I said I want a review as soon as possible.

Kang Min-soo said it was a matter to be decided after checking the salad container.

He seemed astonished to hear that it was possible to confirm. Shortly thereafter, a phone call came from Kim Chang-dae, the governor.

“What does it mean to be able to confirm?”

“It is literally. You can check if the salad container is working. You can come and check it out in person.”

“You mean you can check it right now?”

Kim Chang-dae confirmed it over and over as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, you can come now.”

I hung up the phone and went to the ranch. Kim Deok-myeong said that the salad container was definitely working.

Changdae Kim was very curious about how crops grow in containers.

Why should there be 14?

Kim Chang-dae was heading to the ranch with Kang Min-soo, chief of staff.

It was to see the salad container that Kim Deok-myung was talking about.

“Did you research what I asked you to find out?”

“Yes, the investigation is over.”

Kim Chang-dae asked Kang Min-soo.

These were the project plans supported by local governments this year.

Kim Chang-dae was curious about youth support projects in other regions.

“Is there an area that supports cutting-edge agriculture for young farmers?”

“No, if this happens, it will be the first in the country.”

Kim Chang-dae quietly nodded his head. His last term was this year.

The youth farmer support project carried out so far has not yielded great results.

With this support project, I wanted to reap the beauty of the species.

“If this project can be successfully completed, re-election will not be a problem.”

Kang Min-soo, chief of staff, said implicitly.

“It’s re-election…”

It was not driven by the greed of election. I was more worried about the future.

An aging community was a concern. With the current flow, he thought that the region would disappear someday.

* * *

I was looking at the salad container with Min Yo-han.

The inside of the salad container was reminiscent of a botanical garden.

Green salads were in full bloom on the left and right shelves.

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On the shelf on the right, Butterhead was showing off its coveted round leaves, and on the shelf on the left was Kaypira with waving leaves.

“Try it once.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han handed me a Kaifira leaf.

“Can I just eat it?”

“You can just eat it.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han asked with a smile.

“Can I not wash?”

“Yeah, the salad container is unaffected by the outside world.”

In theory, he was right. The salad container is not affected by the external environment.

Dust and insects did not affect the crop. There was no chemical fertilizer, so we could eat right away.

Kaypira leaves in one bite.

The leaves were soft and crunchy. It tasted sweet with every bite.

“Is it delicious?”

“Fresh and tasty.”

It was the first time I tasted a salad grown in a container.

The taste was better than expected.

“I should try this one too.”

I ripped off a leaf from Butterhead. Butterhead is a salad vegetable characterized by round leaves.

The leaves are round and have a cute appearance. It is a salad vegetable that is as popular as its cute appearance. It is also widely used in salad mixes and hamburgers.

The more I chewed the butterhead, the sweeter it was.

“It looks delicious.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yohan looked at my face and said.

The salad tasted good, but it felt good. It was an achievement in a short period of time.

Returning from the California Agricultural Fair, it took a few months to complete the salad container.

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Of course, without Min Yo-han, the present results would not have been expected.

Then the phone rang.

It was Kang Min-soo, the chief of the secretary of Hadong County Office.

“Im here.”

I went out with Min Yo-han. Kim Chang-dae and Kang Min-soo had already arrived.

“You’re here, I’ve been waiting for you.”

I introduced them to Min Yo-han. He also told Min Yo-han that an important guest would come.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han erased the playful face he had just made. I was formally greeted by Kim Chang-dae and Kang Min-soo.

“This is the container.”

Kim Chang-dae carefully examined the salad container.

“From the outside, I don’t know, that there are plants growing inside.”

“Yeah, you can’t tell from the outside. Let’s go inside.”

I guided them into the container.

Kang Min-soo seemed more surprised than Kim Chang-dae. It was a face I could not have imagined at this level.

“Is this really what grew up here?”

Kim Chang-dae looked carefully at the leaves of Butterhead and asked.

It seemed unbelievable that crops were growing in a place where there was neither light nor soil.

I ripped off a leaf from Butterhead.

“Would you like to try it?”

“Can I eat this right away?”

“There is no need for pesticides in hydroponics. You can eat with confidence.”

Kim Chang-dae put the butterhead leaf in his mouth and chewed it carefully.

“It tastes good.”

Kang Min-soo opened his eyes and watched the scene.

“Let’s have a drink with the chief of staff, too.”

Butterhead leaves were also in Kang Min-soo’s mouth. A crunching sound was heard.

Kim Chang-dae and Kang Min-soo chased after me while chewing a salad.

I briefly explained the facilities of the salad container.

“The container provides a constant amount of light to the crop. It provides 77,000 lux of light per day.”

I said, pointing to the lights on each shelf.

“The artificial light makes the container hot. It’s a heat that crops can’t handle. Its heat is controlled through the air conditioner. At the optimum temperature for salads to grow.”

The thermometer was showing 18 degrees.

“It’s always 15-20 degrees. Relative humidity is set at 50-80%. If the concentration of carbon dioxide is lower than 350 ppm, the concentration of carbon dioxide is maintained by introducing external air.”

After hearing the story, Kim Chang-dae opened his mouth.

“I feel like I am in the future.”

Kang Min-su seemed to agree with Kim Chang-dae’s words.

