A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 20 Questions about Occlumency

Owen left the corridor very calmly, putting away the wand that was once again in his hand.

If the twins had chosen to attack him just now, Owen wouldn't mind practicing his newly mastered spell on them. As for the friendliness represented by that bouquet of fake flowers? That's okay, but it could also be plastic.

Owen finished walking around the last few places on the eighth floor of the castle, and paused in front of an ugly giant stone monster statue, making a note on the map.

"Is something wrong?" the stone monster asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, just passing by." Owen said casually. Although he could guess the password for the principal's office, which was nothing more than sizzling bee candy, pile of cockroaches, or lemon ice cream, he had no intention of sneaking in to take a look.

After leaving the area, Owen looked at the map in his hand carefully and then started walking downstairs.

Peeves came over again halfway, and was quiet for a while under the influence of the spell. After the time limit of the curse passed, he started to make more noise. If Owen hadn't threatened with the curse, he would have almost sang a song that tortured his ears.

When passing by the fourth floor, Peeves looked at the corridor on the right and winked at Owen: "Peeves knew there must be a treasure hidden in that corridor! Peeves saw them giving away a big dog with three heads. Come in!"

"Then why don't you go grab the baby?" Owen said casually.

"It's enchanted there, and Peeves can't penetrate it." Peeves rolled around in mid-air, obviously unable to go in to find out what was going on, which made him scratch his head.

As he was talking, Owen suddenly smelled a faint smell of garlic. He continued walking down the stairs for a few steps, and as expected, he saw Professor Quirrell walking up the stairs. The huge purple scarf on his head was particularly conspicuous.

"Good afternoon, Professor Quirrell." Owen greeted him very naturally, with a perfect smile on his face and every move he made was elegant and self-respecting.

"Good afternoon, Sha Shafiq." Professor Quirrell also nodded, glanced at Peeves quickly, and continued: "You can't go close to that corridor, it's very dangerous. ...Danger." Apparently he heard what Owen and Peeves said.

Peeves' eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what bad thoughts he was thinking. Obviously, he had no awe at all for this stuttering professor who had no dignity at all.

"Of course, Professor. I don't want to be a big dog's dessert." Owen said in a humorous tone, his clear and calm eyes touching each other.

Quirrell nodded, and the two passed by each other calmly.

Owen walked down the stairs silently, and when he returned to the first floor, he glared at Peeves. He always felt that this guy was trying his best to trick him.

"Well, do you want to study Occlumency?"

Because he had no memory of the plot before enrolling, Owen did not learn Occlumency in advance. Of course, even if he wanted to learn it in advance, he might not be able to do it. This forbidden technique is closely related to the brain and thoughts. Without precise control of magic power and the care of a skilled wizard, practicing blindly may turn him into an idiot!

"However, now that I have thinking space, I have the conditions to practice on my own." Owen thought deeply.

Owen is not in a hurry to learn Occlumency these days, because he has learned about the magic of Legilimency from some books and understands that it is not able to browse people's memories at will.

The human brain is not a book that can be opened at will and read in one's free time, but a complex, vague, and multi-layered thing. Legilimens cannot read other people's thoughts like a newspaper. Instead, they must navigate the complex thoughts of others, comb through and analyze what they find, and decipher meaning from meaningless images.

Legilimency users can determine whether others are lying and analyze the other person's true inner thoughts. They can also use words and emotional guidance to interpret what they need from other people's changing thoughts.

Of course, a skilled Legilimency master can also invade other people's brains and find some memory fragments they need. But this is the violent use of Legilimency, which requires a high degree of concentration and is easier to be noticed by the other party. This is already within the realm of interrogation.

Among the few people who know Legilimency in Hogwarts, Dumbledore usually does not use it easily on students, although with his wisdom, he can easily see through most people even without using Legilimency. heart. As for Snape, although his bottom line is more flexible, he will only use it on students when he is full, to interpret those childish and snickering little thoughts.

As for Voldemort, in his current lingering state, it is still unknown whether he can use Legilimency. Even if he can use it, the target will not be a little wizard who is not a threat to him, unless the little wizard attracts his attention or is targeted by him, but at most it is just to sense the other person's thoughts at the moment.

In order for him to use Legilimency interrogation methods to forcibly invade other people's brains and peek into other people's memory fragments at the risk of increasing physical burden, it would only be possible if someone arouses his strong suspicion or alertness. In fact, he might not even be able to do it in his current weak state.

If he could really achieve this step, I'm afraid he would have found a way to get through the big dog from Hagrid's mind. After all, Hagrid is definitely not a person who hides his thoughts. Although Hagrid is a hybrid giant, which will make Legilimency more difficult to a certain extent, it will never be able to block Voldemort's prying eyes.

Moreover, if Voldemort could really use Legilimency in this way, he should have found Snape by now, instead of relying on Kino, who has mediocre abilities. After all, Snape, the master of Occlumency, is absolutely "loyal to him" "of.

Owen is actually not too afraid of others finding out his inner thoughts at this moment. After all, he won't think over and over again about the plot he is familiar with. As long as no one sees my memory of the original novel, there is always room for maneuver.

"So don't be too anxious, because there's no point in being anxious."

Owen knew that even if he started practicing Occlumency from now on, it would be difficult to achieve anything in a short period of time. If he wanted to practice it enough to be useful, it would take an unpredictable amount of time. He also doesn't want to find a Legilimency master to help him get it done quickly, because that means he has to open his memory to others.

"However, just in case, let's find a textbook on Occlumency and study it to see if we can find a way to hide the memory about the original work." Owen glanced at the face beside him. Peeves smiled mischievously, "I seem to have a few related books at home. It looks like I'm going to write a letter to my family."

"So, don't tell me what other crooked thoughts you have." Owen temporarily put the issue of Occlumency behind him, tilted his head and looked at Peeves, with a slightly teasing smile on his face, "Still Say, you want to pull off the scarf on Professor Quirrell’s head in front of everyone and let everyone see if it’s stuffed with garlic?”

"Peeves has principles!" Peeves shouted, but his malicious black eyes revealed his inner restlessness.

"Okay, how long will you continue to follow me?" Owen took out his pocket watch and checked the time, planning to go for a walk outside the castle and bask in the sun. Having a noisy guy next to you at this time is too much of a sight.

"As long as you tell poor Peeves that trivial little secret..." Peeves picked up his nose and did somersaults in the air.

"I said, that's impossible." Owen's smile was full of determination, and then showed a playful look, "However, I can think about it and teach you what I did in front of the Weasley twin brothers. The magic of the show.”

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