“Dirty bastard, even thinking about it now makes me angry.”

He seemed to recall the Plant Factory’s vile ways to steal our technology.

“Then what were you talking to him?”

“Today will be the anniversary of the Plant Factory.”

I said with a quiet smile, Baek Min-seok burst out with a big laugh.

All companies participating in the fair completed their preparations.

People from all over Europe came into the fairgrounds.

The response was good from the start.

It is thanks to the promotional strategies of the Jirisan farmers.

We set up a large screen in front of the booth.

Videos were appearing on the screen.

This is an edited video of a salad container being installed in Antarctica.

The promotional video caught people’s attention.

There was even a child staring intently at the scene where the penguin came out.

I handed the blue-eyed kid a candy.

The child receiving the candy ran to the white-haired man.

The man was a man I met in Germany.

This is Lucas Werner, Marketing Director at the Deutsche Company.

he said with a smile

“I came with my family.”

“You came as promised.”

“Germans keep their promises like a sword.”

After Lucas Werner arrived, a miraculous thing happened.

A group of people was rushing towards our booth.

These are the Germans I introduced to the salad container.

Little Hans and his wife were also seen.

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Our booth was overflowing with people.

“Can we see how the salad container works with the application?”

Lucas Werner asked me.

I taught people how to interface salad containers with applications.

It’s still late 2009.

It was also a time when smartphones had just entered people’s daily lives.

Some people needed help.

Baek Min-seok and Park Tae-ho helped install the application.

“Are you all done installing?”

“Yes, it’s over.”

“Now, try pressing the admin button.”

I also pressed the admin button of the application.

The manager of the salad container worked fine.

[Light 8,500lux]

[Temperature 16 degrees]

[Relative Humidity Range 70%]

[Concentration of carbon dioxide 380ppm]

[Normal water flow]

[Nutrition fluid normal]

People responded with surprise and wonder.

“Can you control the entire interior of the salad container with your phone? Plus, you can see the inside!”

Lucas Werner said with a look of admiration.

“Actually, it looks like something that I really like. Small containers look especially good. It’s the perfect size for a garden.”

Little Hans said with a smile. His wife, Rebecca, also nodded.

It was the small size of the salad container that was as responsive as the ability to control the salad container with an application.

People lined up in front of a 10-foot container.

There were many people who wanted to put it in the garden and use it.

Where there are a lot of people, there is always curiosity.

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Our booth was not crowded.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Me and my colleagues had no time to rest.

Europeans also showed interest in sprouted ginseng.

Some people saw the sprouted ginseng and said it was a magic salad.

At the same time as the explanation, the contract was being made. There were many people who wanted to buy a salad container. It has been an explosive reaction from day one.

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On the other hand, the booth of the Plant Factory was only flying flies.

There seemed to be more staff than visitors.

I looked at Mark Lester’s face as he introduced the salad container to the crowd.

The white shirt made Mark Lester’s face paler.

He even annoyed the plant factory workers.

That was then.

A welcome guest appeared in front of me.

Prince Mohammad Salada of Dubai. Today, he showed up wearing a nice suit, not the traditional clothes he wore in Dubai.

He smiled broadly and introduced the people.

“I came here with some guests.”

Like Little Hans, he visited with several others.

There were few people from Dubai. Most were Westerners.

Just by looking at his outfit, he could tell that he was different from ordinary people.

They all seemed to be of high rank.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad said, pointing to the promotional video to those who were with him.

“I met Mr. Deokmyeong in Antarctica. Now, shall we take a look at the salad container Mr. Deok-myung made?”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad looked at me and raised a thumb.

His support was bolstered.

I excitedly introduced the salad container.

It is time to use the application to link with the salad container.

The blonde-haired woman raised her hand.

“Do you have any questions?”

“The booth across the street seemed to be introducing salad containers, right?”

“Yes, it is a company called Plant Factory. They made salad containers just like us there.”

“What’s the difference with a farmer’s salad container from Jirisan?”

she asked, twinkling her eyes.

“I am not an employee of the Plant Factory, so I can’t explain in detail.”

“Then can I go and find out for myself?”

I nodded my head lightly.

She really went to the booth where the Plant Factory was.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad said to me with a puzzled face.

“It’s because she’s a princess. Deokmyung, please understand.”

Like Mohammad, he was of royal origin.

“it’s okay. But what country is he from?”

“She is the princess of the Swedish royal family.”

As soon as Mohammad had finished speaking, she appeared.

She said, pointing to the plant factory with her hand.

“You can’t use the salad container over there, right?”

“You can’t use it?”

I asked with a smile.

“It didn’t work with the application, and there was only one size. It seemed a bit outdated.”

She spoke in a voice so loud that even the people of the Plant Factory could hear it.

The Swedish princess didn’t seem to care about other people’s feelings.

I looked at Mark Lester’s face first.

He was sweating and his white shirt had turned into a scruffy mess.

His face was pale and he looked like he was about to collapse.

The Swedish princess said to me.

“I like the salad containers of the farmers in Jirisan. I’ll order 10!”

Performance in Europe

Swedish princess Rota Ljungberg ordered 10 salad containers.

The purpose of her purchase of the salad container was unique. He said he would use the salad container for the homeless.

At first, I doubted my ears.

