Anchor Shin Nam-soo did not bring up the story about funding.

Lastly, I wanted to say something about funding.

“I want to lead changes in rural areas using cutting-edge technology. We will nurture many young farmers and develop underdeveloped areas. I want to be successful in this funding and make that dream come true.”

“I heard you well.”

Anchor Shin Nam-soo can give me a maximum of one minute.

He gave me two minutes.

* * *

We arrived in Hadong late at night.

Han Gi-tak was waiting for me.

“What are you doing here?

“Our CEO is having a hard time, can you sleep alone?”

“Do you have any reactions?”

“Not a little, but a lot. Now it seems that the congestion section has been cleared.”

Funding, which had been slow due to patent issues and broadcast appearances, was revived.

“Sleep right now. Don’t look at the computer.”

“Senior too.”

I said so, but I couldn’t help turning the computer on.

I was staring at the monitor, forgetting to sleep.

As Han Ki-tak said, the response was good.

The last remarks made headlines.

The funding page was also growing like a sprout of sprouts.

The tension was relieved and I fell asleep.

Then an email arrived.

I checked the sender of the email and fell asleep.

Prince Mohammad Salada of Dubai.

I didn’t even think that I would be contacted in the first place.

I opened the mail right away.

He was aware of the patent news.

He wrote in detail what he had done in Antarctica.

It is about building a hydroponics plant in Dubai.

At the end of the letter, he wrote that he was waiting for a call.

The cow horn was too short, so I immediately took out his business card and called him.

He answered the phone right away.

“I didn’t expect to receive a call as soon as I sent the email.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad’s voice was muffled.

“I was happy to contact you right away.”

“Since we’ve been in contact like this before, shall we talk face to face?”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad recommends making the video call.

This is a method often used in Antarctica.

I made a video call with him.

A man with a handsome mustache appeared on the screen.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad sat in an ornate room adorned with gold.

He said with a happy expression.

“It’s nice to see your face.”

“It’s the first time since we met in Antarctica.”

“Mr. Deokmyeong looks better.”

“It’s thanks to taking the medicine.”

“A medicine?”

“It is a drug that replenishes energy.”

“After eating it, vertical cultivation was successful.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad said with a smile.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Naturally, it moved on to work.

“I saw the patent. That was a great achievement. How did you succeed?”

“Building a hydroponics facility at our base in Chile was a hint.”

“After all, it is the man who makes gold from dust.”

“It’s not gold, it’s a green salad.”

“In the desert, salads are more precious than gold. Do you remember what I said in Antarctica?”

asked Mohammad with a serious face.

He said he could give him a chance in Antarctica. He also added that it should not be confused with a contract.

“I remember.”

“I think we need to change our words now. I would like to discuss the contract.”

It is also to build a vertical cultivation facility in Dubai.

I was calming my mind. Apart from funding, this is a huge opportunity.

I spoke to him carefully.

“We are currently in the process of funding.”

“I am well aware of the situation Mr. Deokmyung is in. You can wait until the funding is over.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“That doesn’t mean we’re going to wait. I am not a very patient person.”

“I will give you my opinion on the Dubai case as soon as the funding is over.”

“If you sign with me, you will see an amount that is incomparable to the amount of funding you are aiming for.”

* * *

The next day, I quietly called Han Ki-tak.

“what? All of a sudden, they asked me to meet you on the roof.”

“I have something to say quietly.”

I told him about the Dubai contract.

Han Ki-tak couldn’t keep his mouth shut while listening to the story.

“From Antarctica to the desert. I will go to space in a little while!”

“Maybe that day will come.”

“You haven’t talked about the contract yet?”

“After funding, I decided to give you an answer.”

“What the hell is going on, you’re so crazy!!”

“First of all, only seniors know.”

“Okay. I will keep my mouth shut.”

Han Gi-tak covered his mouth with his palm.

* * *

The boring rainy season was coming to an end.

It has been a month and a half since we started funding.

The amount raised has also exceeded 50 million.

The remaining funding period was sufficient. One month and two weeks left.

If only 5 billion is collected during that time, the funding will be successful.

Until then, I thought that the funding would be completed without any problems.

Until strange articles were posted on the Internet bulletin board.

It seemed that this case could not be resolved with the venture crowd.

I had to go on my own.

behind the scenes

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Malicious rumors began to circulate.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Negative fake news related to the funding of Jirisan farmers was being made and circulating somewhere.

I was furious when I saw rumors that cutting-edge technology was a good-looking dog apricot, and that recruiting young farmers was just emotional marketing.

Gossip spreads slowly, but malicious rumors spread quickly.

Reading such fake news, even those who participated in the fundraising seemed anxious.

The epicenter was an internet media company called ‘Fact Fast’.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Malicious rumors about the funding of Jirisan farmers were pouring out there.

A familiar name appeared among the reporters who produced fake news.

Cho Yong-sam is a former reporter for the Hangil Shimbun.

He is the person who turned the candle school Namahyeong into a delinquent teenager and wrote an article that Jirisan farmers were vicious companies.

After that incident, he was branded as a garbage reporter and expelled from the Hangil newspaper.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Now, as a reporter for ‘Fact Fast’, he was attacking farmers in Jirisan.

