A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 283 Intuition

The sea breeze is quite comfortable today, and there are many people playing on the beach.

Many aunties and ladies were filled with maternal love when they saw the lovely Gabrielle, and they came over and asked if they could take a photo together. After taking the photo, they gave her a lot of shells.

Fleur was wearing hot pants and a yellow T-shirt today, covering the scars on her body that had not completely faded away, and was watching something on the beach.

Even when she was sitting there looking at the sea, she attracted the attention of many young people, and from time to time someone came over to ask for her phone number.

She casually gave a number from a phone booth near the beach.

On the welcoming beach, there were naturally people who wanted to chat with Charles.

"Sir, you have a good figure."

"The proportions of muscles in this body are really good. You put a lot of effort into it, right?"

"You're so well-proportioned. The judges will definitely give you full marks if you participate in a youth bodybuilding competition."

"Do this move like I do."

As soon as Charles came out of the sea, a group of muscular men in swimming trunks surrounded him, praising the body he had exercised since childhood.

Although Charles is still very young, and people at this age do not have the same large-scale muscles as musclemen, but compared with other people of the same age, insiders can easily see the signs of exercise.

These muscular guys gave him a can of protein powder as a gift before leaving and invited him to come to the gym when he had time.

Charles returned to their resting place, put the protein powder on the small table, picked up the T-shirt on the chair and put it on.

Gabrielle ran over and pulled him to the nearby ice cream truck that had just arrived.

Fleur smiled as she watched the two of them leave, then ran back to get her purse's trousers.

In just a short while, a long line formed in front of the ice cream truck.

While waiting in line, Gabrielle looked up and asked Charles: "Do you have a girlfriend now?"

Charles, with a black line on his face, replied: "No, I am busy studying now and have no time."

Then Gabrielle asked: "Then what kind of girlfriend do you want to find in the future?"

Charles replied perfunctorily: "Of course someone as beautiful as you."

A police car drove over from a distance with its siren on.

At this time, Gabrielle tugged on Charles's T-shirt and whispered: "Look, that bad guy that day!"

Charles turned around and saw that it was a white taxi that was dropping off passengers. One of the two middle-aged men had a beard, which was exactly the one they met on the roadside that day. The other middle-aged man was wearing sunglasses and a hat. Charles recognized it. It should be a famous French actor, the one who played Doraemon.

The police car stopped next to the taxi, and the policeman who got out seemed angry.

Charles pinched his chin. It seemed that that guy was indeed a director or something.

He had an idea. If he stopped being a copycat and took a long-term view, he might be able to catch a big fish.

Among the people in line were two Englishmen, and what they were talking about in English caught Charles' attention.

The two tourists were discussing the wanted criminal Blake. This fugitive was too dangerous, and they were considering whether to wait until he was arrested before going back.

Not long ago, the discovery of hundreds of corpses in the UK has now come to an end. Terrorist organizations around the world have stated that this incident has nothing to do with them, and newspapers in France have also seen it from time to time.

At present, it seems that this blame tends to be placed on the remnants of the Nazis.

Putting the two things together, everyone came to one conclusion: the British Pill.

The impact of Black's incident was somewhat beyond Charles' expectation. In the afternoon, several friends of the Delacour family came to visit, one of whom was Aurer Romé Gobert from the French Ministry of Magic.

During afternoon tea, Gobert mysteriously told everyone: "I heard that in the UK, Blake's escape was related to Grindelwald, who had previously discovered the escape."

Charles was immediately surprised and nervous and asked: "Hasn't Grindelwald been imprisoned in Nurmengard by Dumbledore? How did he escape from prison?"

Everyone knew that he was from Hogwarts. Gobert said to him with a mysterious look: "Who knows what Dumbledore is thinking. Maybe he has something inconvenient for him and wants someone to do it. Grindelwald is undoubtedly a good helper."

He had an expression of "I understand everything", and other adults around him thought they understood.

On the surface, Charles was full of questions, but he thought it would be better not to speak too much about this matter, lest more and more blame be put on the principal's head.

"Mr. Crushaw, oh, Mr. Ludovich Crushaw is the head of our Aurors." Gobert explained to Charles, "Mr. Crushaw believes that Dumbledore discovered the treasure left by Voldemort. Something like that, so let Grindelwald help crack the mechanism."

"Mr. Crushaw speculates that first Dumbledore discovered that he could not crack Voldemort's mechanism, and then he went to Grindelwald, who had a deep study of dark magic. Then Grindelwald found it difficult and went to the previous It was Voldemort's right-hand man Black who helped, and the hundreds of corpses found in Britain not long ago are probably part of the mechanism."

He looked at Charles and said, "The basilisk in your school is probably part of the mechanism. After someone accidentally triggered the mechanism and released the basilisk, Dumbledore discovered the clue to the treasure."

"However, there must have been an accident in the end, and Blake and Grindelwald took the opportunity to escape."

Charles listened and thought it made sense. Judging from the time of the basilisk in Hogwarts, Grindelwald's escape from prison, the discovery of a large number of corpses, and Blake's escape from prison, it was very consistent.

Some of today's guests have just returned from the UK. They learned that after the Potters were killed, Peter went to fight Black for revenge, but was blown up by Black, leaving only one finger.

Next, everyone advised the incoming Professor Delacour to be careful when working there. The salary is not worth risking his life. If something happens, he should run away.

After dinner, the guests left, and Fleur asked Charles to take a walk with herself on the beach.

Gabrielle wanted to go, but was left to learn to wash dishes.

The moonlight tonight has dimmed, the stars are shining brightly, and the waves are constantly lapping at their feet.

There were not many people on the beach anymore, the only ones were couples sticking together.

When she reached the deserted beach, Furong stopped, stood on the beach and looked at the dark sea, and said, "I'm going to swim for a while."

Charles said "Hmm". She would cause a disturbance if she went swimming during the day, so she could only come at night when no one was around.

Fleur took off her T-shirt and denim shorts and let him take them. She had already put on a swimsuit underneath. All the scars on her body had disappeared. At this time, her skin was softer than the moonlight in the sky.

She took off her slippers and took a few steps into the sea. She wanted to reach out to her back, but she stopped.

Charles sat on the beach, curled his lips, and watched her plunge into the sea water.

Now Hibiscus is very good in water and appears and disappears like a white dolphin in the waves. Charles doesn't have to worry.

Half an hour later, Fleur walked onto the beach, looking a little tired from swimming.

She sat down next to Charles, took the clothes and put them aside. She turned around and asked, "Are you going back tomorrow?"

Charles nodded.

Fleur wanted to say something, but she hesitated.

Charles thought she was going to say something between the two of them, so he waited quietly.

Suddenly, Fleur said to Charles: "I think Black is innocent."

Charles was stunned, what kind of development is this?

Fleur continued: "I think his behavior is more like revenge and atonement. It is possible that the real murderer is still at large."

Charles asked her: "Why do you think so?"

"Intuition." Fleur stopped continuing the topic. Their shoulders touched each other and asked in a low voice: "You said you like girls like Gabrielle?"

Charles broke out in a cold sweat.

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