A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 597: Female agent conquers celebrity superstar 3

Neither brother and sister are stupid, but for some reason, every time we talk about business, there are always some surprises.

Either the bidding document was leaked, or the business that was successfully completed was suddenly cut off by others, and almost all ended at a loss.

On the contrary, Lu Qin's boyfriend, Chu Tianrong, has always been like a divine help every time he invests or does business. Whatever he invests in, he will get whatever he invests in. If he buys a small factory that loses money, he can be demolished.

No matter how talented he was in business, he couldn't resist the tricks of fate. The second son's perfect performance won the favor of Chu's father, and almost all of the company's business was handed over to Chu Tianrong.

Chu Tianrong's mother was originally a junior, and he himself had been an illegitimate child for a few years. He had always seen Chu Tianyu and Chu Tianchen's brothers and sisters as a thorn in the eye.

Lu Qin's disgust for Chu Tianchen was stronger than that of Chu Tianrong, but she was somewhat ambiguous towards Chu Tianyu and tried to seduce him, but Chu Tianyu believed in her sister and was extremely disgusted with her.

In order to drive Chu Tianyu and Chu Tianchen out of the Chu family, after Lu Qin and Chu Tianrong got engaged, they planned to frame them many times. Finally, under the favor of Chu's father, they were successfully driven out of the Chu family.

After leaving the Chu family, not only did the lives of Chu Tianchen and Chu Tianyu not get better, but they also got worse under the targeting of Lu Qin and Chu Tianrong.

No matter what job the two of them are looking for, Lu Qin and Chu Tianrong will use their contacts to block them.

In order to make a living, Chu Tianchen could only write novels and scripts online, while Chu Tianyu took some translation jobs online.

The two are talented and talented people who soon opened up a new world on the Internet.

Of course, this is not what Lu Qin wants to see. She hires people to rob and rob the two of them directly on the black market, injecting them with drugs and the blood of AIDS patients.

The disaster came from the sky, the two usually work from home, and no one found out when something happened, and they were forced to contract addiction and AIDS.

The lives of Chu Tianchen and Chu Tianyu were completely ruined. The AI ​​AIDS could be controlled with medication, but the powerful drugs they were injected were difficult to control.

The two took the initiative to go to the abstinence center, but with little success, the body was gradually destroyed by the double effect of the drug and the AIDS disease, and finally lay dying in bed.

From the proud son of the heavens to the terminally ill, the lives of Chu Tianchen and Chu Tianyu were like being tricked by a pair of invisible big hands.

It wasn't until before her death that Lu Qin went to Chu Tianchen's ward and spoke to her, which solved her doubts.

It turned out that it was Lu Qin who was reborn. She was Chu Tianchen's university roommate in the previous life, and she was extremely envious of everything she had. She was rejected when she pursued Chu Tianyu, and as a result, she became a laughing stock among her colleagues.

In Lu Qin's description, Chu Tianchen is a person who relied on her outstanding family background and trampled her self-esteem on the soles of her feet. She endured humiliation and humiliation, but she could not exchange for her sincere support.

Lu Qin's ferociousness and viciousness almost oozes du juice. She didn't say too much detail. Chu Tianchen was greatly stimulated and passed away in the unimaginable truth.

After receiving the memory of the original owner, Shu Ange was a bit baffled and put it on Lu Qin. This plot should be the road to counterattack and reach the pinnacle of life.

But on Chu Tianchen, what did she do wrong? Could it be that he was too good in his previous life, too shining in all aspects, so it hurt Lu Qin?

After normal people are reborn, most of them will use the ability of prophets to embark on the road of making a fortune and going to a well-off life, and by the way, they will turn to Bai Fumei or Gao Fushuai.

It is incomprehensible that someone like Lu Qin, with the ability to predict the future, fought with Chu Tianchen and Chu Tianyu to such a tragic situation.

Shu Ange deeply thought that it was precisely because what Lu Qin did was so outrageous that the system sent her over to fulfill her wish for the original owner.

As for the original owner's wish, Shu Ange opened his eyes, picked up a book from the sofa, and flipped through two pages.

Chu Tianchen's wish is to become a gold broker, let Lu Qin fall into the clouds, pay the price for his crimes, protect his brother Chu Tianyu, and let him give full play to his business talents.

He is really a gentle person. Shu Ange commented on the original owner like this. After suffering such a tragic life, he did not have a newspaper office mentality.

Even the target of revenge was only Lu Qin, who did not particularly hate the Chu family. From this point of view alone, the original owner is really a peaceful and kind person.

Judging from the memory of the original owner inherited by Shu Ange, Chu Tianchen is usually addicted to creation and is not very good at dealing with people. He has a bit of workaholic potential, but he will never trample on the dignity of others like Lu Qin said. .

After Lu Qin was reborn, he did not share a dormitory with Chu Tianchen, nor did Chu Tianchen have any major conflicts with any roommate.

The original owner is not inferior to others, but lost to Lu Qin's shameless, cold-blooded, vicious, and her familiarity with the future.

If he knew about Lu Qin's rebirth in advance, Chu Tianchen would not necessarily be defeated by Lu Qin.

However, Shu Ange was a little curious about what Lu Qin had experienced in her previous life that made her develop such a radical character.

In addition, in addition to national events or related matters, there are some insider stories in the business field that ordinary people can not know.

If she could think of using the black market to buy murderers to inject drugs and blood from patients with Ai Zi to Chu Tianchen and Chu Tianyu, her previous life must have been very "colorful".

Shu Ange temporarily delineated a few occupations that Lu Qin might have engaged in in her previous life, but this was not the most important thing. She turned on her phone and considered which company's resume she should apply for.

A person who has no talent and can only rely on opportunistic plagiarism, will sooner or later reveal his fault.

In the plot, after Lu Qin became a famous gold medal broker, gold medal songwriter and screenwriter in the entertainment industry, he chose to retire bravely within a few years, and retired to marry a man and devote himself to doing business.

Is it really like Lu Qin's statement to the outside world, is he planning to shift the focus of his work?

In fact, it is very simple. If Shu Ange guessed correctly, Lu Qin should have been out of touch and quit the entertainment industry.

Stealing things are not destined to last, but when the bad guys get the upper hand, the good guys always get unlucky.

Shu Ange opened the mobile browser. It had only been a few hours. At the press conference, she had a conflict with Lu Qin, and the news that she took the microphone and issued a statement was already flying all over the sky.

Of course, the public opinion was almost one-sided, and they were all selling her. Even a few newcomers from the group that the original owner had worked so hard to pick out stood in line to speak out for Lu Qin.

This is the entertainment industry. The reality is very, with the red top and the white, trampling the losers to death.

Chu Tianchen also brought out a few good newcomers in the past, but now don't talk about speaking for her, I'm afraid they won't greet her when they meet.

The original owner wanted to become a gold medal broker. This wish was not difficult for Shu Ange. Anyway, she had also been in the entertainment industry, and she had moved from being a Xiao Wu to a first-line position.

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