Jeollyi has arrived in Dubai.

I went to meet her at the airport.

Hae-ri raised an eyebrow and said.

“In San Francisco, I met him, but in Dubai, Mr. Deok-myeong met me.”

she said with a smile. There was a sense of leeway in the way he spoke.

He seemed to have found some free time after leaving Plant Factory.

I said as I opened the car door.

“Can I take you straight to the growing facility? It is also the day the sculpture is completed.”

“A sculpture?”

“It is a sculpture that will become a symbol of Dubai.”

“Are you very curious?”

Hae-ri said with curious eyes.

She said while driving in the car.

“Dubai is very hot. More than I imagined!”

“If you look at the sculpture, the heat will blow away.”

I arrived at the cultivation facility with Jeon-ri.

She looked up at the gigantic sculpture with a surprised expression.

“What is this?”

“It is a symbol of our hydroponics facility.”

Just then, CEO Cha Jong-moon approached me.

“You came on time. I was just about to test it.”

Everyone who worked in the growing plant came out.

It was to see the sculpture in action.

Harry asked me.

“How tall is the sculpture?”

“It’s 60m.”

“How does it work?”

The moment she asked a question, the giant sculpture began to work.

Water drops began to fall from the 60-meter-tall sculpture.

As the drops of water fell, some people ran back. Because of the transparent case, I thought it was real water.

Jeon Hae-ri couldn’t keep her mouth shut at the overwhelming sight. Water drops falling vertically looked beautiful.

Finally, the rain-dropping sculpture was completed.

Jee-ri said looking at the sculpture.

“It really looks like it’s raining!”

“how about it? Did the heat go away?”

“yes. Very cool.”

she smiled and said

At that moment, Lee Jang-woo’s voice was heard behind his back.

“I was here. I’ve been looking for a while But who’s next to you, Harry?”

Jang-woo Lee also met Jeon Hae-ri on her way back from Antarctica.

Hae-ri held out her hand and said.

“See you again in Dubai. Nice to meet you!”

“Iknow, right. Nice to see you here again.”

The cultivation facility was guided by Jang-Woo Lee.

He explained the planting facility to Jeon-ri.

Hae-ri asked after hearing Jang-woo Lee’s explanation.

“Is it because of the spray system that we can stack cultivation facilities like this?”

“Yes, our growing facility sprays water and nutrients on the roots of the crops. So, even if the cultivation facilities are stacked layer by layer, they can withstand the load of water.”

“Incredible! Farmers in Jirisan have done what the plant factory technicians couldn’t do!”

Lee Jang-woo smiled at her praise.

“Did Jang Woo developed the spray system?”

“No, the person who developed the spray system is CEO Kim Deok-myung.”

Hae-ri looked at me with a surprised face.

* * *

That evening, the three of us decided to have dinner together.

Lee Jang-woo, a master of Dubai restaurants, guided us to the restaurant.

Lee Jang-woo said in the restaurant.

“This place has excellent French cuisine.”

Lee Jang-woo was also in charge of ordering the menu.

Hae-ri was terrified to see the food that came out.

“what is this?”

“This is Escargot. It’s a snail dish.”

Lee Jang-woo said with a calm face.

It was the first dish I ate. The snails fried in butter were topped with parsley.

“There is no need to feel rejected. Think of it as eating golbaengi.”

Hae-ri burst out laughing at the word Golbang.

It tasted better than expected.

Hae-ri said while eating food, making eye contact with me.

“The cultivation facilities of the farmers in Jirisan were amazing.”

We had a good time talking about our time in San Francisco.

When pudding was served for dessert, I brought out the words I had saved.

“Farmers from Jirisan are planning to enter the US market soon.”

Hae-ri’s eyes twinkled at the word of the American market.

“Are you planning to build a large-scale cultivation facility in the US?”

“First of all, we plan to open up the market as a home salad grower.”

“A home salad grower?”

I showed her the video on my phone. It was a video about a household salad growing machine developed by Hadong.

She exclaimed as she looked at the screen.

“Isn’t it just about making large-scale cultivation facilities? It’s amazing that it’s a home hydroponic plant!”

“To enter the US market, you need someone who knows the local situation well. Of course, you have to have a lot of knowledge about hydroponics.”

“Are you talking about me?”

Hae-ri asked, pointing at herself with her finger.

“Yes, I want to work with Harry.”

“like. I also want to work with the farmers in Jirisan.”

Hae-ri said without hesitation.

It seemed that she had already made up her mind.

“It is an honor to work with Harry.”

“That sounds like what I have to say!”

* * *

It has been a month since Hae-Li returned to the United States.

She started working on setting up a corporation for Jirisan farmers in San Francisco.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Now, a corporation of Jirisan farmers is established in the United States as well.

The Dubai plantation facility has entered the final stages of work.

The transfer of the seedling salad to the planting facility was in full swing.

I sometimes drank mint tea sold by Arab boys.

Every time I drank mint tea, I asked about the boy. The boy casually told his story.

The boy’s name was Baba Ascar.

He is only 12 years old in Korean age.

Baba was not a Dubai citizen. They were refugees from Yemen.

Baba’s father died during the civil war.

Dubai citizens could enjoy generous welfare such as free housing and education, even if they were not aristocrats, but refugees could not enjoy any welfare.

