Thankfully I could feel the Fish Man's power with my ki sense.

I still wasn't sure why I couldn't with that other guy but.

Vocado : ("This fish guy isn't even at half my power.")

Vocado : ("That means I don't need to waste any ki on it.")

The Invincible Fish King was paralyzed with sorrow at the death of his friend and had completely ignored Vocado standing over him.

Vocado : ("I should kill it now while it's distracted.")

But in his grief there was anger as he directed his gaze at the evident killer, a young boy with a monkey tail.

Vocado : "Huh his power went up!?"

I could feel the murderous intent the Fish Man was radiating while he stared at me.

I shivered not because he was strong or threatening.

But because he was creepy looking with his big ol' dead fish eyes.

His power wasn't too far off from mine but it still wasn't enough to beat me.

He was maybe a little stronger than Mayze now.

The Invincible Fish King : "You! Child of man did you do this!"

Vocado : "So much for my surprise attack..."

The Invincible Fish King : "Answer me! Why did you kill my friend!"
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Vocado : "Oh just shut up and fight already."

Vocado : "I'm getting tired of hearing you freaks talk."

The Invincible Fish King : "I-I…"

Vocado : "What's wrong cat got your tongue?"

The Invincible Fish King : "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!"

The fish man hopped off the geyser doing a superhero landing.

He pointed his golden hook to me and the tip of the geyser turned into a watery shark head.

The Invincible Fish King : "KING'S SHARK WRATH!!!"

He directed the water shark geyser that was now boiling hot at me.

The boiling water geyser twisted across the streets tearing through cars and buildings and flooding the city.

Also blowing away the black hero's body.

When it got close to me, the watery shark's jaws opened wide revealing a bubbling vortex inside.

Swallowing me whole as the boiling water engulfed my entire body in temperatures of up to 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vocado : "(*Scoff), Hot water that's it?"

I didn't even bother to move.

The fish man somehow hearing my comment through the crashing waves and bubbling water roared with anger.

The Invincible Fish King had lost himself in his rage and grief and was now breaking through his limits.

The water level that flooded the entire city went from my ankle to waist in elevation.

The water pressure increased and his power shot up again matching Kaper's power level.

As the water began to flood the streets causing mass havoc and chaos all across the city.

In the distance I could hear the screams and cries for help of the people who became collateral damage to our fight.

But to me nothing has changed.

It wasn't even worth acknowledging the boost in power as I stretched out my right arm for an attack.

Pushing my arm against the still flowing geyser and charging a ki wave.


I finished charging my attack and fired a large yellow ki beam.

Because of his increase in power I decided on putting half of my ki reserves into the attack to guarantee the freaky fish would die in one shot.

Vocado : "Sorry fish boy."

Vocado : "But I like my fish FRIED!"

The fish man was unable to dodge the attack so instead.

He used his golden hook as a shield against the incoming ki beam.

He was pushed back and resisted being blown away.

By dragging his scaly fish legs against the street floor to hold his ground.

I was grinding my teeth that there was a chance this Fish Man could survive my attack.

I would have wasted half my ki reserves for nothing.

Not to mention I get the ominous feeling that if he powers up again I wont be able to win.

Vocado : "Fucking Die Already!"

I increased the power just a bit and changed the trajectory of the ki beam upwards picking the fish man off the ground.

And blasting him into the sky and hopefully into space where it would finally stay down.

The Invincible Fish King : "Tsk!-Ack-No! Not like this ! Argh-No! I won't let it end this way I WONT DIE HERE!!!

The fish man resisted the ki wave and pushed it back harder but the golden hook started to melt away in his hands.

Dropping it and using the brute strength of his muscular arms alone.

The fish man pushed to the best of his ability against the intense ki beam.

But his arms were shaking and the pain of holding a ki wave back was getting to him.

The scales on his arms were being burned off or ripping away by the second, while his hands were being seared.

Remembering his dear friend Darkest Dark Man, The Invincible Fish King awakened the strength to keep fighting.

Vocado : "Tough bastard! "HAAAH!"

I increased the power again.

Finally it became too much power for the fish man to handle.

As his body was engulfed in my ki beam.

The Invincible Fish King : "NOOOOOO!!!"

The fish man was finally blasted off into space.

The Invincible Fish King : "AAAAAAIIIEEE!!!"

The beam like a shooting star in the night sky faded after its brilliant yellow light flashed across the entire flooded city.

The hot water had shrouded the streets in a steamy mist while the temperature dropped sizzling out.

Vocado : ""Phew, I'm glad that's over."

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