A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 89 Traceless Stretch Box

Owen looked carefully at the black suitcase in front of him. It was the same style as his own suitcase, but it looked older.

There is also the coat of arms of the Shafiq family on the side of the box. The gorgeous coat of arms makes this humble box a little more mysterious.

Owen took the box back to the empty dormitory, took out his wand and tapped the badge on the box, making it disappear as if it had been erased by an eraser.

After carefully checking that there were no special markings on the outside of the box, he opened the box. The first thing he saw was the wooden stairs leading down. The bottom of the box could not be seen at a glance. He stepped into the box, went down the stairs, and entered a spacious room.

Looking around, the room Owen was in was generally rectangular and square, with exquisite carvings on the pillars and walls on the four sides. There are some miscellaneous items in the room, including old furniture, scattered ornaments and daily necessities, like a utility room. He also found a large bag of gold galleons on a table, but he didn't know who had left it here.

Passing through the rectangular room and opening a carved wooden door on the other side, you will see an elegant foyer with a door on each side and an upward staircase.

Owen first opened the door opposite. There was a long corridor on the inside, and rooms on the left side of the corridor. At the end of the corridor is a wall with a majestic fire dragon pattern carved on it.

The door on the left side of the foyer leads to a huge square room. The surrounding walls give people a thick feeling, the floor is a deep black, and gorgeous chandeliers hang from the high ceiling. Most of the room was empty, with only a few rows of bookshelves on one side and three broomsticks next to it. I didn't know what this room was used for.

"It's interesting." Owen looked at the layout of the room, nodded with satisfaction, then returned to the hall and opened the door on the right.

The door on the right leads directly to the outside of the house, as if you are suddenly outside. The sky is gray and white, making it difficult to tell how high it is. The ground is also gray and leaden, and is hard when you step on it. The boundary between heaven and earth is not clear, so Owen doesn't know how big it is here, but Definitely not smaller than the area of ​​a golf course.

I looked back at the door I just walked out of. It was the door of a house. The two-story house was very majestic and covered a large area.

"Which ancestor had nothing to do and built such a house here..." Owen shook his head, but smiled with satisfaction, "This way, it will save a lot of trouble."

He looked into the distance one last time, then returned to the original room, followed the stairs out of the box, and sat on the bed, lost in thought.

"The next step is a big project, but it's worth it for a wonderful performance!"

The weather in November has become extremely cold. The gray mountains around Hogwarts are covered with ice and snow, the lake has begun to freeze, and every morning there is a layer of hoarfrost on the ground.

The dungeons of the castle became even colder and biting, and Owen increasingly liked to huddle up in the armchair in front of the fireplace in the common room, holding Melete and warming themselves together. Each person and the cat felt that it would kill them to leave the common room. of.

But their wish to lazily warm themselves by the fire still failed because the Quidditch season had begun. Owen didn't go to the previous games for various reasons, but today's game was Slytherin versus Gryffindor. Facing the first game of his college, Owen was dragged to the Quidditch pitch by Harry and Blaise.

With the mentality that I can't be the only one to suffer, Owen took Melete out and sat shivering in the cold wind, one person and one cat. All the little wizards seemed not to feel the cold. They argued nervously and expectantly, screamed and cheered enthusiastically, and Owen couldn't understand what it was about the sport of Quidditch that fascinated them so much.

He recited several spells to himself to prevent wind and cold, and finally he no longer felt cold. But not being able to sit in front of the fireplace and warm up the fire always made him feel empty.

Soon, players began to enter the field and the game officially began. No matter what the situation is, whenever the two houses Slytherin and Gryffindor face off, the atmosphere will be particularly tense and intense.

The players on both sides interfered with each other in every possible way, sometimes using broomsticks to collide with each other, and sometimes hitting the bludger into the back of each other's heads. But in general, Slytherin's players did commit more fouls because they respected victory first. , the means are not important. Commentator Lee Jordan occasionally lost his temper and cursed, but Slytherin was already far ahead.

Owen glanced at the Gryffindor Seeker, a small boy he didn't recognize. At this time, Harry was sitting not far away from him, staring intently at the game, dancing with excitement, cheering, annoyed or angry about the situation on the field from time to time. It seemed that he really loved Quidditch.

In the end, Terrence, the Slytherin team's seeker, caught the Golden Snitch, and the game ended with Slytherin winning.

The cheers around Owen were deafening, and there were boos in the Gryffindor stands.

"Next year, next year I must sign up for the Quidditch team!" Harry said with a flushed face, both excited and cold.

"I'm sure I can get in," Draco said slowly.

"Hey, I don't want to play ball, I just want to see Irving's helpless expression." Blaise said with a smirk.

Owen walked to the lounge expressionlessly: "I hate Quidditch."

Daphne couldn't help laughing and blinked her blue eyes at him: "Actually, it's good to go out for a walk more often. You seem to be in a bad mood recently." Her senses were always very keen.

The group of people did not go to the common room, but planned to attend a new round of gatherings of the study group. This time the location was chosen in a classroom on the fourth floor.

While passing through a corridor, a low conversation came from the voices of Professor Snape and Quirrell.

"...Have you figured out how to get past that big dog?" Snape's voice was cold and mocking.

"But...but, Severus, I..." Quirrell's voice stammered, filled with fear.

"You don't want to be my enemy, Quirrell." Snape's voice became more oppressive.

"I...I don't know what...you mean." Quirrell said solemnly.

"You know exactly what I mean." Snape's cold tone seemed to freeze people to death, "I'll be waiting for your little secret trick."

Then, as if he heard the footsteps of everyone, Snape suddenly poked his head out from behind the corner of the corridor and met the eavesdropping young wizards. His eyes were filled with annoyance and ferocity, which frightened the little wizards to the point of stopping their breathing.

Only Owen waved his hand naturally, as if greeting relatives who came to visit: "Good afternoon, Professor Snape, Professor Quirrell."

"What did you hear?" Snape asked gloomily, casting a large shadow on everyone's faces.

"Heard nothing!" the others said in unison.

Snape's cold and empty eyes swept across the guilty faces, then he flicked his cloak and limped away. After taking a few steps, he paused, suddenly turned back menacingly, and forcibly dragged Quirrell away.

Quirrell turned his head to look at the little wizards with a look of panic and cowardice. He looked like a victim who had been coerced but did not dare to speak out. His eyes were full of words but he couldn't help but feel pity.

Owen saw the other party secretly winking at him, and his already pleasant mood instantly became worse.

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