On Bokxing Island, except for the organizers of the “Great Conscription”, they are also the participants of the “Great Conscription”, but this does not mean that there are no spectators under the ring… Whether it is Seaman or Participants who have not yet turned out, they are all spectators.

Sengoku, Garp and the others sat next to the main arena, watching on platform, looking down at the battle below, and soon Mo Fei attracted their attention.

“Garp, did he do sword arithmetic? You taught it?” Sengoku asked Garp with his face full of black lines.

“I don’t know if it’s swordsmanship, but it’s definitely not what I taught.” Of course, Garp won’t admit that Mo Fei’s tricks have something to do with him, because it doesn’t matter at all. Garp doesn’t want to do it. Things are in the dark, “But according to Mo Fei’s own statement, he is exceptionally good at long-distance slash.”

“His own statement?”

“Well, his own statement.”

These two old men can see clearly, Mo Fei knows how to do swordsmanship with a hammer.

“With his strength, it is no problem to pass this round of selection… By the way, what about the person named’Issho’ mentioned by Mo Fei, is he playing now?” Then Sengoku asked again.

The Marine officer behind him immediately went to check. After flipping the list of appearances, the opponent said, “I haven’t played yet, Fleet Admiral Sengoku.”

“I am not Fleet Admiral anymore. , Be careful when speaking later, otherwise Sakazuki will make trouble for you, haha.”

Although Sengoku has retired from Fleet Admiral, quite a few Seaman still call him subconsciously For Fleet Admiral, this is inevitable.

At this time, the blind swordsman Issho didn’t know that because of some people’s reports, he had already received the attention of the Marine executives before he appeared.

On the side of the ring below, Coby and Helmeppo are watching the battle of Mo Fei.

“Mr. Mo Fei, it is really merciless to start.”

“Relentless? I think he has paid enough attention to measure. No one was attacked by him. The blood is seen directly.”

There is no blood directly seen. It’s just that those who actively attacked Mo Fei were blown up unconscious by the shock wave and then thrown out of the ring. However, considering that others want to chop his head, it is indeed quite reasonable for him to make such a counterattack… It is really rare for him to use a sword as a weapon to attack an opponent without causing the enemy to bleed.

“But Coby, I… I’ll say it perfectly clear, this is simply not swordsmanship, it is clearly a certain ability, right, Mo Fei should be an Ability User, right!”

Coby: “…”

Helmeppo is telling the truth here.

But at this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mo Fei is not using sword skills. Either there is something wrong with the weapon in his hand, or there is something wrong with him… Even the Greatest Swordsman in the World Hawk Eyes Mihawk can’t do such a thing with a sword skill that explodes once.

from start to finish Mo Fei has never attacked others actively, he just stops in the middle of the field, whoever attacks him, he will fly him out of the ring, so don’t watch him stand there. Not moving, but in fact, many people were eliminated by him.

After that, the players started to walk around him anyway.

Half an hour passed quickly, when Mo Fei heard the signal that the battle was over, there were fewer than two hundred people who could stand on the platform…from one thousand to two hundred, That is to say, 800 people were eliminated in just half an hour. This ratio shows that the strength of the players is too uneven, the strong ones are very strong, and the weak ones are very weak.

Mo Fei was not tired when he walked down from the on platform, he was refreshed…what could be the tiring of standing the “bomb” that was dropped for half an hour?

Such a secondary screening was carried out for a total of two days. After two days, there were only 12,000 participants with more than 100,000 participants left-the small fight is finally over. The next step is to enter the topic.

The next selection will be held in a one-on-one arena. This method is rather stupid… Not that the organizers can’t think of other more creative selection methods, but because of the big draft. The purpose is to select people with strong personal strength and incorporate them into Marine, so this battle method is adopted.

Heads-up is the most suitable form of fighting to show one’s strength.

There are a total of five arenas, which means that ten people can fight at the same time, and most of the fights will be won within five minutes. If you count it, 10,000 people will be all It won’t take much longer than one round. As for how long the subsequent battle will take, it is unknown.

Wait for the second screening to be completed. Two days later, Mo Fei went to draw a lottery. According to the results of the lottery, all his battles will be held in the central main arena.

“Lord, does this mean I will be the protagonist next?”

Just as Mo Fei was thinking this way, Coby and Helmeppo walked over and the former spoke to him Said, “Which ring will Mr. Mo Fei fight next? By the way, the Mr. Issho you mentioned earlier will appear in the central ring…”


Well, this means letting him play a good supporting role.

Mo Fei flashed the lottery in his hands to these two people.

“Also in the center? Mr. Mo Fei, you seem to be a little bit lucky, Vice Admiral Garp. After seeing Mr. Issho’s several shots, they agreed that the opponent is very powerful.” Coby said.

“We can’t say luck, as long as we are all on this island, we will always meet and fight against each other. The difference is only early or late.”

The first half of the Grand Line has Fujitora, and New World has Ryokugyu. The two protagonists of the big conscription have already been decided at the beginning. No matter how well Mo Fei performs, he can still win the title of “Best Supporting Role”—— Keep your feet on the ground. Now he is impossible to win Issho anyway. This is a problem of hard power and a gap that cannot be filled by operation.

