The home page came into view.

“Is ‘agricultural funding for Hadong farmers’ a name given by Doyun?”

He smiled and nodded his head.

I looked closely at the homepage screen.

There were images of farmers in the screen.

A familiar face was also seen in the images of the farmers.

Im Hwa-soo was a farmer who ran a grape farm.

There was one thing that helped him when he was struggling with falling grape prices.

Click on Farmer Lim Hwa-soo. When I clicked on the person, the farming plan came out.

In February, green onions, potatoes in June, and grapes in July, a farming plan was published.

While looking at the farm plan, Seong-yoon Seong said.

“It is a structure in which consumers view the agricultural plan and purchase the crops they want in advance.”

“How did you find out about the farmers in the picture?”

“I personally went to ask for opinions and received a farm plan.”

“But most of them are small-scale farmers, aren’t they?”

“There are a lot of people who are big farmers who have already secured a market.”

“Doyun, did you pay attention to small-scale farmers?”

“Yes, I want to help farmers in need.”


As Sung-yoon Seong said, it was difficult to secure a market for those who farmed small.

If farming funding is activated, it seems to be a hope for small-scale farmers.

I could feel his warm heart.

I asked while looking at the website screen.

“Who made the website?”

“I did it myself.”

“Doyun, do you know how to code?”

“No, I’m not that expert. I used a tool to create a website, not coding. Among foreign sites, there are sites that provide templates so that you can create your own website for free.”

“I want to leave the farming funding to Doyun, is it possible?”

“I really want to.”

* * *

It was already dark.

I finished work and headed home.

When I got home, the phone rang.

This is Jeong Ga-hee, who is in charge of the candle school.

“What’s going on, at this late hour?”

“When I came home, I wanted to see the CEO’s face.”

“Are you home?”

“It’s my father’s birthday, and it’s also the end of the year. I came here on a whim.”

“I was on the way home, would you like to see my face?”

I turned the wheel and headed for her house.

Jeong Ga-hee was waving her hand.

“how have you been doing?”

“I’m always fine.”

she said as she got into the car.

“Would you like to go to dinner?”

“Before that, there is a place I want to go.”

“Where is that?”

“Just go to the address I take.”

Jeong Ga-hee covered her hand and taped the address on the navigation.

“Where the hell are you going?”

“I know when I go.”

When I thought about ‘Jung Ga-hee is still the same’, I laughed.

As she was heading to the place where she was filming, suddenly she asked.

“Are Seong Do-yun and Kang Su-yeol doing well?”

“These friends, these are the children who will become the hope of the farmers in Jirisan.”

“Are you doing that well?”

Jeong Ga-hee asked with a surprised expression.

“Why are you kidding me? Did the two of you have an accident at Candle School?”

“I never had an accident. I like it that way Because you are doing well.”

Jeong Ga-hee said with a smile.

There was a sense of relief and a little sadness in her smile.

I could tell without saying it.

Because Seong-yoon Seong and Su-yeol Kang were children who grew up in disadvantaged environments, it seems that they are both proud and sad.

Just saying that you are doing well makes my heart flutter.

“I have a book.”

Jeong Ga-hee said it first.

“If it’s a book, you gave it to me as a present, didn’t you?”

“It came again.”

She took a book out of her bag.

I glanced at the book she was holding.

The title caught my eye.

“The title is ‘machine’ yes.”

“right. It’s a ‘machine’.”

The title of my previous novel was ‘Honey and Bees’.

The main character, who was stung by a bee and gained special abilities, solves the case.

This time it’s a ‘machine’. It wasn’t unusual from the title.

“Why is the title ‘machine’?”

“It’s a novel about a machine that changes souls.”

“A machine that changes souls?”

Jung Ga-hee’s bizarre imagination made me laugh without realizing it.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Just because it’s fun.”

“You say it’s fun without reading the novel?”

she asked with a frown.

“I mean the imagination is ingenious, don’t get me wrong.”

She looked at me and turned her head.

We had already reached our destination.


she said in a cheerful voice.

It is a quiet elementary school building in the countryside.

“Why are you here?”

“I know when I go.”

This is the moment you enter the school gate.

Suddenly it started to rain.

“Let’s go in quickly.”

She said, covering her head with her bag.

We ran in the rain.

It was only a short time, but the rain got wet.

She was like a drowning cat.

I asked her.

“Now tell me. Where the hell are you?”

