Fei said. After a while, he could be sure that he did hear such a sound.

“The fierce beast competing for the turf?”

Hearing Mo Fei used a more affirmative tone, Tepesh subconsciously made such a judgment.

“That’s not right…”

Mo Fei clearly heard the sound of metal appliances colliding, and only such a sound can attract his attention in such an environment. force.

Humans are fighting.

“Go over there and have a look.”

Mo Fei no longer hesitated, he rushed towards the direction of the sound, and his movements appeared swift and silent.

About ten minutes later, after touching a considerable distance forward, Tepes finally heard what Mo Fei said… the environment could no longer conceal the clash of swords.

It is the battle between swordsman.

This island is not a desert island.

The thoughts that came to my mind made Tepes more vigilant…No one can expect that the people encountered in this environment are friendly and peaceful Pacifista, even more how the other party is still Fighting.

The two looked at each other, and then moved on… The Battleship had to stay in the port for a while before leaving, so they couldn’t help but check the situation here.

The sound of battle became extremely clear.

Just as the two approached the battlefield and were about to find out, there was a huge metal crash in front of them, and then something struck the air, followed by a sound With a violent noise, the thing smashed a big tree in front of it, and just fell under the feet of Mo Fei and the two.

The field of vision in the front has been cleared. Mo Fei first looked forward, and then he saw the dominant side in the battle-a taller than five meters, extremely fierce looking, armored and holding an extra large Of giant sword…


Then Mo Fei lowered his head, so he saw the baboon’s “street opponent” and subconsciously called out the opponent’s name:

“Liu Zoro?!”

Crossed over the Battleship of the storm, and did not stray to the twilight country…

It just yaws to a small island called “Kraikana”.

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