After dinner, Captain Kim Do-gi called me.

Benjamin made eye contact with me and smiled.

“Captain Benjamin, do you remember what I suggested to Mr. Kim Deok-myung?”

He smiled and nodded.

“I talked to Mr. Deok-myeong. We will also set up a hydroponics facility at our base in Chile.”

“Is that really true?”

Captain Benjamin asked with a surprised face. I must have been looking forward to it, but when it actually came true, I couldn’t believe it.

“It’s a Christmas present.”

“It’s the best Christmas gift I’ve ever received.”

At that moment, I raised the wine glass high.

All the crew raised their glasses together.

The sweet scent of red wine lingered in his nostrils.

I put down the glass and said to Captain Benjamin.

“I also remember the captain’s promise.”

“Do not worry. I will definitely keep my promise.”

It is a promise to introduce you to the Prince of Dubai, Mohammad Salah.

If we take advantage of that opportunity, we will be able to go beyond the country and into the world.

Antarctic penguin teacher

Christmas passed and a new year dawned.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

New Year’s Eve in Antarctica

“Happy this year too.”

“you also.”

I exchanged good words with Lee Jang-woo.

“But how long do you have to stay in the room?”

“Until Chef Eun Jae-min calls.”

The crew told us to wait to prepare a surprise event for us.

Because tomorrow I am leaving for the Chilean base.

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Of course, it’s not just about going to the Chilean base.

The crew who received help during the Blizzard crisis said they wanted to reciprocate.

The story also came out at a Christmas party.

They were only moving to the Chilean base, but there were words that said that they could not just send it to a nearby place.

The door opened with a knock.

Chef Eun Jae-min said with a cute expression.

“You may leave now.”

As we entered the restaurant, Captain Kim Do-gi and the crew welcomed us.

Everyone greeted the new year with one voice.

“happy new year!!”

We also sent New Year’s greetings to the crew.

“The crew prepared food for Kim Deok-myeong and Lee Jang-woo.”

Chef Eun Jae-min guided us to the table.

There was a steamed rice cake dumpling soup.

He said, pointing to the dumpling soup.

“I made dumplings made by the members themselves. Eat this and have a good trip.”

Everyone sat down and ate together. I felt a warm and friendly heart as if I had come home.

After dinner, rest was given.

It was also a day off for all crew members.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Me and Lee Jang-woo did not have time to rest. I had to do a final check.

There shouldn’t have been any problems during the two weeks we’d be out of base.

Jang-Woo Lee gave the final delivery to the engineers regarding the maintenance of the salad container.

I also checked last.

Chef Eun Jae-min and Vice-Captain Do Sang-hyeon were looking at me.

“Mr. Deokmyeong’s words are so hard that my ears pierce my ears. Now you don’t have to worry.”

Commander Doh Sang-hyun showed me a note and said: In the meantime, what I said was written in a notebook.

“I also made good notes.”

Chef Eun Jae-min also gave a note. It was a neatly organized note.

“You two did a good job. Contact us anytime if you have any problems. I will run right away.”

“Yes, I will contact you anytime.”

Vice Commander Do Sang-hyeon and Chef Eun Jae-min saluted.

The two seem to be woven together.

I also answered with a behemoth.

All preparations for leaving for the Chilean base are now complete.

* * *

The next day, a trailer arrived in front of the Daehan base. It was a trailer with the Chilean flag on it.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Me and Jangwoo Lee loaded the equipment into the trailer. These are the extras that were in the salad container. A culture medium was also prepared.

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Of course, I couldn’t bring all the equipment. He left the equipment necessary for the base in Daehan and took only the surplus equipment.

Although the equipment is insufficient, I was thinking of making as much as possible a hydroponic cultivation facility.

“Now we are ready.”

Jangwoo Lee checked the equipment loaded in the trailer and said.

Finally, we left for the Chilean base.

This is the first time since I came to Antarctica, I am on my way to a base in another country.

Lee Jang-woo has a tense face.

“Is Jang-Woo Lee nervous?”

“I am going to a new place. I would call it excitement rather than tension.”

he smiled and said

It was snowing outside the window. The snow falling from Antarctica was white and beautiful like dandelion stalks.

The trailer entered the Chilean base.

size was considerable. It was so large that it could not be compared with the base in Korea. The Chilean base in Antarctica was established on King George Island in 1969.

A place with a long history. However, the facilities were not good for the size.

As Benjamin said, the Chilean government didn’t seem to be investing much in the Antarctic base.

There were many old and rusty places.

Captain Benjamin and his crew were in front of the base to meet them.

“welcome. It took a lot of hard work to come a long way.”

Captain Benjamin had a friendly feeling no matter how many times I had seen him.

I said goodbye and went into the base. The inside was warm.

The inside was as spacious as it looked from the outside.

“They will guide you to where you will be staying for two weeks.”

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Next to Benjamin, a man who had been chasing after him like an attendant guided us.

The dormitory, like the base in Daehan, is a double room.

An old bed was telling us a long history here in Antarctica.

“Now that I have unpacked, shall I go out?”

We wanted to see the inside of the base before we started working.

Captain Benjamin was drinking hot coffee in the break room.

“Captain, can I have a look inside the base?”

Captain Benjamin put down his coffee mug.

“Of course you can see it. But do you want to start working as soon as you arrive?”

