A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 94 A trick to commit suicide every day

The Christmas vacation is coming, and the little wizards can't wait for the vacation, and even the potions class is a little absent-minded.

There was snow in the sky outside, and the underground classroom of the Potions class was so cold that it looked like it was about to freeze. The little wizards rubbed their hands close to their hot cauldrons, and the breath they exhaled turned into white mist.

Owen was wearing a warm black cloak with silver buttons and waved his wand carelessly. Even his lips were pale white on his pale cheeks. There was a hot flame burning in the crucible in front of him, and the orange firelight illuminated a small area of ​​the dark underground classroom, baking the surrounding area warmly.

Snape has sadly become accustomed to Owen's behavior of warming the fire in Potions class, because this little wizard can always complete the class tasks he assigns perfectly or even exceeds the limit, and the fire he makes is indeed warm... ahem, so he just goes there After a quick glance here, he wandered around behind Neville, until Neville trembled and knocked over the cauldron, then he deducted points and left with satisfaction.

Draco shivered and moved closer to Owen's flame to keep warm. He was dressed a little thinly in order to look cool. He was so cold that his nose almost came out, so he formed a group with Owen this time.

"They say a lesson makes you wiser. Why haven't you remembered to wear more clothes?" Owen thought this scene looked familiar. Wasn't it like this on the day of the Ghost Festival?

"Stop talking, I just didn't expect it to be so cold here." Draco said confidently, but his voice was trembling.

"You all have to go home for Christmas vacation..." Harry added some medicinal ingredients to the crucible with some disappointment. None of his friends were left behind, which made him feel like a lonely old man.

"Yeah, although my parents don't like to see me go back." Owen had a faint smile in his eyes. They were afraid that something bad would happen to Owen after he returned home.

"I'm about the same, but I plan to go out and have fun during Christmas." Blaise said nonchalantly. His family situation is very complicated, and he is not very close to his parents.

"Harry, if you beg me, I can allow you to come to my house. I think my mother wouldn't mind preparing food for one more person." Draco raised his chin reservedly.

"...Let's forget it." Harry said dullly. Judging from this guy's usual bragging, he felt that Draco's school director father seemed to be a difficult person to get along with.

"Tch." Draco curled his lips and raised his chin higher.

Several people kept talking until Crabbe burned the bottom of his cauldron and spilled the hot potion onto the ground. The entire Potions classroom was instantly flooded with steam.

Professor Snape angrily waved his wand to clean up the classroom, deducted some points from Crabbe, and gave everyone a bunch of desperate homework before letting the students leave the classroom.

The last class before the Christmas vacation is over. The little wizards are like birds flying out of their cages, and the campus is filled with laughter.

Owen stuffed his belongings into a suitcase and was also preparing birthday gifts for acquaintances.

For example, he prepared a book "Three Thousand Questions on the Theory of Curses" for Harry. The little wizard who has been addicted to reading recently will probably cry with joy. What was given to Blaise were a few scare balloons, which were magic tricks merchandise given to him by the Weasley twins as an answer to the sponsor's father. There is also a beautifully designed table lamp for Daphne, several small models for Draco, candies for Crabbe and Goyle, etc.

In addition, Owen also prepared gifts for several familiar professors, such as a set of brand-new potions equipment for Professor Snape, and a large jar of catnip for Professor McGonagall. All her kittens and cats will also like it.

And, a hat for Professor Quirrell, um, green. I don't know where Quirrell made the mistake. He actually believed Owen's lies and began to change his image, but Owen was also happy to see the results. Even if you are a villain, you must pay attention to your image. No, it should be said that as a villain, you must be more charming. Otherwise, how can you attract others to fall into the trap?

Thinking about it this way, Owen found that there was one more guy missing. Isn't my dear Professor Voldemort eligible for a Christmas gift?

Although the Dark Lord doesn't need it and Owen is reluctant to give it to him, after all, he is the professor who teaches him a trick every time he goes to jail in Azkaban. He also thoughtfully gave him a warm gift package of the Flying Curse. If he didn't give it a gift, Isn't that impolite?

Well, manners are important.

"But what should I give? A pile of cockroaches endorsed by Dumbledore?" Owen thought divergently. Well, if you give this as a gift, you won’t be attacked by the Avatar, but you might get your bones ripped out, right?

"Tell him that he can add a few real cockroaches to it and give it to Dumbledore?" Or will he be heartbroken...

"Or give him a Harry Potter or other action figure, and he can smash it to decompress when he is angry? Well, then use the repair spell to repair it in one second, recycle it, super value..." Owen stared blankly. Ceiling, "How about giving him a copy of "The Self-cultivation of a Villain" to let him understand the importance of appearance. He can have no hair, but a nose cannot be missing..."

Ah, this... this will definitely be taken by Avatar, right?

"A little trick to commit suicide every day." Owen raised the corner of his mouth, and finally chose to show off, "Forget it, just give me a pure gold crucible..." When the Dark Lord wanted to cook himself, he happily handed the pot, this is What a normal true believer would do, right?