“I’ve seen enough facilities, let’s go out and talk.”

I got into Kim Chang-dae’s car. He recommended Min Yo-han to go with him, but he refused. It seemed burdensome.

* * *

Arrived at Hadong County Office. Kang Min-soo said it would be better to talk inside the county office.

Kim Chang-dae agreed with him.

Upon entering the military office, Changdae Kim brought out the words he had saved.

“Exceeded expectations, how long did it take you to grow salad greens?”

“It took four weeks.”

“It took less than a month to grow.”

“There is also a plan to shorten it to two weeks.”

“You mean it can be grown in two weeks?”

“It takes two weeks to make a seedling. And it takes two weeks to make a mature salad.”

“You mean to prepare the seedlings in advance.”

he said the answer If you make seedlings in advance, you can grow quickly.

If you set aside a container for seedlings, it can be grown in two weeks.

“As promised, we will promote the support project together.”

This is the moment when the support project proceeds as expected.

There was no reason to procrastinate any longer than seeing the salad container.

“We also looked at the scale and details of the support project in advance. But there is one small problem.”

“What is the problem?”

“I don’t think you can get all the young farmers you ask for.”

It was something I had already promised. This is because the support project is a battle against the budget.

“You offered to hire 20 young farmers, but I think we need to make adjustments.”

Kim Chang-dae called the chief of staff. Kang Min-soo handed the prepared documents to Kim Chang-dae.

Kim Chang-dae said looking at the documents.

“About 13 people can do it. What do you think?”

“I think 14 people would be good.”

“Is there any special meaning to adding one more person?”

“There is an important reason.”

“What is the reason?”

“This is to meet the two-week harvest.”

“It’s a two-week harvest…”

Kim Chang-dae thought for a moment. It was like tapping on a calculator.

“It means that the salad container is rotating.”

Kim Chang-dae was quick to understand. The salad container was meant to grow salads one day at a time.

It is a system that can ship crops from one container per day.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

More is better, but I needed at least 15. This week is 14 days. He needed 14 containers to grow crops at intervals and one container for seedlings.

“Chief Kang, what do you think?”

“The budget is already set, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way.”


“It seems possible if we raise the self-pay ratio a little.”

“There was a way.”

The youth farmer support project was not a free project.

The participating young farmers also had to bear the cost.

The deductible I set was 20% of the total cost.

Raising the deductible a little was a good idea.

“Let’s make small concessions and get one more. Is that worth it?”


I thought that the self-pay would not be a big burden for young farmers. The military guarantee allowed me to get a low-interest loan.

I thought that if the sale went smoothly, I would be able to repay the loan quickly.

“I haven’t seen any documentation that says they ship salads every day.”

“It was an idea I came up with while growing my own crops.”

“Can salad containers be produced all year round?”

“It can be grown all year round, regardless of weather and environment.”

“Then, production will be possible without missing a day.”


“I’m not going this far. For details, please talk to Director Kang.”

“Thank you for adopting our business.”

I said at Kim Changdae before leaving the military office.

He smiled without a word.

I left the military office with Kang Min-soo.

I stopped by his office for a while.

“You will have to communicate closely with me in the future. This is going to be the biggest thing we do in our military.”

“Yes, we will proceed without any problems.”

“I hope to be able to finish it successfully.”

I left after finishing the story at Hadong County Office.

* * *

Kang Min-soo was a man with a head.

A few days later, the announcement was made. It was an announcement of the youth farmer support project.

As promised, 14 applicants were recruited.

We also had work to do while recruiting applicants. It was to make a salad container in advance.

After recruiting applicants, the production time was tight.

Kang Min-su agreed. The budget was executed and we were able to build the container.

I told Lee Jang-woo.

“We need to make 14 more in total.”

“So much?”

Lee Jang-woo made a surprised expression.

“This is going to be difficult for me and my father to do. We’re going to need more engineers.”

“The engineer is fine. Technicians are all around. A lot of people my father knows.”

“Okay, and one of the containers will have a slightly different setup. I will tell Min Yo-han about that part.”

“Is Min Yo-han going to accompany you again this time?”

“Why don’t you like it?”

“I don’t mean that, I think my father will like it.”

Lee Jang-woo said with a smile.

I remembered that my father had a hard time because of Min Yo-han’s nagging.

Jang-woo Lee departed for Incheon first.

Because it took time to find a container to build. There was no reason to go with Min Yo-han right away.

* * *

I went inside the salad container.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han was taking care of the vegetables.

He also talked to Min Yo-han about the youth farmer support project.

He was very happy to hear about the support project.

He said he was going in the opposite direction to the Plant Factory, and was pleased.

As he said, he hoped that the salad container would become a hope for farmers.

I said to Min Yo-han.

“Mr. Jang-Woo Lee went to Incheon to make a salad container.”

“Shouldn’t I go with you?”

“Of course, Min Yo-han must also go to Incheon. Before that, I have a favor to ask you.”


I told him a container for the seedlings.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Min Yo-han understood quickly.

“You mean only seedlings in one container.”

“Yeah, that’s how it grows faster.”

“I make a container for seedlings for fast growing, good!”

The next day, Min Yo-han also left for Incheon.

* * *

The youth farmer support project was widely publicized.

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