It happened at the university hospital where my uncle was admitted.

There is a problem with the organic salad the hospital is proud of. It turned out that the organic salad was made in China. There were also problems with hygiene.

The full story of the case was revealed through the whistleblowing of Park Eun-ji, the head of the office.

It was the corruption of the administrative chief, who oversees all administrative affairs of the hospital.

He took money from the company and committed fraud. The administrative chief was arrested at the same time as the dismissal, and the status of the hospital fell to the ground.

Whistleblower Park Eunji also left the hospital. The hospital manager tried to stop it, but it was unavoidable.

The reality was that whistleblowers could not comfortably go to work.

A countermeasure meeting was held centered on the hospital director Eom Sang-gu.

“How are you going to fix this?”

At the words of the hospital director Eom Sang-gu, the executives put on a puzzled expression.

There was even talk of removing salads from the diet.

Eom Sang-gu was a person who believed that food was also a part of treatment.

“Have you forgotten that our hospital’s motto is to provide good food to our patients?”

The idea of removing salads from the diet was well-informed.

“Select the right company right now, go through a transparent process!”

Eom Sang-gu was determined to dig out the rotten roots.

After the executives left, Eom Sang-gu took out the document from the desk drawer.

It was a document written by Park Eun-ji, the head of the office. Before leaving the company, she made a list of agricultural corporations and reported them.

These were the places where they grew proper organic salads. There was a company name and a short comment attached.

Eom Sang-gu looked at each of the companies on the list in detail.

At the end of the list, Jirisan farmers caught my eye.

‘Working with young farmers to grow eco-friendly salads, hydroponics is a characteristic.’

blind evaluation

The salad was growing in the container.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han said in front of the young farmers.

“The liquid in which fertilizer for hydroponics is dissolved in water is called ‘nutrient solution’ or ‘nutrient solution’ for short. In order for crops to grow well, it is necessary to make and supply an appropriate concentration of nutrient solution.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han mixed water and nutrient solution in the correct ratio.

“I use an electronic scale to make the nutrient solution. The ratio of water and fertilizer has to be just right.”

The proportion of nutrient solution varies depending on the crop. This is because the concentration of the elixir is different depending on the crop.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Make a nutrient solution by adjusting the concentration of 600ppm for salad.

To measure the concentration, a machine measuring electrical conductivity was used.

The instrument for measuring electrical conductivity was the length of a finger and was easy to carry. When the meter was placed in the nutrient solution, the concentration could be checked.

“Make the nutrient solution as everyone has been taught.”

Fourteen farmers made the nutrient solution.

The atmosphere was like a chemistry classroom.

They learned hydroponics and how to use containers for nearly a month. There were no difficult parts.

Farmers, as Kim Deok-myung said, were as fun as a game.

The training started from the easiest part. As the training progressed, the difficulty gradually increased.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Making a nutrient solution in hydroponics is a fairly high level of difficulty.

Education has now come to an end.

“600ppm was just right.”

Kim Sang-cheol made a nutrient solution and shouted.

“I’m at 600 ppm too.”

Then, Hyunsik Bang said. The 600ppm number was accurately stamped on the handheld meter.

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Other young farmers also made the nutrient solution in the correct proportions.

From how to use the salad container and how to make the nutrient solution, the training was almost coming to an end.

* * *

The incident at the university hospital was widely reported in the local media. It was the same hospital where my grandfather was admitted.

The contents of the hospital delivery corruption were reported every day as a special feature. In particular, the fact that low-quality Chinese vegetables were turned into organic salads was a huge blow to the hospital. The damage was even greater as they had used the provision of organic ingredients to promote hospitals.

This is the truth revealed through the whistleblowing of Park Eun-ji, the head of the office.

Han Gi-tak shouted while reading the article.

“I got an email from the university hospital mentioned in the article,”

“What is it?”

It was an official letter to recruit a company to supply salads. The hospital has designated several companies and contacted them. We were one of them.

“The method of selecting a company is a bit unique.”

Han Gi-tak looked at the contents of the e-mail and said. As he said, the selection method was different from usual.

It was not a method of bidding simply by looking at the price.