Haha, Owen is holding back his energy and preparing to give the Dark Lord a big surprise.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts has been decorated. There are towering Christmas trees all around, and the walls are covered with hanging ribbons composed of holly and mistletoe. The atmosphere is full of Christmas everywhere.

The little wizards walked along the snow-covered road to the platform this morning, and got on the train home amid cheerful laughter.

Owen and his friends occupied a private room and ate a table of candies brought by Draco's wealth. Halfway through, Blaise lit a large bundle of hard-drawn fireworks, but his head was burned into an explosion by the fireworks flying around, and Draco's hat was also set on fire.

Draco jumped up and grabbed Blaise's neck. Pansy quickly went over to pull the frame aside, causing a lot of excitement in the carriage. Daphne pursed her lips and smiled, turning her blue eyes slyly, and secretly reached out to hold down a chess piece on the wizard's chessboard in front of her.

Owen coughed slightly and watched the little girl retract her hand as if she was electrocuted, looking at him with big bright eyes and an innocent face.

"It's your turn..." Daphne said with a wink, her body shaking slightly in a covert manner.

Owen smiled and commanded his pieces to eat Daphne's king.

"Okay, I lost again." Daphne puffed up her cheeks slightly. She had lost so much that she doubted her life. Her self-confidence was shaken, and she probably needed to play a few more games with Draco to recover.

The train arrived at King's Cross Station with a roar, and the platform was already crowded with parents who came to greet them. Owen and his friends got off the train and looked for their family members in the crowd.

Most of the little wizards changed into clothes from the Muggle world, but Owen and the others didn't need it. Their family has never had any contact with Muggles, and their wardrobes never have Muggle clothes.

Owen was wearing a dark green robe with silver patterns embroidered on the edges, looking low-key and luxurious. He carried his black suitcase and scanned the bustling crowd with his eyes, and soon saw two figures standing quietly on the edge of the crowd.

"I saw my dad, I'm leaving first!" Draco waved excitedly to Mr. Malfoy in the crowd, and then hurriedly coughed lightly, not wanting to look childish in front of his friends.

Mr. Lucius Malfoy looked like a grown-up Draco. He was wearing a dark gray robe and holding a snake-shaped silver cane. After nodding slightly to them, he took Draco with him. left.

Owen walked towards his parents. They both came over and were talking to Daphne and Blaise's mother, and waved in this direction.

"It seems that you have grown just a little bit taller. I hope your height will not be like that of your grandmother, who is less than 1.6 meters!" Mr. Albert Shafik compared Owen's height and said with a playful smile.

He was wearing a dark blue robe and a black dome hat. He looked about thirty years old. He is tall and thin, with a slightly pale complexion and a handsome and heroic appearance. His long, straight black hair is tied low in a bunch on the back of his head. His black eyes, like Owen's, always have a cynical smile.

Ms. Adeline Shafiq stood quietly aside, with a vague smile on her bright and dignified cheeks. She was wearing a slim-fitting black robe, with a tall and perfect figure and a snow-white complexion. Her slightly curly black hair was pulled into a simple bun on the back of her head, and she wore a low-key dark blue hat on her head. She stood there like an elegant and mysterious black rose.

She looked at Owen with her dark green eyes, with a soft look in her calm eyes, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Welcome back, Owen."

"Well, I'm back." Owen smiled and gave him a hug.

"Owen, see you after the holiday!" Daphne followed a beautiful blond woman away.

Blaise looked impatiently and was held by a plump and graceful witch. After hurriedly waving to everyone, he broke away and walked away alone. His mother stroked her splendid golden wavy hair with a helpless expression. Her every frown and smile showed natural charm, full of charming charm, which made many men on the platform look straight at her. She said goodbye to Adeline, then blew a kiss in this direction, and then left in a charming manner.

Owen looked at this famous and beautiful witch and couldn't help but be speechless. As expected of a beautiful snake who has been a widow six times, she doesn’t know how long her current husband can last.

"Pretty, right? But the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is." When Owen was slightly distracted, Albert patted his shoulder with a smile.

"So in your eyes, Dad, how dangerous is Mom?" Owen raised his eyebrows and directly made a proposition.

"Ah, it's so devastating. Otherwise, how could it have fascinated me so much?" Albert said calmly and took Ms. Adeline's hand. Adeline glanced at him with a smile, her pair of quiet and deep dark green pupils seemed to have the mysterious magic power to see through everything, but they also carried a calmness and tranquility that did not bother her.

"We should go back." She held out her hand to Owen.

The family first entered the Leaky Cauldron through Apparition, and borrowed the fireplace here to fly directly back to the manor in Gloucestershire.

Shafiq Manor is located on a hill outside the village of Noblewick in southern Gloucestershire. The manor is surrounded by lush woods. Because of the Muggle expulsion spell, Muggles will not know it when walking in the woods. Unconsciously, they turned back to the bottom of the mountain. In their eyes, this mountain was just a barren mountain.

The manor house is a pale yellow Tudor Gothic building surrounded by a garden full of white roses all year round. White rose bushes twine around the wrought iron railings around the manor. Under the magical power of magic, they bloom from spring to autumn, and only fall asleep during the snow-covered winter, so it is also called White Rose Manor. .

