It turns out that Lao Lai is actually quite happy recently.

Recently, my wife and I got the certificate and are planning to hold a wedding. I have been promoted at work. The results of this book have exceeded expectations. I am also planning to buy a new car recently.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

But maybe it’s because I worked too hard last year?

I have been feeling some discomfort in the hip joint area, but since it has not affected my walking, I don't worry about it.

Until half a month ago, the symptoms began to worsen.

Lao Lai, I am a very sensitive person. Although it only hurt slightly and was far from affecting my actions, I still went to the hospital last week and spent 400 oceans for an MRI.

However, the results tell me that there are no white flowers in these 400 oceans.

I took a X-ray yesterday afternoon and was diagnosed with stage 1 femoral head necrosis with obvious bone marrow edema.

Oh, fuck! what is this? Extreme joy brings sorrow?

I was so scared yesterday. I was thinking about this while I was taking a shower. As a result, I accidentally cut my fingernails and made them bleed. Damn, it hurts me so much that I had to go to the hospital to get medicine.

Closer to home, even though it is a second-class hospital, this kind of misdiagnosis is basically not misdiagnosed, and it is quite obvious on the film.

Bone marrow edema of the femoral head is confirmed, but stage 1 femoral head necrosis is uncertain.

Tomorrow I plan to go to the Sixth Hospital in Xujiahui for a review, so I will take one day off, or more.

If there are results, we will inform you as soon as possible.

What? Influence writing a book?

Uh, well...well, I think writing a book shouldn't involve using your feet.

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