A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 125: Unexpected War (5)

"And to do that, it has to focus as much on reality as possible, but it's not easy to do that," Gabrielle continued. "It's like games can be divided into fun games," she said. And boring games, reality can also be divided into interesting reality and boring reality, only interesting reality can fully attract its attention.”

"So it naturally influences and manipulates characters, in various ways, to steer events in the direction it expects. It's not about doing it on purpose, but without it, it's impossible to concentrate."

Hearing this, Unieff couldn't help but glance back at Dumbledore lying on the sofa chair. He didn't come to disturb them, but it was possible that he was quietly eavesdropping.

But if he hears this fact, it should inevitably have some small reactions.

But he didn't seem to react at all.

Just listen to Gabrielle say: "I isolated it with a little magic. Of course, he can easily break it, but wouldn't that be very rude."

Unieff nodded, although he felt that most of the information would be fine even if it was revealed, but it was best to go through it first, sort it out, and check for any mistakes before handing it over to Dumbledore.

"Is there any limit to the manipulation of reality by the will of the old world?" Unieff asked. "It can manipulate whoever it wants?"

I saw Gabriel rolled her eyes.

"Of course not," she said. "Generally speaking, it cannot directly manipulate people in reality. After all, humans are creatures with free will, and they are not so easy to manipulate. The stronger the wizard, the more free will will be. stronger."

She glanced at Dumbledore and said, "If the will of the old world manipulates him directly, like your headmaster, it will definitely be a big failure, and it will attract unnecessary attention."

"Therefore, it generally uses an invisible influence, for example, affecting the subconscious that is difficult for people to realize, or various small-scale probability. Usually, it will not choose a powerful wizard to influence, because these The wizard may sense something is wrong."

"In fact, there were wizards in the past who noticed something was wrong, so there were things like Pensieve and Occlumency."

Hearing this, Yunev was slightly taken aback and asked, "I can still understand Pensieve, wasn't Occlumency invented to prevent and control Legilimency?"

Just listen to Gabrielle say: "It is to prevent and control Legilimency, otherwise you think, how does the will of the old world affect people's subconscious? At least the original original version is the method used by the will of the old world. Later, By chance, this method was transformed by wizards into a spell suitable for them to cast."

"But for wizards, Occlumency is the first thing that was invented. Through Occlumency, wizards can block the influence of the will of the old world on the subconscious to a certain extent. Of course, if the will of the old world is willing to use it The strength of breastfeeding can still be affected."

"But there's absolutely no need to do that," she said. "There will always be more, not even a single star, more people who are weak in mind and have some kind of flaw in character than those who are almost perfect and powerful. Compared with wizards, these weak and flawed people occupy most of the corners of the real world."

"It will undoubtedly be easier to influence the situation by influencing these weak-minded people. Moreover, it also has a commonly used but invincible means, which is prophecy."

"Not only is the prophecy very mysterious in the process, but a successful prophecy can spread widely in the group. And, the more widely spread, the more believed."

"And the so-called operation of things is actually the process from believing to turning it into reality. The more people believe in a certain future, the easier it is for this future to appear, and some small assistance is applied in the middle to control the situation. It becomes very simple.”

Yunifu frowned: "It sounds like the prophecy wizard has a little accomplice."

"There were some, but it wasn't like that at first," Gabriel said. "In fact, at the very beginning, the prophecy wizards were divided into two factions. One was to follow the prophecy and fulfill the prophecy, and the other was to change the future through prophecy."

"At that time, there were a lot of wars between the prophets. Of course, they rarely showed up in person, but behind the scenes, just like the will of the old world did. Interestingly, the most powerful prophets of the time were not actually. They belong to the camp that follows the prophecy. As a result, the will of the old world... I won't be specific for the time being, it will be far away."

Although there was some resentment, Unieff nodded.

Gabriel said: "In short, in this special period, the will of the old world will intervene in the real world to slow down its view of time. Unfortunately, now is a special period."

Unieff asked, "So, what happened?"

"Yes." Gabriel said, "I didn't know this at first. This information is encrypted content in the origin of the world. Usually, it cannot be understood by me. Otherwise, I will not let down my guard."

"Also, some of the small consciousnesses I raised at that time were already too hungry, and I couldn't afford them, so I had to let them go for food. They have grown to a size that is not so easy to be destroyed, maybe you can find some The spiritual imprint is not a particularly strong source of the world to occupy."

"As a result, we met."

Unieff asked strangely, "Meet it?"

"Yes, it's a very good coincidence." Gabriel showed a somewhat unfortunate look, "I raised a little consciousness that caught the attention of the old world will clone that just passed by, and then led it back to I am where I am~www.readwn.com~ avatar?" Yunefu was a little puzzled, "The will of the old world still has a avatar?"

"Ah—" Gabriel sighed and said, "Why am I so unlucky."

She sighed for a while, and said, "And here comes the second way that the old world will slow down the view of time."

Eugene listened intently.

"The so-called second method is actually to divide yourself into several smaller parts." She said, "By dividing yourself into several parts, you can effectively reduce your own size, and then use multiple worlds. The form of will, returns to the normal sense of time.”

"Of course, generally speaking, the will of the world doesn't really want to do that. Because there's a huge risk involved," she said.

"A huge risk?" Unieff asked.

"Yes, you have to know that after the time view returns to normal, the will of the world will be reunited." She said, "However, this is just a nicer way of saying, in fact, it is extremely cruel to devour each other. "

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