A million ways to survive in the dungeon

Chapter 462 Four Six Two: Zheng Qian wakes up [Part 1]

Chen Xuao, who was on the ninth front, captured that scene keenly.

Hundreds of lemures and three aggregated lemures broke through the tenth front and ran towards the armored command vehicle!

Damn it!

The long-range heavy bombardment cannon and magic bombing can no longer exert their combat effectiveness, and more than half of the Titan cannon was destroyed.

If the commander is killed, the army will lose coordination and collapse.

These young men... will all die.

"Everyone stays behind to stop them, Class 7, follow me!!!"

Pulling a combat squad with only five people left, Chen Xuao made a quick decision and pursued the hundreds of evil demons without hesitation.

The ordinary lemures immediately separated into half and intercepted six veterans, including Chen Xuao, including even an aggregated lemure.

Having evolved to this point, it would be very difficult for a god-man to deal with two ordinary lemures.

What's more, ten times his own number plus a polymorph lemure?

"I won't let you pass!"

However, Chen Xuao's eyes turned red and he rushed into the group of evil demons without fear of death.

The six veterans were not afraid of death, and they dealt with the evil demons crazily regardless of their physical strength.

On the small battlefield, broken limbs were flying all over the sky.

But how can you kill fifty or sixty evil demons in an instant with just a moment of enthusiasm? !

One punch shattered the heads of the two evil demons, and there was another sharp pain in the legs.

A lemure beneath him bit off a large piece of meat from his thigh.


A drop elbow knocked down its Heavenly Spirit Cap, and the lemure came up from behind and bit its shoulder fiercely.

"Captain Chen, let's go!!!"

A team member was penetrated through the abdomen. Knowing that he had no chance of survival, instead of trying to escape, he hugged the lemure in front of him and let the barbs pierce his body.

【Mimicry of Heaven】

While vomiting blood, he used all his strength to activate the mimicry of heaven, and rushed into the center of the lemure group with the lemure in his arms.


There was a violent self-destruction, and the surrounding evil demons were immediately blown to pieces.


Chen Xuao endured the sadness in his heart.

The lemures are only one kilometer away from the armored command vehicle, and there is no time for you to wallow in grief.

With the remaining four people in tow, Chen Xuao rushed forward with the determination to die.

Unexpectedly, it just flew less than two meters.

In the dust below, the aggregation-shaped lemure that was left with only half of its body suddenly jumped out like a whale and chewed Chen Xuao's right arm into its mouth.

The sharp front teeth instantly pierced the upper arm muscles.


"Go! Stop them!!"

Chen Xu'ao shouted wildly. When the four teammates saw this, they ignored their grief and roared after the other half of the lemure.

Eight hundred meters left!

"Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

He was heartbroken, pulled out the sword, penetrated directly into the armpit of his right arm where he was bitten, and raised it with all his strength.

The entire right arm was cut off by himself on the spot.

The strong man broke his wrist and broke away from the aggregated lemure. The blade in his hand condensed a large amount of magic energy and threw it directly at the aggregated lemure, piercing its forehead.

Six hundred meters left!

Almost all the teeth in Chen Xuao's mouth were bitten to pieces

He no longer had time to take care of his broken arm and the large amount of blood pouring out like a faucet.

【Mimicry of Heaven】

An astonishing red light erupted from his body. Chen Xuao burned the most dazzling light in his life, rushed in front of the other half of the lemures, and slammed his body into the chest of a combined lemure.

The aggregated lemure was knocked to the ground on the spot.

It struggled to get up, but the human on its chest pressed it down to the ground at the risk of its life, unable to move.

"Old sir!!"

Situ Xing, who ran out of the armored vehicle and prepared to fight, clearly saw this scene.

Two veterans grabbed a converging lemure like crazy, and the other two veterans blocked forty or fifty lemures without fear of death.

The veteran who led the team single-handedly suppressed an aggregated lemure to the ground.

There are only five of them.

Each of them has run out of energy, and they do not hesitate to use the mimicry of heaven in order to continue fighting.

Especially Chen Xuao, who was leading the team. The scene where he was covered in blood but gritted his teeth and persisted in fighting shocked the hearts of Situ Xing and the third elder.

Chen Xu'ao, who was already seriously overdrawn, now uses Mimic Tiandao again.

The Zhulong essence and blood in his body were burning, and his whole body was aging rapidly due to overdraft of strength.

"Old sir, step back quickly, you will die!!" Situ Xing yelled quickly.

At this moment, the evil demon was stopped three to four hundred meters away from the armored command vehicle by five veterans.

Feeling that your life is coming to an end.

At this moment, Chen Xuao felt no regrets in his heart.

Suppressing a convergent lemure, he not only had no fear, but also had a firm smile on his face.

His will was burning to its peak at this moment.

We are dying people. If we can devote our lives to this battle, it will be our best destination.

Because we are warriors and soldiers, and it is our responsibility and obligation to protect this world!

Young people, we old men take the first step.

Protect this world for us...

"I will fight until the end, because it is the responsibility and obligation of our soldiers to protect this world!"

Letting out the last roar of his life, Chen Xuao and the four veterans he led collectively self-destructed.

At the last moment of his life, Chen Xuao closed his eyes with satisfaction.

In pure white light.

He seemed to see his two sons and grandsons who had died in the battle, and his wife smiling at him when she was young.

Children, I am here... Wife, after I am gone, you must live a good life.


At this moment, Situ Xing was stunned.

The forty or fifty evil demons were completely reduced to ashes along with the five veterans in the violent explosion.

The veterans who had been fighting all their lives and who should have enjoyed their old age chose to rush to the front line at the most critical moment for mankind, burning out the last gleam of light in their lives.

That roar not only shook Situ Xing's eardrums, but also resounded throughout the entire battlefield.

Everyone saw the bravery of the veterans fighting.

If you can't fight, risk your life. If you can't fight, you will self-destruct.

Not a single veteran was left intact.

A fire burned in the hearts of the soldiers.

A certain emotion that has been engraved in the DNA since the birth of the Hadean Era, the emotion called resistance, finally infected everyone on the battlefield.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to hear the roar of the blood boiling blood of the soldiers on this battlefield.

On the throne, [], who was watching all this as if watching a play, was suddenly a little surprised. The humans seemed to have suddenly become fanatical.

What he doesn't know is...

This roar also reached the ears of Zheng Qian, who was lying in the royal city of Eastern Sichuan, thousands of miles away.

In the empty room, no one noticed that Zheng Qian's fingers moved slightly again.


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