Frederick had left Grandpa Elvis and Alice and had come to the kitchen from the guest room.

Smith is on his way out to Harold's.

"You're incandescent.

Frederick says what he thinks when he goes into the kitchen.

"Oh, Frederick. I can't decide on a raw cream dinner tomorrow.


Frederick sees Takeo.

"Yes, like the pasta system I told you about carbonara and soup pasta I tried yesterday.

Something like a gratin system that thickens and bakes in the oven.

I gave you things like milk and half to thicken the stew.

"They all look delicious though?

"Yes. I guess they can all be put up in the main..."

"It's not just one dish..."

The chef and the main person make a difficult face.

"It's like that, and I'm not sure which one I'm going to make.

"I see."

"By the way, I've decided that tomorrow's dinner dessert is" shortcake "back.

"Ho, what's it like?

"I just talked to the sweet guy.

I decided to soak the raw cream whipped cream all over the chiffon cake and top it with dried strawberries.

"Ho ho.

"I think the sourness of strawberries fits in the fluffy sweetness.

"I see, that sounds good.

"Yes.... so we decided on the sweetest.

Takeo worries about "um..."

"Shouldn't it be too snuggly past dinner to say something sweet after a meal? I thought so.

The chef puts the matter of concern into words.

"I see, you can say that.

"I wish I thought raw cream was concentrated milk, simply put...

If you use two dishes for dinner, the dessert and dark flavor will follow.

"I said," I miss having just one piece of raw cream in the corner.

"It's hard.

Frederick also bothers.

"What about less vegetable soup with carbonara, raw cream and milk than normal?

"Um, that's good too.

Then let the wasabi and salad clam with lemon juice?

"It would be just as good as soaking cucumber and onion slices lightly in lemon juice when clam based.

The salad rep comes up with a suggestion.

"Right, I can take the vegetables with the soup, so it doesn't seem like a problem.

Carbonara's just about to be the darker mainstay.

... Then I'll make it a vegetable soup and cucumber salad with carbonara and milk tomorrow.

"" Yes.

Everyone takes their seats and goes back to their jobs.

"That's right, George to Master Takeo.



The two approach Frederick.

"It's an earlier treat though.

"Couldn't you?

Takeo asks terribly.

"No, it was very popular.

There were just three of you, so you ate.

'Make more because this isn't much,' you were wasting it.

"I see, that was good.

I guess one or two per person is good.

It would be enough to make you want to eat some more.

"Right, if it's to be two, I guess it's a little smaller.

"Yes, let's have them adjust to that next time or so.

They say butter is easier to get than raw cream, so you can serve it to customers and see how it reacts.

"Yeah, I think that's a good policy.

In the meantime, I was strictly trying to make this a treat after lunch tomorrow.

"That's right, Chef.

"Okay. When I get the raw cream, I will also buy the butter tomorrow.

"Yeah, that's okay.

"And you're done deciding.

"Yes, tomorrow, please.

"George, tomorrow, please.

"Phew... I'm going to sleep in my study for a little while because I'm still going to have time for dinner.

I plan to wake up when my schedule starts, but if I'm asleep, excuse me, can you wake me up?

"I don't mind.


and Takeo left the two of them and went back to his room.

"George, it's about tomorrow.

"Oh, Lady Layla and two others?

"Yes, the matter.

"I'm fine. Alice, I didn't tell Lady and Takeo.

I also know those who are here.

So tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I have a lot of ingredients, and I plan on purchasing the kind of amount that eggs can make pudding twice.

"Exactly. I think I'll probably use a ton of eggs tomorrow.

"Right. Still, Takeo has a lot to cook with eggs.

"Right. As you yourself said, the area where Takeo was is is 1/5 the price of eggs here.

"What!? Well... then you're convinced of the amount of that egg dish.

The demand for eggs is likely to increase when this recipe spreads.

"Yes, I am instructing the Civilians to think about the concept of the development of the village in Takeo's proposal.

"I see. The richer the village, the more surplus it produces.

"It won't be... soon, but I think if we do well, we can lower the price of chicken, eggs and vegetables.

"That's a good thing.

Thanks to Takeo, the recipe for the Elvis family meal has doubled in momentum.

"Oh, is that so?

"Soup stock for egg dishes and dinner today, sweets...

Takeo makes us think not only of the dishes we know... but of each of our reps crying every night.

I meant to raise my arms as a cook, but now I'm biting off the importance of the idea.

"... George, that sounds like fun.

"Oh, it's fun.

I almost knew the recipe for this country, but at this age, it's a miracle to see so many new recipes.

Frederick like that sounds like fun too.

"Yeah. Thanks to Master Takeo, you know new knowledge, city development concepts and novel ways of thinking.

It's been a long time since you've been so excited through finance and territorial operations.

The two old soldiers spoke with pleasure.

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