A Mid-level Office Worker's Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 729: Tea Party of Territorial Owners. 2 (Takeo is a little angry)

Takeo, Alderson and Babington come in as they open the doors of the regional aristocracy's holding rooms.

The three are seen in unison from the indoors.

"Hmm?... Ah.

Nice to meet you all. Takeo Kitamizato. "

"I'm Barry Alderson.

"I'm Bill Babington.

We will now be awarded the title.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to meet me.

Let's go around the seats one by one, Lord Kitamizato, Lord Alderson.

First of all, this one is from Katlanda.

Oh, Viscount Ashton had a meeting with Lord Kitamizato, didn't he?

"Uhm. That's a hiccup, Lord Kitamizato.

"Yes, it's been a long time.

Ashton and Takeo will meet.

"So as for the introduction of Lord Kitamizato later.

This will be the director of the first institute of the Royal Institute. "

The three of them greeted each nobleman in the room.

"Count Temple, Lord Elvis, this is Baron Babington, who will have territory, and Baron Alderson, director of the First Institute.

Lord Alderson, Lord Babington, this is Count Temple and Smith, the next Lord of the Elvis family.

"" "" Nice to meet you.

4 people greet (...)

Three of Wang's walls have gone to greet themselves while Takeo and the others are circling their seats, and now they are about different seats.

There was nothing for Alice to worry about.

So I was only greeting the two Temple and Smith who were in the last seat.

"Well, did you say hello to everyone for now?

Count Temple, I'm sorry it was the last time.

"No, it would be reasonable for the Katlanda Empire side to be the first and next on the Willip United side.

It's a way of keeping the waves from rising.

Temple smiles bitterly.

"Dear Takeo, have you finished the prep?

"Yes, it's over.

There was something a little unexpected.

"" Well, right... "

Babington and Alderson laugh bitterly.

"Mr. Takeo, what did you do?

Oh, have a seat.

Temple asks, recommending a seat.

Takeo and the others sit down.

"... I was just angry.

"Master Takeo gets angry?

Dear Takeo, what have you done?

Smith asks, wondering that he has never seen Takeo angry.

"Lord Kitamizato gave his opinion to the young man from the Human Resources Bureau.

Well, I also agreed with six of us and five knights, and I haven't had a problem with HR because I've had an apology and a meeting earlier.

Babington laughs bitterly.

"We were checking the flow of the ceremony, the standing position, the timing of standing and kneeling, the content of the chanting and the loudness of the voice, etc., but at the end of the speech, the clerk in the role of His Majesty in the Human Resources Bureau gave the speech.

Well, that's the comparison between the three of us and the four of us who work in Wangdu.

They complained because it wasn't very good content.

"Were you slandered?

Smith asks Alderson.

"No... I was angry because I was compared.

Takeo says it looks troublesome.

"?... what do you mean?

Smith asks further.

"Huh... the three of us will be awarded the title on the recommendation of each prince.

And the four people who work for Wang Capital are awarded titles on the recommendation of the General Inspectorate and the Human Resources Bureau.

What did the young man from that HR bureau think, 'Make sure to leave a solid footprint at the Council of Lords because four other people besides those recommended to the royal family decided in the HR bureau'?

Takeo says it like it's boring.


Smith reacts "there's an idiot".

"No... Lord Kitamizato, I was putting it in a more roundabout way?

"Right, but I guess you're right.

In fact, 'Hmm?' I was put into the speech to the extent that I thought lightly.

If no one responded to anything, it could have ended just like that.

Well, that's where Lord Kitamizato said, 'Whether you're a congregation of nobles, but you have territory, but you're a laboratory, but only the powerful are here.

I'm sure the roles required are different, but it's not that I don't have enough abilities because they're different places to be recommended! Don't lick us! 'I said so.

Alderson and Babington add additional explanations.

"Dear Takeo, don't bite the King's Capital all the time.

Smith is stunned.

"I didn't bite you. I was just angry because I compared us.

This is the saying: 'Ladies and gentlemen, you are going to be attached to a very difficult task. But this is not the end point. It's the beginning.

I'm a young man, but let me dare say it.

Please step up your efforts to develop our kingdom of Azpur! 'Or excitement for the whole thing (...) Then you might have thought you had to work hard.

"... Dear Takeo, how did you get angry compared?

I think it would make me feel a little better if I was lifted normally.

Smith asks.

"It might still be a good idea considering just the three of us.

But this time seven people will be nobles at once.

We are each entrusted with a different task, and it is a matter of mutual understanding, but the synchronization allows us to build a relationship that we can say is reciprocal.

You can't really do this with your predecessors, juniors, or subordinates, can you?

So those people have to be taken care of.

Smith boy, this isn't just about us, it's about dormitories.

It's the same age for simultaneous enrollment.

It would be nice if we could create a relationship where we could easily talk about things that we can't talk about with our family or our hospitality.

Takeo says gently.

"Dear Takeo, do I have to make that?

"Mm-hmm... right...

Maybe it's not even something you try to make that you can't make.

I guess it would have occurred to me if I had noticed, "I would have told this guy a lot if I had noticed" or "I'd talk to him a lot, but I don't feel bad".

I don't know why, but I feel comfortable.

This is all Smith Boy's feeling, and it's not something to introduce you to 'This Child Is Good'.

That's the difference between us and adults, isn't it?

"Are adults different?

"Yeah, I don't make friends just because of the feeling.

We think a lot about each other's interests, backgrounds, etc. Friends make.

So as I said earlier, we say, 'Build a relationship'.

Smith and the boys are still 'building relationships'.

"Mm-hmm... I don't know what Master Takeo is trying to say.

"Yeah, you don't have to know.

Now you just need to meet with all kinds of people and talk a lot and have a lot of experience.

And make a friend who says, "Oh, I feel good with this guy."

Because that will be the treasure of your life.

"Mm-hmm... I don't know, but I get it.

For now, I'd like you to make some friends in the lodge, right?

"Yes, have fun.

You can make a good friend of yourself if you face it sincerely, regardless of man, woman, or race.

The Temples also saw Takeo explain in a flamboyant manner.

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