Mayze : "This plan better work low-class or were all fucked."

Mazye was shaking Kaper in her arms to wake him up.

When it didn't work she started slapping him in the face repeatedly.


Mayze : "Kaper wake up already!"

Kaper : "Ma-Mayze?"-


Kaper : "Ow, that hurt!"

Mayze : "Kaper!"

Mayze hugged him tightly, smiling with relief.

Mayze : "Kaper we need to move were being chased by that blue monster and the others."

Kaper quickly regained composure and flew beside her as Mayze gently let him go.

Understanding the gravity of the situation they were in.

He wasted no time in catching up.

Kaper : "Where are we going?"

Kaper looked over to his childhood rival Mayze who looked very stressed and worried.

It was a rare sight for Kaper to see his fearless rival Mayze who he knew for many years look visibly anxious.

Mayze : "The city we landed in, are you okay Kaper?"

She asked in concern of his injuries.

Kaper : "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Kaper : "What happened while I was out?"

Mayze : "I lost contact with low-class for a while and the space pods were destroyed."

Kaper : "Dammit so we're stuck here."

Mayze : "I've already contacted for a pick up, but it's gonna take at least two years to get here."

Kaper : "Two years? Why so long aren't we only six months away from planet Vegeta?"

Mayze : "No clue, but in the meantime were meeting with low-class in the city, he's got a plan to deal with that blue freak."

Kaper : "What's the plan?"

Mayze : "No idea he cut off communications before I could ask."

Mayze : "But i'm guessing were just gonna combine our attacks to kill that blue monster."

Kaper : "Sounds about right, but what about the city won't it get destroyed if we do that?"

Mayze : "Low-class said it was destroyed along with the ships by some fish thing?"

Kaper : "Fish thing? This whole planet is full of freaks and monsters."

Mayze : "Tell me about it, I can't wait to kill everyone on this miserable dirt ball and leave."

Mayze : "Hey can you still make an artificial moon if things with low-class go to shit?"

Kaper : "Yeah but we need to be careful using it around low-class I don't think he can control his oozaru yet."

Mayze : "What makes you say that?"

Kaper : "Just a hunch."

Mayze : "Even if we deal with that blue monster together his buddies are still gonna out number us."

Mayze : "Shouldn't we use it as soon as we get to the city, it's already destroyed."

Kaper : "Will have to ask low-class about it first."

Kaper : "If he doesn't know how to control himself in his oozaru form than he could end up accidentally destroying the planet and our mission would be a failure."

Mayze : "Tsk, I hate having to deal with that low-class scum on our team."

Kaper : "I know what you mean but look at this way."

Kaper : "He'll probably be the first to die when we start fighting those freaks and when he does kick the bucket."

Kaper : "The two of us could still transform and conquer this planet with our oozaru forms without him."

Mayze smiled despite the worry as she reminisced about her past.

The artificial moon was a technique Kaper's father showed him before heading out to their parents last mission together.
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There parents were close friends who fought alongside each other during the Saiyan Tuffle War.

So they had known each other from a very young age and became lifelong rivals.

Kaper noticing her strange silence spoke up.

Kaper : Hey Mayze."

Mayze : "Yeah Kaper."

Kaper : "Were going to conquer this planet and wipe out every single last one of them together."

Kaper stretched out his left hand mid flight to hold her right hand to try and comfort her while smiling.

Kaper's words reassured Mayze and she smiled confidently in anticipation back at him.

Mazye : "Yeah..."

Kaper cheered to boost morale.

Kaper : "Fuck this planet! We're gonna kill them all!"

Mayze responded pushing her worries aside and getting excited about the upcoming slaughter.

Mayze : "Hell yeah! I call dibs on that blue freak!"

Kaper : "Not if I kill him first!"

Kaper was happy to see his rival return to her usual self.

As the two flew back to re-group.

The pair had finally arrived at the city where they first landed.

Noticing the many headless corpses floating in the flooded city streets.

The two saiyans were secretly impressed in how thorough Vocado was.

Instead of just blasting the civilian population away in one attack he purposely aimed for their heads killing them all individually .

Not leaving a single sign of life in the entire city.

As the hundreds of headless corpses floated throughout the dead city.

Picking up life on her scouter Mayze pointed out.

Mazye : "He forgot to kill the people still hiding inside the buildings."

Kaper : "I doubt it."

Mayze : "What do you mean?"

Kaper : "He probably realized that they would die anyways in the collateral damage of our fight so he didn't bother."

For the first time since meeting Vocado the two saiyans felt a sense of respect for there fellow warrior after seeing his work.

The pair looked at each other and gave a silent but mutual agreement to start calling low-class by his name from now on.

They landed on the Empire State Building in front of Vocado.

Vocado : "Took you long enough."

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