Onio and Raditz!

The third baby was a reddish brown haired female saiyan named Potata the name wasn't familiar at all.

I figured she was just a random saiyan who died during or before the destruction of planet Vegeta.

Onio was from Neko Majin Z a series of one shots and was more of a gag character who somehow managed to achieve super saiyan.

It made me wonder if Kuriza - [ Frieza's son ] existed in this continuity too.

Vocado : "Hmm maybe I shouldn't worry about screwing up the continuity and just go with the flow?"

Vocado : "I'm already having serious doubts about the future and history of this place anyways."

For starters its Age 726 and not only is Frieza already in power instead of King Cold.

But there have been zero traces of the Tuffles I couldn't even find anything on them while skimming through the database.

If I remember correctly they should still be around right?

Not to mention I don't even want to begin thinking about how much is wrong with Mr.Popo.

I glanced at Raditz probably one of the most underwhelming characters in the entire series.

Despite being Goku's older brother the guy was a total scrub.

A complete Jobber who basically got the Yamcha treatment.

I'm going to reactivate the tracker for Raditz and Onio when I send them off to their scheduled destinations.

Given that these two should survive the story regardless of my actions.

As for the girl…

Well I'd feel bad for dooming a baby even if it will grow up to become a bloodthirsty space warmonger.

But who knows maybe she'll grow up to be a good person like Goku someday.

Using the portable monitor I changed her destination to a random planet outside of the Frieza empire and called it a day.

Using my psychic wave to induce a feeling of peace and comfort.

I carried all three of the saiyan infants to their pods quickly and quietly without a hitch.

After loading all three saiyans into their pods and activating sleep mode I sent them off.

Even going outside to watch them leave the planet to make sure nothing went wrong on my end.

Vocado : "Okay now that everything on the ship is settled it's about time I do something about my tail."

Returning to the ship I pilot it and land by the nearby mountains.

Hiding it inside a cave behind a waterfall where I just barely managed to squeeze it in.

Honestly, it reminded me of having to parallel park for the first time.

When I departed the ship I created a large umbrella.

I didn't want to get soaked by having to pass through the waterfall.

I flew out of the cave still getting a little drenched despite the umbrella before tossing it away and flying to the nearest town.

It looked like the Dragon Ball Super Broly saiyan town on planet Vegeta.

The ground was a cracked red earth with random tall rock structures scattered around giving the place a caveman like scenery.

The houses and buildings were made of a rocky dirty yellow material with transparent dark green half spheres plastered on the sides to function as windows.

Not to mention the smooth tubes that were sticking out of the buildings which I presumed was a form of ventilation.

Everything looked primitive at first glance but when I walked around I noticed that there was a lot of super science tech scattered about inside of the houses.

By far the flying saucer shaped vehicles looked the most out of place being very clean and slick in design when compared to the town.

I couldn't help but smile the whole time.

I casually walked aimlessly through the small town.

It was like being at a zoo.

I couldn't help but stop every so often to observe the people and study what day to day life was like for the saiyans.

When questioning the old hag rest in peace.

One of the things I learned was how money works in the Frieza empire.

I looted the belongings of that old alien doctor to find some money and, after feeling and memorizing what it looked like.

With my magic materialization it was pretty easy for me to replicate the currency in a large quantity.

I created a rope and tied it around my waist to carry the coin pouch I made.

Because without a tail for a belt I had no other way to carry it around.

After a while I had seen enough and walked up to the first person who looked just about right for an odd job.
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Vocado : "Hey mister wanna make some cash."

I pulled out my coin pouch and shook it around a bit with one hand while smiling.

The saiyan was a man probably a warrior given his build.

He looked to be in his late twenties but because saiyans age slowly it's hard to really tell.

His tied hair was short black and spiky he had a beard and an eyepatch over his right eye.

He reminded me of a soldier with his resting serious expression when he turned to look at me.

The saiyan man seemed more amused at my appearance then interested in taking the money.

Saiyan Stranger : "Hey kid what's with the getup?"

Vocado : "Huh?"

Saiyan Stranger : "A runt like you shouldn't be wearing that armor."

The man pointed his finger at my armor.

Vocado : "Oh well-"

Saiyan Stranger : "And what's with the rope what happened to your tail?"

The man was not only paying more attention to me.

But he started to get more aggressive with his questions.

Vocado : " None of your goddamn business cyclops!"

The man was mildly surprised at the insult but brushed it off.

Becoming very suspicious and even more interested in who the boy was.

As a veteran middle class saiyan warrior his pride would not allow him to leave a clearly low class saiyan child to wear the armor of a middle class warrior.

Vocado : "Look I don't have all day, you want the cash or not."

Saiyan Stranger : "Forget the cash, I want to know where you got that armor from."

The man cracked his knuckles and powered up getting ready for a fight!

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