“It’s going to be a library.”

dream library

The place that Jeong Ga-hee wants to turn into a library is an abandoned school building.

I looked around the school building and asked her.

“Are you going to build a library here?”

She nodded her head in strong affirmation.

“Then you bought this building?”

“I am still planning. First of all, it’s just steamed. You will be able to live soon.”

Jeong Ga-hee said with a confident face.

“Would it cost a lot of money?”

Even though the school was closed, at least hundreds of millions of dollars were needed to buy the school building and turn it into a library.

“To sell and buy a novel.”

“Do novels sell that well?”

“Right now, it is firmly holding the No. 1 spot in bookstores.”

Jeong Ga-hee invested 50 million won in funding for farmers in Jirisan.

It was possible because he won the feature novel contest hosted by a Korean newspaper.

After that, another novel called ‘Machine’ was published.

What she said could be true.

“Why don’t you believe it?”

she asked, looking me in the eye.

“No, I’m just curious.”

“What is so strange?”

“Jung Ga-hee’s amazing driving force.”

Jeong Ga-hee seemed to be in a good mood. She patted my shoulder and said.

“Would you like to come in for a moment?”


Although the school was closed, the inside of the building was relatively clean.

She said looking at the empty classroom.

“There will be an abundance of books and people here.”

she said with a smile.

“Now that I’ve heard of Jeong Ga-hee’s grand plan, shall we have dinner?”

I led her to Han Gi-tak’s regular food stall.

Jeong Ga-hee asked while standing in front of the food stall.

“Is it a food cart?”

“It’s raining, so let’s have a drink of makgeolli.”

“How is the car?”

“You can call a taxi. Don’t worry, go in. Good service here.”

The lady boss with a virtuous impression was greeted with a friendly face.

“It was raining. Wipe it with this.”

The lady boss gave me a towel and said.

“By the way, are you with someone else today?”

She looked at Jeong Ga-hee and asked.

“It’s not fun if you come with the same person every day.”

“It is.”

“Are you sad that Gi-tak senior didn’t come?”

“It’s sad, but I’m not sad at all. Gi-tak only serves service every day.”

She replied in a playful tone.

“What do you want me to give you?”

“Please give me makgeolli before seafood.”

“Wait a minute, I’ll do it right away.”

When the lady boss passed away, Gahee Jeong looked into my eyes and asked.

“You don’t work and you only drink here every day?”

“Jung Ga-hee is still nagging.”

“What, nagging?”

At that time, the lady boss put makgeolli and snacks and said,

“This is a special service for a lady.”

Delicious tofu and stir-fried kimchi. The saliva was dripping.

“I’ll also send you seafood pancakes soon.”

The moment the milky makgeolli was poured into a glass, it started to rain like a torrential downpour.

“It rains a lot.”

Jeong Ga-hee looked out and said.

“It’s the perfect weather to drink makgeolli.”

I smiled and took my glass. While having a drink or two with her, the seafood pancake came out.

It tasted good because of the sound of rain.

I emptied my glass and asked her.

“But what is the real reason you want to build a library?”

“Hadong doesn’t have enough space to enjoy cultural life. It will also be a good facility for young farmers.”

“Is there any other reason other than that?”

Previously, she had said that she wanted to create a space for young farmers to enjoy cultural life.

At the time, I thought it was so, but suddenly I had a feeling that there might be another reason.

Jeong Ga-hee emptied her glass and said.

“If you dare to ask, there is one more reason.”

“what is that?”

I looked into her eyes and asked.

“I want to challenge myself towards my dream just like you.”


“You are constantly challenging yourself. Since I started with dried persimmons until now, I have been running non-stop. I want to challenge myself like you.”

Jeong Ga-hee said with serious eyes.

“So you want to write a novel and build a library?”

“Okay, set goals one by one and try to do as much as I can.”

“Is that cool?”

She smiled shyly at my words.

She was taking one step at a time towards her dream.

“Shall we make a toast to Jeong Ga-hee’s dream?”

We happily clapped our glasses.

It was when her cheeks turned red.

“Ayoung decided to help me too.”

“Did Nam Ah-young agree to help?”

“Ayoung decided to paint a mural in the library.”


The moment I talked about Namahyeong, I burst into laughter.

Jeong Ga-hee looked at me and asked.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I remember the present Ayoung gave me.”


I told her about the painting Namahyeong gave her.

When I said that I painted my face green, she laughed too.

“I look forward to seeing how the library murals turn out.”

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