Sweden is a well-known welfare state in Northern Europe. I never thought there would be homeless people.

At the Amsterdam Fairgrounds, she said with a calm expression.

“There are about 34,000 people in Sweden who do not have a fixed place of residence. I hope the salad container helps them.”

In Sweden, which has a population of 10 million, 34,000 homeless people are quite a number.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Most of the homeless in Sweden were gypsies from other countries.

I wondered why the Swedish princess was so interested in the lives of the homeless.

When I asked why, she smiled.

“Social contribution is my job. I enjoy doing it.”

She was a princess of Sweden and ran a non-profit corporation called the Ljungberg Foundation.

“One of the salad containers I plan to try out myself. I definitely want to try growing sprouted ginseng.”

Princess Rota Ljungberg said with a look of anticipation.

For a princess, she is a shy person.

* * *

The Amsterdam Agricultural Fair was held over three days.

The booths of the Jirisan farmers were crowded every day.

People from many countries in Europe showed interest in the cultivation facilities made by farmers in Jirisan.

When I got home, I stretched out and fell asleep. My colleagues never said it was difficult.

It wasn’t about persevering with indomitable fighting spirit. Every day was fun.

Those who visited the fair praised the skills and ideas of the farmers in Jirisan.

Every time I heard compliments, I felt empowered.

The number of contracts for salad containers was also increasing.

He was busy until the last day without even opening his eyes.

Plant Factory is the exact opposite of us. On the last day of the fair, there were no visitors who were looking for it.

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Only the employees of the plant factory are on duty.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mark Lester’s daunting goal was a spectacle.

He was like someone from a portrait house. I had dark circles under my eyes. Even wearing black clothes, he looked like a grim reaper.

Baek Min-seok said while looking at the Plant Factory booth.

“I think something is going on in the Plant Factory booth?”

I turned my head and looked towards the Plant Factory booth, and it seemed that Mark Lester was arguing with someone.

Davy Klassen from the Amsterdam Fair Operations team was speaking loudly to Mark Lester.

His voice could be heard all the way to our booth.

“Does that make sense to change booths on the last day of the fair?”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mark Lester was half crazy. He demanded that he change his seat to a nonsensical freak.

In the end, Davy Klassen from the Amsterdam Fair Operations team called the guard.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Me and my colleagues watched as Mark Lester was kicked out of the fairgrounds.

“It’s a complaint.”

Baek Min-seok snorted and said.

“Don’t worry about other people’s business, let’s do our own thing. The fair isn’t over yet.”

“I understand, CEO Kim Deok-myung.”

I did my best until the end.

Jirisan farmers successfully completed the Amsterdam Fair.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

More than 150 salad containers were sold at the Amsterdam Fair.

It was more than 10 billion Korean won.

* * *

After organizing the exhibition, we returned to our accommodation.

We all held beer glasses and toasted.

“Everyone has suffered.”

“Sorry, it was the best moment of my life. Especially when the CEO of Plant Factory was fired, the 10-year-old congestion seemed to go down.”

Baek Min-seok said while drinking a cold beer.

“I also agree with Team Leader Baek. It was really fun. It felt rewarding to work.”

Park Tae-ho also helped.

“You too? After all, I wasn’t the only one.”

Baek Min-seok said as he clashed beer glasses with Park Tae-ho.

After laughing and chatting for a while, Baek Min-seok asked me.

“Are you going back to Hadong now?”

“I think I should stop by Germany for a while.”

“Is there anything left to see with Little Hans?”

Baek Min-seok opened his eyes and asked.

“We sold salad containers, so we should have an office in Europe.”

“Well, yes. There should be offices in Europe like Dubai.”

I was thinking of meeting Lucas Werner, marketing director at the Deutsche Company.

The Deutsche Company is a company with the largest distribution network in Germany.

When Jirisan farmers and the Deutsche Company joined hands, they were able to reliably supply salad containers in Europe.

“I think Taeho should stay in Europe.”

“Lee Jang-woo must be sad. He must be waiting eagerly for me in Dubai.”

Park Tae-ho said with a smile.

* * *

The next day, I left for Germany with my colleagues.

With a light heart, I boarded the train and headed to Germany.

Baek Min-seok shouted hurrah when he heard that he was going to get on the train.

He dreamed of riding a train in Europe.

When I got on the train, I felt like I was going on a journey.

As he crossed the Dutch border, Park Tae-ho took out a boiled egg and cider from his bag.

“Park Tae-ho, I found out that he was an old man!”

Baek Min-seok said as he took the boiled egg.

“My mother told me to eat this on the train.”

Park Tae-ho said with a smile.

“Your mother is right. Eating snacks on the train is a lot of fun.”

After the fair was successfully completed, I felt relaxed.

Arrived at Berlin station with ease.

We booked a hotel and contacted Lucas Werner.

“I am here to keep my promise to visit you after the Amsterdam Agricultural Fair.”

“You keep your promises as well as the Germans. I was still waiting for the call.”

I made an appointment to meet with Lucas Werner.

I hung up the phone and said to Baek Min-seok.

“Today I have decided to meet someone from the Deutsche Company.”

“Then should we go together?”

“To take only Tae-ho. Minseok, you are resting.”

“I will do what the representative tells me.”

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