A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 302 The fear in my heart

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was still in the same place. Lupine was very satisfied with it and did not change the classroom.

The third-year Gryffindor students are very curious about the new professor and don't know what kind of experience he can bring.

After the roll call, Lupine said to the students: "This year we are going to learn how to deal with some more dangerous magical animals, how to detect them from clues, how to defeat them, or escape."

Many people focused their attention on a wardrobe next to the blackboard. There were several ropes tied around the outside of the wardrobe, which kept shaking.

Obviously, the closet contains teaching aids for today's class.

Seeing everyone looking at the closet, Lupine stopped talking and continued: "We will skip the beginning of the textbook today."

"Professor Delacour and I's new wardrobes were delivered to the professor's lounge at Hogwarts. To my delight, the wardrobe contains the magical animals we will be using this school year."

He looked around at the students and asked, "Does anyone know of any magical animals that like dark places?"

To everyone's surprise, this time Ron raised his hand half a second faster than Hermione.

After the professor nodded, Ron stood up from the tree stump stool and replied: "Ghoul, it likes to stay in places without light. There is one living in the attic of my house."

"The answer is correct." Lupine nodded with satisfaction, "Ghouls often live in dark places such as attics, barns, and caves."

"They are simple-minded and like noisy environments, but they are not very dangerous."

"Does anyone have any other answers?"

Hermione was the next to answer: "Ember snakes lay their eggs in dark places."

She read through the textbook, memorized all the magical animals introduced in the book, and then explained everything related to them.

Lupine asked her to sit down and called Charles' name: "Smith, do you have anything to add?"

"Or guess which magical creature Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger talked about is in the wardrobe."

Charles stood up and replied: "You may have offended someone's student or professor."

The surrounding students suddenly laughed, and Lu Ping also smiled and said, "It is possible. In the past...oh, I am in class now."

The students suddenly realized that this professor might not be an economical person.

Lupine said to Charles: "Read what you said in the textbook about Boggarts."

After he finished speaking, he found that Charles did not turn the pages when he picked up the textbook. He had already opened it to the place where he wanted to teach. He obviously already knew what was in the closet.

Charles read from the textbook: "Boggart is a shape-shifting creature that will turn into the thing he fears most when facing a person..."

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces, such as wardrobes, the space under the bed, the storage room under the stairs..."

He glanced sideways at Harry. This kid participated in the compilation of the standard Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook, and it seemed that he had something in it.

Charles continued to read the text: "There are several ways to deal with the Boggart. Occlumency can make it unable to read what people are afraid of, laughter can scare it away, and the spell of strong light can make it feel uncomfortable and drive it away. , when there are too many people, it can become chaotic due to reading too many fears..."

After the text was read, Lupine asked him to sit down, and then said: "Everyone noticed that Boggart can become the existence that a person fears most."

"What I want to point out in particular is that what some people are really afraid of is different from what they think they are afraid of."

Charles thinks it makes sense. Some people are so afraid of something that they block it in their hearts and don't dare to think about it, so they feel that they are not afraid anymore.

At the same time, he was also a little curious, what was he really afraid of?

"While Charles was thinking wildly, Lupine continued: "There are several methods mentioned in the textbook. Occlumency is very difficult and is not something you can master now. Let's learn a simple method today. "

"Laughing can scare away boggarts, so we turned it into something that makes people laugh."

Ron was the first to answer the question today, so Lupine asked him to face the Boggart first: "Weasley, what are you most afraid of?"

Ron answered without thinking: "It's a spider, a spider as big as a carriage."

Lupine asked him again: "What do you like best?"

Ron immediately replied: "Gallon!"

The people around him suddenly laughed, and the laughter made the Boggart in the closet very uneasy, and the shaking became more and more violent.

Lupine smiled and said, "I also like the shining gold Galleons."

Next, he taught Ron and other students how to use the Funny Spell, first reciting the right spell, and then learning how to wave the wand.

The spell is simple and students learn it quickly.

Lupine asked Ron to stand in front of the wardrobe, while the others lined up behind and came forward one after another.

Ron tried waving the Funny Charm wand again and swallowed nervously.

Lupine said to him: "Don't be nervous, I will open the closet door later, and the Boggart will turn into a big spider and come out. You think of Galleons in your mind, and then cast the spell."

"Are you ready?"

Ron nodded and Lupine opened the wardrobe.

But... what came out of the closet was not a big spider, but a middle-aged man, wearing a doctor's white coat, a doctor's hat, a mask, a forehead reflector, and an oral reflector in his hand.

Not only Ron, but Charles and Harry also took a step back.

"Ron!" Hermione's rage startled everyone, and she raised her wand to whip him into a spinning top.

Seamus turned back to Charles and asked, "Who is he?"

Charles replied: "He is Hermione's father, Mr. Granger. You have met him. He is a dentist."

He was a little confused, when had Ron used the treatment device at the execution ground dental clinic?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Ron and Mr. Weasley went to Hermione's place at the beginning of the summer vacation.

"Quick, quack, quack... no... squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Ron finally turned Boggart Granger into a gold coin.

Then he hid behind Charles. Only Charles could save him now.

Lupine didn't understand the situation, and it was important to attend class, so he said: "Longbottom, come forward."

Neville walked forward hesitantly, and the gold boggart suddenly turned into Snape.

He bit his lip and raised his wand.


Snape Boggart instantly turned into a mandrake, but the leaves on the mandrake were normal, but the humanoid root part below was a shrunken Snape, standing there blankly.

At this time, everyone burst into laughter, Lupine was holding his stomach with laughter, Harry's laughter overwhelmed everyone, and Charles took out his camera to take pictures.

Seeing that Ron was about to be beaten to death, Lupine hurriedly called Hermione forward.

Everyone's laughter stopped suddenly as Snape transformed into Charles holding a camera.

True Charles scratched his head, as if he had gone to take pictures of He Meow at the beginning of the year.

The next moment, Charles Boggart was wearing a snow-white dress and bright lipstick, and Harry and Seamus were rolling with laughter.

One student after another came up, and this time it was Seamus' turn.

The Boggart turned into a female ghost with long black hair and only bones on her face, worse than Voldemort.

When Seamus was a child, he watched horror movies with his father, and was frightened by the female ghost in them, leaving a psychological shadow.


The Boggart turned into a big balloon, and its air nozzle leaked, so it flew around the classroom.

Unexpectedly, the Boggart flew in front of Harry and knocked him back two steps.

Lupine felt something bad, it would be terrible if the Boggart turned into Voldemort, and hurried over.

But he was too slow, and the boggart rose into the air and transformed into a dementor.

Harry's face suddenly turned pale, and he fell to the ground. He wanted to raise his wand but couldn't.

Charles hurried over, pulled Harry up, and pushed him in the direction of Lupin.

The Dementor Boggart and Charles locked eyes.

The next moment, the boggart turned into a feather duster, which was quite gorgeous.

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