Captain Benjamin asked, tilting his head.

I looked into his eyes without saying a word. With his eyes, of course, he expressed his intention that work came first.

“I think Koreans think too much about work. Have you ever been to Antarctica?”

“A view of Antarctica?”

I had never even thought of visiting Antarctica. The only time I spent a long time outside was when I was doing rescue work.

“It’s a job, but since you’ve come to Antarctica, you should visit it.”

Captain Benjamin said with a nice smile.

Then a member of the crew came out wearing a white dust jacket.

Benjamin asked the crew.

“Diana, are you on your way to see the penguins?”

“Yes, I am on my way to Penguin Village.”

“Okay. Then go with them.”

“Is this them?”

The Chilean crew made eye contact with me. She is an impressive female crew member with thick double eyelids.

It was the first time I saw a female operator in Antarctica.

“Diana is a researcher observing life in Antarctica. He is also the teacher of the Penguin Village.”

Being a teacher at the Penguin Village, I was intrigued just by hearing the words.

“Let’s go before work.”

Captain Benjamin politely advised.

I read from Jangwoo Lee’s eyes. Written on his face was that he wanted to visit Penguin Village.

“Then, I won’t decline.”

Before leaving the base, Diena gave us white dust suits.

It’s like what she wore.

“Should I wear this?”

“If you don’t wear dust-proof clothes, you could get into an accident.”

“Are you buying?”

Diana said with a serious face.

* * *

We moved to Penguin Village with Diena. The sky was clear and clear.

Diana was holding the steering wheel.

I asked her.

“What does it mean to be a penguin village teacher?”

“It’s a nickname that Benjamin gave me. I go to see penguins every day.”

Diana was a biologist. Its mission is to observe the animals that inhabit Antarctica. Among them, I was very interested in penguins.

The truck stopped in front of the beach.

There were hundreds of penguins in groups.

I didn’t know until I got out of the car.

It’s the first time I’ve ever smelled such a strong smell.

“What does this smell like?”

Lee Jang-woo covered his nose with his hand.

As he said, a foul smell stung his nostrils.

Diana couldn’t hold back her laughter and giggled.

“It smells like penguin poop.”

“Do you smell shit?”

Lee Jang-woo was disgusted with disgust. That was then. A baby penguin toddled towards us.

Aside from the smell, the cute appearance made me smile.

“Aren’t you afraid of people?”

“Penguins are curious. Especially to people.”

Diana said, stroking the baby penguin’s head.

It was when the penguin became obsessed with it.

A strange sound was heard from somewhere.

It is Lee Jang-woo’s moan.

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One of the penguins was chasing Lee Jang-woo.

Lee Jang-woo was in a situation where he was trying to avoid him.

The emperor penguin is about 1 m in length.

“Jangwoo, be still. Then you will be fine.”

“You want me to stay still?”

Jang-Woo Lee stopped on the spot as I said.

The look on his face looked frightened.

The penguin rubbed his head on Lee Jang-woo’s leg.

Lee Jang-woo couldn’t stand it and moved his leg.

The surprised penguin feces on Lee Jang-woo’s leg.

“Wow, it’s dirty.”

I burst into laughter at that sight. Diana grabbed her belly button and smiled.

It was because he was wearing a white dust jacket. If you don’t wear dust-proof clothing, the penguin’s feces could get on your clothes.

“I came all the way here, can you help me?”

She gave me a large envelope.

It was used to pick up and store foreign objects on the shore.

This is to protect the penguin habitat.

“There is trash in this place as well.”

“These are from fishing boats that are fishing.”

There were fishing boats fishing in Antarctic waters. They mainly catch krill. Most of the debris is from fishing boats.

Diana wasn’t a penguin village teacher, she was almost a guardian.

When I was almost done, Diana called me quietly.

She pointed a finger at a penguin.

This is a scene where a mother penguin is holding a baby penguin.

Lee Jang-woo, who was terrified by penguins, was also moved by his face.

A baby penguin was wriggling in the mother’s arms.

Lee Jang-woo said in a low voice.

“There is no hair in the nesting area.”

“It’s to keep the baby warmer.”

Diana whispered.

As Jang-Woo Lee said, the part of the belly where the mother holds her cubs is bare skin. This is to deliver body temperature in sub-zero weather.

Some birds intentionally pluck out feathers from their belly. It is maternal love to keep the eggs warmer.

Diena said on the way back to base.

“In 100 years, penguins may become extinct.”

“yes? Are penguins going extinct?”

The main food for penguins is krill. Even the survival of penguins is threatened by human reckless fishing.

“Isn’t it possible that all the food won’t disappear?”

“I hope that day never comes. If that happens, you will have to use the last resort.”

“A last resort?”

“It is a crop that Mr. Deok-myeong grew in Antarctica.”

Diana said with a bitter smile.

* * *

Daily life also came to the Chilean base.

It was also necessary to build a hydroponic cultivation facility here.

First, we toured the interior of the Chilean base.

Salad containers are not ready like the base for Daehan.

I had to find an available space.

Fortunately, there was plenty of space at the base.

After searching several places, I found one suitable.

It used to be a place of residence long ago, but it is now being used as a warehouse.

What I liked about it was the electricity and water facilities.

I asked Benjamin to take the thing away.

The inside was cleaned with the help of the crew.

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