When the blue giant turned his attention to Lady Mega Moons call for action and spotted the two saiyans that had killed his precious students.

He broke out into a rage and jumped into the water flooded streets creating a huge splash and boom noise with his landing.

Before charging through the flooded city streets like an enraged gorilla screaming.

Big Boy Brrian : "BRIAN BREAK!!"

Mayze and Kaper broke into a cold sweat at the sight of the blue monster with a power level of over 9,000 as they got into a fighting stance.

The large group of strange and fantastical Neo Heroes were only a street corner away from them in the distance.

The two gulped with looks of panic on their faces.

Silently begging for Vocado to give them the signal already.

Mayze : "Kaper!"

Kaper : "Any second now!"

The two saiyans powered up getting ready to fly away at full speed.

Fighting the instinct to escape as the blue giant came closer and closer to them.

Their hearts were racing and the mixture of fear and anticipation made them tremble and itch with the urge to blast off.

When the blue giant was spitting distance away from the two saiyans.

They screamed into the scouters just as they were about to clash.

Big Boy Brrian : "BREAK!"

Kaper / Mayze : "VOCADO!?"

Vocado : "GO!"

The moment they heard a response from the scouters.

The two saiyans erupted into balls of purple ki and flew into the sky like rising meteors.

I immediately flew out of the building charging a massive ki ball in my hand the size of my entire upper body.

The ki ball was rushed and unstable.

It sparked as the yellow electric like ki distorted and changed shape briefly before returning into a sphere.

I was a little surprised it didn't just blow up in my face.

I aimed the ki ball directly into the front streets of the Empire State Building before blasting it off.

The electric like ball of yellow ki that flickered as it traveled through the city sky with great speed.

Was too fast for any of the costumed heroes to escape its detonation range or realize the threat of the strange yellow orb.

They could only look with curious gazes for a brief second as the bright ki ball missed their group and landed nearby on the city streets.

The moment the ki ball sunk into the water and touched the ground it exploded.

Quickly enveloping the entire city and Neo Heroes in a dome of death.

As the radius from the ki balls energy expanded over thirty miles vaporizing all life and even the water in range.

The dome of energy glowed with a grossly incandescent light before fading.

Leaving only a massive crater behind where the once great city of Neo New York City stood.

Now the grave for anyone caught in the blast and for a majority of the world's greatest hero team, Neo Heroes United.
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The three saiyans hovered above the massive crater with no signs of life for miles creating an eerie atmosphere of silence.

Mazye and Kaper flew over besides me.

The three of us waited to see who could have survived the blast besides the blue giant.

I couldn't see anything and the range for my ki sense wasn't wide enough to scan the entire area so I used my scouter.

From the rubble and debris in the crater my scouter still picked up a few signs of life.

Four to be exact...

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