A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 25 The troublesome fax machine

Generally speaking, the atmosphere was very harmonious during the study time of the four people in the library.

At least when someone asks a study question, the other three people can express their opinions without being speechless.

Irving jokingly called this scene the "Senior Seminar", which was unanimously rejected by the other three. This shameful name is so stupid.

"By the way, do you know about a recent rumor?" Hermione suddenly lowered her voice and said, "It came from Hufflepuff..."

Owen suddenly looked up at her, his eyes eagerly waiting for the next step. Well, it feels like I finally met the NPC who posted the quest!

Under Owen's eager gaze, Hermione raised her face slightly and said quickly: "This is actually just a rumor that has not been confirmed. I heard that someone found an omniscient fax machine in the castle, huh , just a kind of Muggle machine..."

"It only appears and disappears suddenly around midnight at night. When someone finds it, they can ask it a question and always get the correct answer."

Hearing this, the book in Owen's hand fell on the table with a bang. The sound echoed in the silent library, attracting a warning glare from Mrs. Pince.

But he no longer cares about this... If this rumor is true, God knows what trouble it will cause!

If this fax machine can really answer all questions, then it may completely mess up everything. You know, there is still a Voldemort hiding in Hogwarts!

It would be okay if Dumbledore got some answers from it, but what if it was Voldemort? If he knew how to overcome the side effects of Horcruxes and mend his brain that had been split into idiots, he would become very troublesome in the future...or in other words, if he knew how to kill Harry, or even how to kill Harry. Harry was actually half of his Horcrux, so the savior was immediately destroyed.

Or, Voldemort may get a better way to perfectly obtain a body, or discover that Professor Snape is actually an undercover agent... The answers to some questions may even allow him to trick Dumbledore. !

Although these things do not have a great impact on Irving, after all, he is born with the right to choose, but he obviously does not like a dark future plunged into endless war, and he needs some time to grow steadily.

Owen wondered what a fax machine could do, what if it truly knew everything? That means everything Owen knows will begin to collapse!

As long as it says something like "Irving Shafiq is the key person who knows a lot of inside information" to interested people, Irving can imagine that he will face huge troubles.

"This broom star physique is really brewing something big, and it's really going to kill people this time!" Owen was so mad that he wanted to punch the table for the first time.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down: "Huh, the top priority is to find a way to recover that damn fax machine before it causes something irreversible!"

"Next, we need to activate all the power we can..." He moved his fingers unconsciously, and a playing card quickly appeared and disappeared in his hand. "There is also good news, that is, this fax machine is not like the previous one. The source of the anomaly is hidden so deep, as long as we find it, the matter will be solved."

"Anyway, let's do our best." If there is really nothing you can do, then you can only do it badly.

The three people on the side did not notice Owen's brainstorming at this moment. Hermione was still talking in a low voice: "In fact, I think this rumor is completely false. You know, Muggle machines will all be confused after entering Hogwarts." If it malfunctions due to interference, of course, it may have been transformed by magic..."

"I have read many books about Hogwarts, including "Hogwarts: A History", and there has never been any record of anything like this in the castle. It is obviously new. Yes, but you think, how can there be something that knows everything? Maybe it is an evil thing, making people who see it think it knows everything..."

Owen nodded secretly, he also hoped so, so that he wouldn't have to have such a headache.

"I don't think this is true either. Everything that is difficult to understand may have unfathomable risks hidden behind it." Daphne said calmly. Coming from an ancient wizarding family, she is well-informed and understands the dangers of weird things better than others.

"But, since the rumor is so clear, it must have a certain degree of credibility." Harry looked a little excited, "I mean, there must be magic that can do this, right? Even if it's just I know part of it..."

"No magic can do such a thing!" Hermione said sternly, her voice rising involuntarily, "Don't even think about looking for it, Harry, that thing may be dangerous, and you may be deceived and deceived. Misleading, being tempted to do something wrong! And this is against school rules!"

"Hermione is right, Harry. Many dark magic items always appear extremely tempting. When you are extremely eager, it means you have fallen into its trap." Daphne said slowly, looking calm. Calm, "it will lure you deeper and deeper until everything is irreversible."

"Okay, but I think there won't be anything that dangerous in Hogwarts, right?" Harry argued rationally, "All the books I've read say so, Hogwarts is magic. The safest place in the world!”

"Hogwarts is not peaceful, Harry." Owen gave him a meaningful look, "Have you forgotten about the sorting?"

If nothing happens, it becomes the safest place. As expected, the savior's brain becomes a decoration when he is reckless.

"I don't know if your protagonist halo will be useful in the future..." Owen muttered in his heart. Once that fax machine explodes, the future as he knows it could collapse.

"I haven't forgotten, but they are different!" Harry said.

"The sorting thing? What is that?" Hermione asked.

"That's not what we're talking about now!" Harry said. "The point is, if there's even a chance that the fax machine is real..."

"It's against the rules to wander around in the middle of the night! You may be caught, have points deducted, or be put in solitary confinement!" Hermione's eyes widened.

"I know, but think about it, if you can get an answer, breaking one rule for this is..." Harry said unconcernedly.

Hermione took a deep breath, hugged her shoulders and turned away angrily, her cheeks bulging slightly: "That's up to you, you're not Gryffindor anyway..."

They were talking too loudly, and Mrs. Pince stood at their table with a livid face, waving a feather duster in her hand and driving them out of the library.

At lunch time, the auditorium was noisy. The rumor of the fax machine has spread, and Hufflepuff students have rarely become the focus of everyone's attention. A large group of people gathered around the Hufflepuff table, trying to get information from familiar classmates.

"I, I was the first to find out! That rumor is absolutely true!" Zachary Smith, the captain of Hufflepuff's Quidditch team, said with a red face, "I was the one who asked the first question ..." At this point, his expression looked like he was about to cry.

"What did you ask?"

"I asked it, what are you?" Smith pulled out a piece of white paper from his schoolbag, with neat ink handwriting on it.

A group of curious little wizards looked at each other. Owen also leaned over to take a look and saw clearly what was written on it:

"I am a mantra fax machine. You ask and I answer. The rules are as follows:

"1. The mantra fax machine only appears from 23:00 to 1:00 every night, and the location is random.

"2. People who find the mantra fax machine can ask a question. Each person can only get the answer to one question per year, and only one person can make a question every night. After the question and answer is completed, the fax machine will enter a hidden state and wait for the arrival of the next night .

"3. The mantra fax machine never lies. If the interrogator asks a question that the fax machine cannot answer, the fax machine will not give an answer and the interrogator can continue to ask the next question."

Owen narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chin with his index finger: "Truth fax machine? It seems that it is not omniscient and has many limitations... It is a little better than I thought, but only a little."

The fax machine will disappear after answering a question every night, which obviously makes it more difficult for Owen to find it, because he has to ensure that he finds it before others!

The little wizards were chattering and discussing, and a little Hufflepuff witch said excitedly: "I guarantee it will be useful! I asked this week's Transfiguration test questions, and they were not bad at all!"

"Anyway, I found a secret passage using the fax machine!" a male student said proudly, and then poked his companion next to him, "Marco, didn't you ask about it about your secret crush... uh uh..." He His mouth was covered by his companion.

Owen's eyebrows moved slightly as he listened to these discussions. You use such a powerful fax machine to ask these questions? Sure enough, children are still very innocent.

He returned to the Slytherin table and carefully considered his next move.

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