A Mid-level Office Worker's Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 735: Additional meetings at the Human Resources Bureau. (Report yet on the Institute's

The first day of training is over, and the new nobles and civilians leave the Great Hall.

Takeo had a flirtatious return schedule of aligning materials with tons, pointlessly arranging writing instruments, putting out backpacks and putting things in.

If you know the usual Takeo, you may be surprised that you have never seen him (...) so troublesome to do so.

Takeo, having finished packing, re-sits shallow in his chair and begins his thinking.

"" Excuse me.

Takeo turned his gaze because someone came in and it was Victor and Gina.

"Oh? What's up?

"Lord, good luck with your training.

Everyone else came out, but not just the Lord, so I came to see it.

"Sir, are you tired?

"Yeah, I'm tired because I caught a glimpse of how Wang Du monitors the nobility.

Yeah, well, I got permission to seal the wax and the crest.

And I also got an inbound and outbound card for nobility via the Adventurers Union, so Victor officially manages inbound and outbound... start being an accountant.

"Yes, I'm in awe.

"So, why are there Victors?

"The deacon of the new nobility was called during the Lord's training.

I was waiting in the hallway.

"I see. Now that the wax and cards have been distributed, we can officially carry out noble activities.

Then that's a consideration to call the butler right away.

"What did the Lord's Seal become?

"Making octagonal rings with bold wires, laying shields on swords, two corners above and below the shield, each marked (like the pictorial part of a five-yen coin) representing industry, agriculture and aquaculture.

"Lord, you're kind of greedy.

"Sounds like your husband.

Victors laugh bitterly.

"It's hard to think of, so only about this...

Well, if it's authenticated, I guess there's no problem.

Takeo also laughs bitterly.

"Now, would you like to stop by the Human Resources Bureau and then go to His Highness William's?

"" Human Resources Bureau?

"Yes. I thought I'd go hear the resignation of the lab personnel.

Because I think there must be some kind of paperwork or something to officially move it.


Victor and Gina nodded and Takeo took a seat.

When Takeo and the others arrived at the HR Bureau, they didn't just say, "I was waiting," but were put through to a small conference room co-located with the HR Bureau...

There were the Director of Finance, the Director of Human Resources, the Director General, the General Secretary, the Military Director, Clark and Orcott, the Director General of the Wang Du Defense Corps and the First Knights Regiment.

When Takeo entered the room, Takeo and those who had no faculty were greeting him by saying their names as belonging.

"Well, are you done greeting me?

Lord Kitamizato, I was just about to call you.

Olcott says.

"Huh... is that right?

Takeo turned to the left and right as he replied raw, but didn't know what it meant.

From finance to the Knights, there is a council of nobles, and both the civilian and the martial officers are at the head of the central department of the Wang capital (...).

"... before we talk about it, would you mind finishing this errand?


Director of Human Resources. "

"Yes, Lord Kitamizato, what can I do for you?

"Since I have become a nobleman, I can officially issue a decree to the personnel of the Institute.

So it has been verbally accepted that we can accommodate those who plan to hire us now, but I came to sign and wax stamp because I thought I needed formal documents.

"I see. The boulder is Lord Kitamizato, he moves fast and helps.

The dictionary is also ready for personnel.

But please wait two more days.

"Two days?

"Yes. Tomorrow there will be a ceremony and a feast for His Highness.

I won't do it tomorrow because the civilian, martial officer is in a rush for that response.

I think it was in today's dossier that there will be a second training the day after tomorrow.

I'd like a wax stamp then.

The Dictionary is given to you by your current assignee, so Lord Kitamizato can confirm the Dictionary at a subsequent laboratory meeting.


And we have two magicians' colleges in our men, so please make an internal statement (...) because I want to give the dictionary to them in April and reassure them as it stands.

I'll let my men take it.

"I'm in awe.

Is it OK to refer to the "Hiring has been decided, so I will appear at the second laboratory in April"?

"That way, please.

"I'm in awe.

We will be ready by the day after tomorrow.

"Thank you.

And I read the training materials, but the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, the training was on the subject of 'About Territorial Management and Laboratories'. I think we got a lecture in advance, what do you do for two days?

Nothing was written in the dossier.

"Beginning the day after tomorrow, we will be divided into groups of noble congregations, lords and laboratories for training.

Lord Kitamizato will be asked a question of assumption.

Well, it would be a 'think again about the territory and the role of the institute' meeting.

If you're from the Council of Lords, you were planning to have a real battle format discussion.

Speaker Clark, is that okay?

"I don't mind.

Hehe, I'm a fellow member of the new Council of Lords.

We're all looking forward to your education for a long time.

"... Speaker Clark, you can't be a jerk, can you?

Few young people are intolerant today.

Orcott makes the advice Clark.

"I won't.

I can't tell you how to teach by hand.

We plan to hold two days of discussion of the proceedings in a practical format.

Clark says.

"... Speaker Clark.

Speaking of which, when will the mastermind's report come together the last time you came here?

Takeo smiles, but everyone on the spot solidifies in the words.

"Three families died in exile of two, the selection of the new nobility and the awarding ceremony for the title. I know you're in a hurry with the ceremony and don't have time to sum it up, but how did that happen earlier for the future (...) and what happened to the relationship behind it?

Well, I know there's something I can't tell you.

I think things like browsing permissions are up because I've officially become a nobleman too, so I don't think it's okay to limit the content.

"Wow... I know, but don't worry.

We are currently in the process of finalizing our summary. After this, we are supposed to check the contents in Wang Cheng, such as civilian and martial officers, before submitting them to His Highness Kitamizato.

So please wait a while longer.

"Was I? I never said I was willing to rush you, so I look forward to a solid report.

Takeo bowed his head.

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