“The selection method is a little different, but shouldn’t we also participate?”

Han Ki-tak saw the official notice and asked.

“I think it would be nice to get involved, maybe this way is in our favor.”

sent a reply It is intended to participate in the bidding.

* * *

Before sending the official letter, the hospital director Eom Sang-goo gathered the executives and discussed the salad bidding method.

There were many opinions that the bidding should be done in the same way as in the past. There were no other ideas.

“I wish this bid was done in a slightly different way.”

“Any other way?”

Hospital executives watched the hospital director’s mouth. Because he could not guess how he would select the company.

Hospital director Eom Sang-goo showed the list to people before explaining how to bid for the salad.

It was a list of agricultural corporations that grow vegetables such as salads nearby.

This was the list that Park Eun-ji, the head of the department, gave to Eom Sang-goo before leaving the company.

“We will select a place to receive the salad from among the vendors here.”

Executives looked at the list and thought that there was a company that Eom Sang-gu had already appointed.

I thought the list was written for display purposes. Their expectations were wonderfully wrong.

“From now on, you have to help. We will form an evaluation team.”

“The evaluation team?”

“This is the salad evaluation team.”

“Then you mean you eat and evaluate yourself?”

“I think so, and I plan to ask the participating companies for their consent.”

“I think it’s a bit excessive.”

“Then do you have any other ideas?”

Eom Sang-gu, the head of the hospital, asked the executives. They all stood still, like honeydews.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s too much. Because I decided to do it this way. Everyone, please recruit an evaluation team.”

The executives had no choice but to accept Eom Sang-gu’s words. Everyone left and Eom Sang-goo was left alone.

He took a document out of the drawer. Park Eun-ji, who was the head of the office, didn’t just give the list.

She also suggested the idea of selecting a new vendor. It was a plan to operate an evaluation team to select verified companies.

He added that there is a possibility that there is a problem with companies that refuse blind testing.

Eom Sang-goo liked the idea of Park Eun-ji. Although she left, she wanted to stick with this plan.

* * *

I went to Hadong County Office. I had an appointment with Kang Min-soo, the chief of staff.

He never called me unless there was something special.

He asked to see me first for what was going on today.

“We have been reported to be growing salads in containers.”

Kang Min-soo said as he guided me to my seat.

“Recently, we also received an eco-friendly certification.”

“I heard the news.”

“It is going smoothly. Now all we have left to do is sell the salad.”

“I have something to tell you about that.”

“Is there any problem?”

“It’s a problem, to the extent that other local governments are also interested in our support project.”

“But what…?”

“I have also heard that you are participating in a bid for hospital delivery.”

I met Eunji Park through his introduction. At that time, I was reluctant to mention my name in sales activities.

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Now the attitude was different.

He had a face burning with enthusiasm.

“I hope this goes well.”

Kang Min-soo knew the details of what happened at the hospital.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Maybe he heard it from Park Eun-ji. Kang Min-soo and Park Eun-ji seemed to know each other personally.

“Business related to sales, such as market opening, is a sensitive issue. It is difficult for public officials like me to intervene.”

“I know.”

“If this goes well, there will be more opportunities for young people.”

“A chance?”

“If there is a stable seller at the same time as salad cultivation, this support project will be successful. If that is the case, we plan to continue to support it.”

It is a perfect success if you even make a profit from the salad container.

They did not spare support, but there was a point where it was difficult to get involved in sales and sales.

That part was entirely up to us.

* * *

The day to evaluate the salad has arrived.

I went to the hospital with my colleagues.

A total of three companies, including us, participated in this selection. A total of five companies applied, but in the end, three companies remained.

All were agricultural corporations that received eco-friendly certification. We were the only ones growing salads with hydroponics.

It was a blind evaluation. It is a method of evaluating and tasting salads while keeping the name of the company secret.

Even if it fell, I couldn’t express my dissatisfaction. Because there is no such transparent selection.

The hospital has created an evaluation team.

When hospital director Eom Sang-gu first asked to form an evaluation team, the executives thought of a small number of people.

I thought 10 people would be enough. Eom Sang-gu wanted more people. It was thought that the taste and quality could not be judged by such a number of people.