It's just that the rose bushes in winter have lost all their leaves, and there are only black thorny branches clinging to the manor wall, looking like they are entangled with black thorns.

As soon as the family stepped out of the fireplace, Lady Adeline waved her wand to clean away the ashes on everyone and on the ground. The house has been decorated with Christmas decorations, and there are two Christmas trees covered with lights and ribbons standing in the hall, which are always unobtrusive.

The industrious house elves served the meal, including several stir-fry dishes that Owen had taught them to make. Feeling the long-lost familiar fragrance in his mouth, Owen's mood couldn't help but become relaxed and cheerful.

There are only three of them left in the Shafik family now, and Owen remembers that his grandparents died in an accident caused by a magic experiment when he was five years old, and part of the outer wall of the mansion was blown down. It has to be said that only a small number of wizards can live to the end of their lives. Accidents in magic experiments, attacks by magical animals and dark wizards, and incurable wizard diseases can all kill people.

"Are you in trouble at school, Owen?" Albert winked at Owen after dinner.

"...No." Owen paused and said. He never got into trouble, trouble just came to him.

"Have you ever been in solitary confinement?" Albert said with disapproval.


"That's right, he deserves to be my son." Albert patted Owen hard on the shoulder, "However, smart people should learn not to fall down twice in the same place. Since I entered the fourth grade, I have violated school rules. I've never been caught again."

Adeline sat elegantly on the chair, watching the father and son talk with a smile, and glanced at Albert in a funny way, but said nothing. This mother seems gentle, dignified and meticulous, but in fact she is by no means a conformist person. Owen suspects that she knows more black magic than his father.

Melete poked out a little head from Owen's pocket, stared at the two of them with innocent eyes, and let out a soft cry.

"Is this your catnives?" Albert clicked his tongue, "What a cute little thing."

"Come here." Adeline waved with a smile.

Melete glanced at Owen, and after Owen nodded, she jumped into her lap and meowed coquettishly at her. Adeline also gently stroked Melete's soft hair, her slender fingers slowly caressing the top and back of the kitten's head and neck, with a soft smile on her face.

"Have you encountered any difficulties in the past six months?" She looked up at Owen, his figure reflected in her dark green eyes.

"I can solve it." Owen smiled and shook his head. It's just that he was targeted by the Dark Lord, it's not a big deal... right?

"Including almost being killed by a Chimera beast?" Adeline said with a half-smile, with a bit of dissatisfaction in her expression. I don’t know how Dumbledore, the principal, could let such a dangerous monster enter Hogwarts to hunt down students.

"At least no one died, which is better than Durmstrang, where one or two will die every few years." Albert said, "We originally chose to send Owen to Hogwarts to study instead of going to Durmstrang. His cousin from the Rosier family went to Durmstrang together, didn't he just value the safety there? Although the teaching style of Hogwarts is too conservative, he is still so young, so it is right for him to be exposed to dark magic later. ."

Owen glanced at his father. He didn't want to say that he had mastered enough dark magic to survive in Azkaban until he died. Who made him unlucky enough to meet a professor who was a dark magic fanatic?

The family chatted about interesting things at Hogwarts for a while. Owen went to the greenhouse to see the magic pigeons and rabbits he raised, fed them some food, and then returned to the room to rest.

On Christmas morning, a small silver bell popped out of the black wooden pendulum clock hanging on the wall of the bedroom. The jingling of the bell woke Owen up from his sleep. With his eyes closed, he picked up the wand placed on the bedside and waved it. The curtains opened lightly, and the cold winter sunshine illuminated the luxurious carpets on the bedroom floor and the exquisite carvings on the walls.

The black wooden pendulum clock stopped chiming after he got up and put away the bell. Owen climbed out of the comfortable four-poster bed, put on a warm robe, stood in front of the window and looked at the manor, which still had green gardens and endless flat lawns, as well as a fountain with sculptures of the twelve constellations standing in front of the main entrance.

Under Melet's lazy gaze, Owen opened his Christmas gifts one by one.

Mr. Albert gave him a beautiful silver dagger, and Ms. Adeline's gift was a brooch that could reflect the curse back to the caster, which seemed to have a certain tracking effect.

What Blaise gave him was a large series of special fireworks, Draco's diary that would spray foul-smelling liquid into the face of anyone who peeked, Hermione's large spell book, and Neville's Some kind of suspicious plant that seems to be breathing softly.

Harry's gift was a Muggle educational toy that looked like a nine-link chain, and he probably thought Owen would like something like this. Daphne gave her a beautiful pointed hat, which was dark green in color and surrounded by dots of silver patterns.

"Tsk, is this the gift from the hat-giver, Renheng?" Owen put the hat on his head in a funny way and continued to open the remaining gifts. In fact, cuckold hats have no special meaning in this country, and hats of this color are still very popular.

After sorting out all the Christmas gifts, he stretched and enjoyed a leisurely and peaceful Christmas with his family.

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