This was the reason why mother and son had a hard time selling mint tea.

As the construction of the planting facility came to a close, Baba’s mint tea did not sell well.

This is because convenience facilities have been built into the cultivation facilities. People preferred to have a cold drink in an air-conditioned area.

I wanted to sell you a cup of Baba’s mint tea.

While looking for Baba, I saw an interesting sight.

Kang Su-yeol from the engineer team was talking to Baba.

I was far away from them, so I couldn’t tell what they were talking about.

Kang Soo-yeol handed the goods to Baba. It is a big object that a boy cannot lift.

Baba loaded the box into the cart delivering the mint tea.

I tried to ask out of curiosity, but the break was coming to an end.

* * *

That evening, I went to Kang Su-yeol’s room. I wanted to know what he gave Baba.

I knocked on his door.

“Soo-yeol, are you inside?”

“Ah yes. who are you?”

Kang Soo-yeol opened the door and showed his face. Sweat splattered on his forehead.

It seems they were doing something in the room.

“What is the president doing here?”

he asked with bewildered eyes.

“Can I go inside and talk to you?”

“The room is a bit messy.”

I was curious about his restless attitude.

“It’s okay to be messy. Let’s go inside first.”

Kang Su-yeol revealed the room with a puzzled face.

As he said, the room was a mess.

It was a solar panel and the tools were cluttered.

“When I was done, I tried to clean it all up.”

Kang Soo-yeol said as if making an excuse.

He seemed to know what he was making.

It was similar to the thing I made in Hadong.

“Were you making a beehive?”

It was almost identical in shape to the advanced beekeeping equipment used at the Hadong Bee Farm.

Kang Soo-yeol scratched his head and said.

“yes. I was making a beehive.”

“Why were you making this?”

“I’m going to give it to a friend as a gift.”

“Are you friends?”

I remember the scene where he gave the box to Baba. It was similar in size to the beehive he was making.

“Are you talking about Baba?”

“How does the president know that?”

I said I witnessed the scene by chance.

Kang Su-yeol replied as if confessing.

“The mint tea isn’t selling well anymore. I wanted to make sure that honey could be sold in abundance.”

Kang Su-yeol is from the candle school. Like Baba, he grew up in a difficult environment.

Looking at Baba, it seems that he remembered his childhood.

“Do you want to help Baba?”

“yes. I want to give you a little help.”

“Then how about giving Baba a job?”

I asked, looking at the hive he was making.

“You’re giving Baba a job?”

Kang Su-yeol opened his eyes and asked.

Baba wasn’t the only one helping.

Hopefully, it will be helpful to the farmers in Jirisan.

Conditions of urban beekeeping

Baba’s work was a task to be solved with Dubai’s Prince Mohammad.

I immediately contacted Mohammad.

he asked in a pleasant voice.

“Now I know that the work on the cultivation facility is coming to an end.”

“yes. The finishing work is in full swing. Soon we will be able to grow salads.”

“I want to see you soon.”

At the end of the call, he spoke carefully.

“I have something I want to discuss, can we meet for a while?”

“Are you talking? Is it related to the cultivation facility?”

“It has nothing to do with the plant, but it is important.”

“Are you curious? I will tell you where we will meet.”


* * *

The place where I met Mohammad is the tallest building in Dubai.

It is famous not only for Dubai, but also for being the tallest building in the world.

The restaurant on the 122nd floor was the place where we had decided to meet Mohammad.

I was drinking coffee while sitting in a seat overlooking the city of Dubai.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad appeared in a suit. He suits the suit better than the traditional Arab attire.

“Have you been waiting long?”

“I just came.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad ordered mint tea without looking at the menu.

“I was very curious because Kim Deok-myeong asked me to meet separately. What does it mean to be important?”

he asked with a smile.

“It is about eradicating poverty in Dubai.”

“Poverty? Everyone in Dubai lives in abundance.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad replied with a relaxed face.

“I have a little boy I met in Dubai. A boy named Barbara.”

I told Mohammad the story of Baba Askar.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad’s face grew serious when he said that the child was a Yemeni refugee.

“I know that the people of Dubai are receiving various welfare benefits. As the saying goes, everyone is living an affluent life. But there seem to be a lot of people in the blind spot.”

“I know that there are quite a few people in a difficult situation. It is also a concern for Dubai.”

“How about giving them a good job?”

“Is it work?”

“It’s an urban beekeeping.”

I said looking out the window. Parks were well established between buildings.

There were beautiful flowers in every park. All parks are owned by the Dubai royal family.

“Are you saying you want to raise bees in the park?”

Just by looking at his face, he seemed to understand his heart. It is the face of dissatisfaction with the installation of beekeeping facilities in the park.

“How about raising the beekeeping facility on the roof of the building? I think about the aesthetics of the city.”

“ah… … A beekeeping facility on the roof of the building?”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad’s expression brightened at that moment. If the beekeeping facility was installed on the roof of the building, there was no problem with the aesthetics of the city. In addition, the use of water and electricity could easily be solved.

“The flowers and trees in the park will be a source of honey for the bees. Urban beekeeping could provide jobs for people in need.”

“That’s an interesting idea.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad said, stroking his mustache.

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