A Mid-level Office Worker's Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 2356 is under report. (What is safe watching?)

A guest room at the Count Elvis' residence.

Takeo was back and finished reporting on Valeri and the others who were out.

Biella and the others were in the guest room, and they said, "Oh, my God."

... Takeo... that's not a big deal.

Grandpa Elvis said it with a tired look on his face.

"Hah... Daniela didn't give up, did she?"

Takao said in awe, "I knew it."

"Takeo-sama, I will send a similar request to His Majesty."

Valeri-sama had the strong will to summon Takeo-sama.

But as far as we're concerned, there's not much point in going. "

"This is an opportunity to see the full strength of the Central Army of the Demon Kingdom."

He said he'd show you something you can't even ask him to see, so you should be happy...

I know you've been more powerful than my country before.

It may not be very helpful to look at it. ”

"That's right... I don't want to get too many people, but are you going to choose a candidate?"

"Yes, I'd like to discuss it with the test platoon."

But Meyer will have to go back and write the customary war report to His Majesty, and Arkin will also have to help with troop training, laboratory aids, and standards, so these two will have to go back.

Brooke and Arkin will be educating their children, so... two veterans. "

Takeshi says while thinking about it.

"Well, Takeo's men are recruited from each of the Royal Guard."

In general, it's a person who can make accurate decisions about things. "

Grandpa Elvis says.

"Yes, so who should I take... I might even have a drink with the military cadre over there, so I'm bringing someone I think we should talk to."

"Um, be careful."

"Takeo! I'll go too!"

Vieira raises her hand.

Will you go with Vieira?

"Yes! Go! In case, Takeo will protect you!"

"I'm relieved that Vieira is going."

Alice nodded.

“Thank you, Vieira.”

"Please take Takeo and Hatsuyuki with you."

I'll let you investigate the slime in the Demon Kingdom. ”

The evening fog comes in.

"I can't do anything very prominent."

"Nh, it's okay."

It's just that Hatsuyuki sprinkles slime all over the Demon Kingdom. "

"... Looking for Elder Moon Slime?"

"Hmm, I'll do that, too."

But I'm just taking the story with me.

I don't want Hatsuyuki to negotiate.

If you want to come this way, you just have to encourage them to come across the border.

If you don't come, just think about the slime over there. "

"Is it like hitting an advertisement...

We will have demon kingdoms, so I don't think Hatsuyuki will be able to stand out and take action...

Hmm? No, wait a minute, if you just want to encourage me to come to the Azpar Kingdom (this way), why don't I take the morning fog and divide it regularly? "

"Hmm, that's okay."

However, it is more properly communicated that Hatsuyuki produced and scattered locally.

Besides, it's irregular, but if you scatter, about one of them will come back to the Count Elvis (here), and I think I can report on the current situation. ”

"I see... it's definitely working.

By the way, should I go as a maid in the first snow? "

"Nh, but neither I nor the first snow... I can't do much as a maid.

So, to the extent that it is an apprenticeship for the maids of the Vieira opponents. "

"It's the same as before."

What if I put it on because I like Vieira? ”

"Yes! Hatsuyuki, I'll protect you! It's okay!"

Vieira says.

"Nh, Hatsuyuki will be slimed and evacuated in the unlikely event of an accident."

"That's right."

Even if you're attacked by a sword, you better turn into a slime and escape before it slashes you.

We are humble enough to defend ourselves.

Besides, including Hatsuyuki, Yukida Slime was considered dangerous, and if the danger was imminent, the top priority was to evacuate the slime.

And in the worst case scenario, you run away and the Count of Elvis (here) returns. ”

"Nh, I see.

I will tell all Elder Moon Slimes. ”

The evening fog says.

"Yes, and this time, I'll make sure all the test platoons have morning fog."

When the first snow returns, I will report in the morning fog after that. ”

"Hmm, expectation is low there, but I'm waiting."

The evening fog says.

Takeo-sama, do you think that's actually going to happen?

"The status quo?" is impossible.

There is too much difference in power.

However, if there is a defection within the Demon King's army, it is possible. However, if you take into account the inspection and the current story... Daniela has mastered her subordinates.

And with Annarolo and his elite... Annarolo is second in line within the 1st Army in the rank of Assistant Commander of the 1st Army.

He said that he was doing administrative work... but if you have the power to run the First Army and the right to speak in the Demon King's country, you'll be escorting him.

I have nothing to worry about being harmed. ”

Takeo says.

"Hey, that woman is so... I didn't think she was that much because she looked so young."

Grandpa Elvis says.

"Um... Did I forget to mention it?

Annarolo is a vampire of the same race as Daniela.

That's one of only about 10 true ancestors in the Demon Kingdom. "

The two of them make a difficult face.

"It doesn't look good on demon kingdom opponents."

In a sense, it must embody meritocracy. ”

Takeo said it.

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