So even though I said so, Mo Fei still hopes that the sooner I meet Issho, the better.

“In short, I decided to eat and drink and sleep well tonight. From tomorrow on, it will be more intense battle.”


Evening After the end of the day of selection, the atmosphere on the island was very lively, and Mo Fei decided to take a rest aboard the Shuiyu.

There are ships leaving here on the coast, and those who failed in the second screening stage are no longer eligible to stay on the island, so Battleship will take care of them—Marine needs The supplemented talents only exist among the remaining 12,000 people.

Although Mo Fei’s strength is not better than Issho, if the two sides really meet, he does not intend to give up easily. He still has to touch when it is time to touch… so he is this It is to find a quiet environment on the boat to concentrate one’s mind.

Afriel and the other Seaman on the ship are all staying on the island at this time. It makes sense that these people in charge of “logistics” are busier than those who participated in the election like Mo Fei. That’s a lot. From this perspective, Mo Fei also feels that it is a correct way to sign up for the selection, so that at least there is no need to be “grabbed”.

At this time, apart from Mo Fei, only the “trainee Seaman” Grim was on this boat.

“Sir, what’s the matter?”

Seeing Mo Fei returned to the ship, Grim, who had been staying on the mast, slipped down. Although she likes to be alone and is used to being alone, but she can only stay alone for several days, she still feels a little bit depressed after all.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that I might face a very powerful opponent next time, so I’m going back to the boat to take a good rest.” Mo Fei said.

“A strong opponent?”

“Yes, but the opponent is not an enemy, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Mo Fei thinks this kind of thing is naturally not necessary Go to the little child to mention his worry.

“Then I pray to’Ou Fei Jia’, hoping to bless Sir’s victory.”

“Ou Fei Jia?”

“Well, it is our belief God, the great Ophelia is the god of water, moonlight, and victory.”

Is it the belief of the fur tribe? No, the fur tribe doesn’t seem to believe in gods, but linking moonlight with victory is indeed a bit like the fur tribe’s way of thinking.

Or is it the faith of the Kingdom of Wilvarin?

But it doesn’t matter. In short, Mo Fei also began to pray, “Ou Fei Jia is here, I hope Mr. Issho will start from tomorrow with high uric acid, gout, and shortness of breath…”

, Is the direction of “prayer” wrong? Isn’t this a curse?

In short, after praying, I don’t know if it was an illusion. Mo Fei only felt that he was calmer. He reached out and touched Grim’s head, pinched her ears, and returned to himself. I went to rest in the room.

I slept until dawn, and then was called by the cat lady knocking on the door. Mo Fei only felt that he was energetic and refreshed… After spending a short time on the ocean, he seemed to have adapted to the cabin. This kind of narrow bed.

Then he ate something and returned to the island.

When he came to the main arena, there were several rounds of battle on the field. Not long after, it was Mo Fei’s turn.

“Garp, your students are out.”

In theory, Sengoku has no reason to pay attention to Mo Fei, because currently Mo Fei is just a small character. Although he is a student of Garp, But all the students in Seaman School are Garp students. But the theory is only the theory, the reality is… First, Sengoku has retired; second, Sengoku after retirement, he idle pain in the balls.

“Well, Sengoku, take a good look. Before coming here, I specially trained Mo Fei for a month. Now he is more or less capable.” Garp is rare to show Said with a serious look.

So Sengoku followed nodded.

On the arena, Mo Fei and his opponent appeared on the east and west sides respectively. After the referee announced the start of the battle, the opponent immediately rushed towards Mo Fei.

Mo Fei pulled out the long sword behind him at a moderate pace. He held the sword horizontally in front of him, and after a pause, he started to move.

The two sides are separated by such a long distance, I saw Mo Fei slashing left and right, and long sword flying up and down in his hands. After slashing for a while, he took the sword enters sheathe again, which has several points. of The meaning of “finish work”.

Next, I saw a large mess of sword aura flying towards the opponent in a full coverage manner, and the brick and stone ring was cut out of a path of traces-nice to say One point, this is called “saturated swordsmanship attack”, which is a bit awkward to say, it is called plowing.

The perspective of watching the game looks a bit funny, but for Mo Fei’s opponents, it is not interesting. In just a moment, countless sword auras flooded his vision. This is the case. He couldn’t avoid it at all.

next moment, he began to bleed all over.


Look at Sengoku on the platform, look at Mo Fei, and then look at Garp. The meaning in the words is self-evident… That’s it? Just let me watch this?

Garp supported his forehead with one hand, palm covered his eyes, and after finally taking a breath, he said in a deep voice, “It’s… well, it’s Hinianliu.”


“I mean this is Mo Fei’s Scarlet Sword Skill.”

“No matter what the sword skill, Garp, Why don’t you look at him and say?”

“It’s nothing, my eyes hurt, I tend to cry in the wind when I get older.”

Vice Admiral Garp couldn’t bear to look straight.

Even if it is him, he can’t speak nonsense with his eyes open, so he chooses to close his eyes…so that he can call this kind of blind J8 hacking with ambiguous conscience a “sword skill”.

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