A Mid-level Office Worker's Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 470: Wang Du Defense Corps meeting and time for the little ones.

Each one of them was supposed to head to the room and relax.

Meyer and four of the Wang Metropolitan Guards and the little ones gather in Meyer's room to sit on the couch and relax and talk.

"Lord Meyer, I'm back.

That's what Brooke says, Follett nods.

"Good luck. Have you reported to the Director General?

"I made a brief report.

He also gives explanations to His Majesty and the Third Prince family.

"I see.

How'd it go?


Nothing about the workshop.

Lord Victor and his men intend to admit to withdrawing information about the Demon Kingdom.

Lord Tama and the others were also recognized.

Lord Erica... "

"The Empress..."

"His Majesty had also concluded that it would probably be the third princess.

I would like to see Lord Victor and Erica again.

Everything is the same as when I met Lord Kitamizato.

What is the way His Majesty and Lord Kitamizato meet?

"Ah... Your Majesty and His Highness William have misled their identities.

Her Royal Highness Leila said she decided to have fun.

Meyer laughs bitterly.

"That's... that's very troublesome.

says Arkin.

"Oh, that's why Lord Kitamizato was so shocked when he found out about it in the Wang capital.

Look, I discovered it when I stopped fighting for the 2nd Knights.

Meyer laughs bitterly.

"It's... you're prepared to die.

Burt snorts

"Oh. But His Majesty was the one who was most horny.

"Well, it's Your Majesty.

In front of the civilian and aristocrats, we are willing to create a slight atmosphere.

Behind you, I know it's the Wang Du defensemen who are struggling.

Brooke answers bitterly, too.

"You don't seem to make any changes in the status quo for now.

Meyer nods and says.

"Arkin, just now Lord Mia said to Lord Ku that Lord Kitamizato has created a new work, what is it about?

Brooke asks Arkin.

"Hmm? Lord Kitamizato discovered a new source in His Highness Cliff's city.

"" A new source?

Brooke and Follett look forward and ask.

"Yes, yes. So, Lord Kitamizato bought that recipe.

He fed us at dinner, too.

It was delicious. "

Bert also says pleasantly.

"" Cheating!

The women protest.

"Lord Kitamizato also said he would make it again for Lord Alice and Lord Ku.

Meyer nods.

"I was wondering if you could make it soon?"

Brooke gives his thoughts a trance look on his chest.

"Ha. You'll get out of there.

Now, you guys get some rest.

"" "" Ha!

Four Arkins leave their seats in Meyer's words.


Next to Meyer and the others discussing...


When Khu peeks in the back from in front of the empty sofa, Sassy Tama escapes behind the sofa and only puts out her face and looks at Khu.

As Tokotoko and Ku peek closer behind him, his balls run further into the other side and look at him with only his face again.


Tokotoko... Shh... Tokotoko... Shh...



Ku and my balls are glued around the couch from earlier.

"... Ku, what are you doing?

Mia calls to Khu, who was watching how it went.


"No... he said he was chasing me because he cared.

The kid says balls.

This is my man.

"Kew!?... Kikyu" "

"Nah!... what is it!?" Mia's men are my servants. "


"'That? Different?' It's not!

I have never meant to be Khu's servant, and my Lord is the Lord alone in the first place!

"Kyu ~?"

"Huh? Well, it does give you something delicious... but no, it's not just about food with the Lord in the first place, is it?

I'm working properly, too.


"Yeah, this is how you interpret, isn't it?

I can't fight, and... in the first place, we can beat the Lord in battle, right?


Khu nods.

"Balls, over here.


My balls come next to Mia.

"Ku, this kid is my balls.

Apparently the human species say radicoccica.


"So, balls, this is the dragon cu.

"... nya."

The balls lay flat on the cu.

"And, Ku, I think you've noticed, there are two around the gate.

That's Cora and Momo, this kid's parent and sister.


Khu nods.

"All three of them are my men, so thank you.


"No... so you're telling me you're not a servant.

And what about Ku?


"The Lord promised to stay with you until your visit to the King's capital, didn't he?

What will you do after that?

"Kyu ~? Kyu.

"Well, you certainly can't eat delicious food when you're away from the Lord...

But is that why you come to the house where the Lord lives?

Without saying anything to my sister Dragon?


"'Dragons are good because they're free,' even if they say...

You should talk to the Lord properly about this later.


Khu nods.

"Now, do you even take a nap until the lords get here?



The little ones started napping on the empty couch.

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