A large evaluation team was formed after hearing the hospital director Eom Sang-gu’s pin. The evaluation team is made up of doctors, nurses, and administrative staff.

The first 10 members of the evaluation team increased to 100.

Eom Sang-gu was also a member of the evaluation team. He then looked satisfied.

As the number of people is large, the company promised to pay the cost of the evaluation.

It was decided to use the lunch break for evaluation. Due to the nature of the hospital, we could not devote much time to it.

A large panel was installed on one side of the cafeteria for stickers.

It was planned to be carried out in the form of tasting the salad and attaching stickers.

We prepared a salad with other vendors. The work had to be done before the people gathered.

All three companies prepared the same kind of salad.

Butterhead and Kaypira. No dressing was applied. Only salad had to compete.

Ready for people to bring their salad and eat it.

The number assigned to the Jirisan farmers was number 3.

I was able to eat the salad by dividing the number.

“Thank you for participating in the evaluation while you are busy.”

Hospital director Eom Sang-gu said to the people gathered in the restaurant.

“Even though it is a blind evaluation, I think it is polite to hear the introduction of participating companies.”

Eom Sang-gu told the representatives of the company.

It was the moment when the representative next to me was about to go forward.

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One of the judges raised their hand.

Eom Sang-gu gestured to the person raising his hand.

“Tell me.”

The person who raised his hand was the newly appointed head of the office.

“I think it would be better not to listen to the company introduction.”


“I think it will be difficult to judge after hearing the introduction.”

“Is it difficult to judge?”

“It seems that prejudice may arise without knowing it. I think it would be better to judge it purely by taste.”

Eom Sang-gu thought for a moment, and then opened his mouth.

“That’s also true, what do you all think?”

The evaluation team also chose not to listen to the greeting.

Eom Sang-gu accepted the opinion.

“Let’s pretend we don’t introduce ourselves.”

The company representatives also responded that there was no problem.

The blind evaluation began in earnest.

During the evaluation, everyone from the company had to leave.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Me and my colleagues came out of the hospital.

“What will the result be?”

Kim Sang-cheol asked with anxious eyes.

“It is very likely that we will be.”

I said carefully.

“Really? How do you know that?”

Kim Sang-cheol lowered his voice and asked. He looked intently into my face.

It was a very curious look. My colleagues who came with me were also paying attention to the story of me and Kim Sang-cheol.

“Because our salads are different.”

“What does it mean to be different? I also matched the type.”

As he said, it is a competition for the same breed. But our salad was quite different.

“Have you ever looked closely at a salad from another place?”

“I don’t know how detailed you are, but have you seen it?”

“How was it?”

“Looks good, looks fresh.”

“How did our salad look?”

“The ones we grew also looked good.”

At Kim Sang-cheol’s words, the colleagues who were with him burst into laughter.

They were smiling, but they had a face that they couldn’t understand at all.

As Kim Sang-cheol said, everything was fresh and of good quality.

“They all look the same, but the salads we grew taste different.”

“Does it taste different?”

Kim Sang-cheol closed his big eyes and asked. Those who were with them also tilted their heads.

This is because all of them have been tasted during the cultivation process. I’ve never felt a difference in taste.

“It’s because of hydroponics.”

“Does hydroponics taste different? I had no idea.”

“Our salads are much softer than others.”

I told them why the taste was different.

Hydroponically grown salads are much softer than field-grown salads.

The taste is different. In terms of meat, the quality of the meat is similar to that of soft.

Plants grown on the ground use energy for their roots to absorb nutrients. In the process, the entire tissue hardens.

It’s like building muscle. Direct sunlight also plays a role.

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On the other hand, when crops are grown in hydroponics, the tissue is not hardened.

This is because the roots do not have to struggle to absorb nutrients.

It is not difficult and the crops grow comfortably. Besides, there is no direct sunlight.

It is the reason that the tissue becomes soft as a whole.

Kim Sang-cheol nodded after hearing the explanation.

“After listening to it, it makes sense, the fact that the salad we grew was soft.”

A text message has arrived stating that the blind evaluation has ended.

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