I was more terrified by the name of ‘Fact Fast’ than by the name of Cho Yong-sam.

This is because ‘fact fast’ is the worst of the bad guys.

It is an understatement to say that it is an internet press.

Jinsoo Mo, the CEO of ‘Fact Fast’, did anything that made money.

It was more like an entertainment center than a media company.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mo Jin-soo once worked as a rice paddy and was quite famous. One day, he suddenly created an internet medium called ‘Fact Fast’ and committed atrocities.

‘Fact Fast’ attacked the target in a line that did not exceed the scope of defamation.

The same was true of writings that were offensive to the farmers in Jirisan.

It is a situation that requires action.

* * *

An emergency response meeting was held.

In addition to Han Ki-tak, Lee Jang-woo, Lee Dong-chun, Min Yo-han, and Baek Min-seok gathered in the office.

Everyone’s expression hardened.

Han Gi-tak turned the documents. Inside was an article circulated by ‘Fact Fast’.

Everyone sighed and looked at the contents.

Lee Dong-chun spoke first.

“What the hell are you writing this with?”

It’s a conversation that’s not as exciting as usual.

Han Ki-tak said with an angry face.

“Cho Yong-sam, this guy was the one who attacked us back then. What is this guy doing?”

“I don’t think I did it alone. We are moving systematically.”

I answered him in a low voice.

“Then, are you going to get money from us?”

Lee Jang-woo said as if yelling. Annoyed face

“At first, I was skeptical of that, but I don’t think it’s any way I think about it. We’re not funding to deceive people, are we?”

If you are funding with the intention of cheating from the beginning, the story is different. But we are not scammers.

It was funded for a legitimate purpose.

They seemed to have some other reason to pursue us.

“I think there is a power behind it.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han said with a meaningful expression.

“A background force?”

Lee Dong-chun blinked in surprise and asked.

I also wondered what Min Yo-han was thinking when he came up with the word “behind the scenes”.

Everyone’s eyes turned to him.

“It’s like Marc Lester of the Plant Factory did it.”

“Mark Lester?”

Baek Min-seok and Lee Jang-woo said at the same time.

The two had seen Mark Lester at the California Agricultural Fair.

“Is there any reason?”

I looked at Min Yo-han and asked.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han opened his laptop and opened the web page of ‘Fact Fast’.

A screen covered with articles and advertisements caught my eye.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han pointed at the banner ad with his finger.

This is a screen promoting natural vitamins.

“This advertisement seems to be the decisive factor.”

“What does that advertisement have to do with Plant Factory?”

Baek Min-seok asked with an incomprehensible look.

“It’s a health food company that Plant Factory acquired a while ago. We recently opened a branch in Korea.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han made eye contact with me.

eyes full of certainty.

“Mark Lester is more than capable of doing this.”

The moment he heard his words, the hidden puzzle pieces were put together.

Apparently, the distribution of press releases to foreign media seemed to cause problems.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad Salado learned that we had succeeded in vertical cultivation through foreign media reports.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mark Lester must have seen the press release too.

The two moved in the opposite direction.

read at

One was trying to give us a chance, the other was interfering with our work.

“What does Mark Lester get from messing with us?”

Baek Min-seok asked Min Yo-han.

“Mark used a similar method in the past. There are times when a company with technology put the brakes on the moment it was trying to grow. And they reached out to make a technology alliance. Perhaps something similar will happen to us.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han was a key member of Plant Factory.

He left the company because he hated the inhuman side of Mark Lester.

As he said, the force behind this incident was like a plant factory.

“I didn’t see it like that, but it’s a complete idiot!”

Lee Jang-woo said, clenching his fists.

I looked at my colleagues and said.

“Everyone, calm down.”

“I am still trembling.”

Han Ki-tak said with a stiff face.

Being upset doesn’t solve the problem. In times like these, you need to be more calm.

First of all, I wanted to correct the chaotic atmosphere.

“It’s not all bad news. I have some good news.”

“Is that good news?”

Lee Dong-chun’s eyes twinkled at the words of good news.

“I got a call from Dubai.”

“If it’s Dubai, you mean that Mohammad has been contacted?”

Lee Jang-woo asked with a surprised face. He knew I had met Mohammad in Antarctica.

“right. I got a call from Mohammad Salah, Prince of Dubai.”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on me. He swallowed his saliva and looked at my mouth.

“I had the opportunity to build a hydroponic plant in Dubai.”


Lee Jang-woo jumped up from his seat and sang hurray.

Lee Dong-chun and Baek Min-seok hugged each other and expressed their joy.

The faces of Han Ki-tak and Min Yo-han were also full of smiles.

I thought it was the people who couldn’t hide their anger until now.

“After the funding was over, we decided to discuss the details. Funding is the most important issue for us right now.”

When we talked about funding again, everyone’s expressions stiffened as if they were nervous.

“First, we need to get rid of the malicious rumors.”


Han Ki-tak asked, blinking his eyes. Other colleagues are also curious.

“I think Mohammad could be a reversal card.”

* * *

After the meeting, the phone rang.

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