A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Go find friends

For wizards, traveling within a thousand kilometers is very convenient.

Charles chatted with Dumbledore and prepared a bowl of noodles and hot water for him for lunch. Then he came to the British Ministry of Magic through his fireplace, jumped in line (it was convenient to be familiar with the Auror boss) and went through the procedures to go abroad from here. The cross-border fireplace went to the cross-border fireplace in the German Ministry of Magic, and finally the wizard's tavern in the small town by Lake Titisee.

While Dumbledore was boiling water for instant noodles, Charles and the two vampire girls ate traditional local noodles.

Brown lentils, bacon, and vegetables are simmered in broth until the lentils are tender and cooked through. Season with vinegar, salt, pepper, and nutmeg, thicken with batter, and add the cooked noodles. .

Charles also had a grilled sausage skewer, Erica and Marlene naturally had blood sausage, and a glass of cold beer for each person was a must.

Marlene said to Charles: "Charles, tell me about Erica. Do you know what abominable things she did? She actually grew garlic!"

"Oh my god, a vampire actually grows garlic, which is the smelliest garlic in the world. She should be imprisoned in Azkaban in the UK, where it is even colder!"

Vampires have a lower body temperature than humans, so they are afraid of cold, but ice beer is an exception for vampires in Germany.

Charles smiled and said, "It's okay. I have friends in Azkaban. If Erica goes there, we can arrange a luxurious and comfortable room."

Marlene glared at him fiercely. Erica's behavior of cultivating garlic with a particularly strong smell was like humans cultivating mosquitoes that are not afraid of snow and can be killed on the spot.

Charles said to Erica: "The garlic you cultivated is very promising. You can register a patent with Muggles and cultivate the seeds for sale. If you have the opportunity, you can rent a farm to grow it. You can sell it directly or make it into minced garlic. Sell ​​it with sauce.”

He had previously asked the old man to contact an agricultural commercial research company to investigate the garlic market. He learned that among the countries that grew garlic in 1992, China produced more than 4.5 million tons, which was 11 times that of the second-placed South Korea and ranked first in the world in Europe. The fourth is Spain with 220,000 tons, but the largest consumer of garlic in Europe is Germany, which has a huge market.

Charles endured his feet being ravaged by the heels of Marlene's high heels and carefully told Erica the survey data.

Erica listened while eating, keeping a faint smile on her face. After listening, she said to Charles: "Thank you, these are very useful to me."

Marlene's feet became stronger.

After Dumbledore finished his lunch, he carefully opened the computer next to him and tried to play the raising daughter game that Charles mentioned. Charles and the others had already finished their lunch and started to use the fireplace in the bar to head to the herb market.

Marlene's family is in the pharmaceutical industry and she is very familiar with this market. She has been following her parents since she was a child.

She told the two about the history: "This herbal market in Weissenburg has a history of thousands of years."

"Legend has it that many years ago the lord here dug a canal connecting the two rivers in order to catch fish from the Rhine and Danube rivers at the same time, but then a heavy rain caused the canal to collapse and become blocked."

"At that time, the lord's son fell down in the rain and fell on his head and became a fool. The lord invited many wizards to treat his son's illness. Many wizards planted herbs on both sides of the abandoned canal, and gradually it became a large herbal medicine market. .”

"The market starts around six in the morning and ends at noon, so we have to be early tomorrow."

While listening to the history, Charles followed Marlene to the five-star hotel, where she booked a room, said her name, and then took herself and Erica into the room.

Marlene said: "This hotel is owned by my classmate's family. I helped her cure her father's illness last winter, so I can stay here once or twice for free."

Charles looked at it and saw that it was still a luxury suite, and said, "You are busy, so I won't disturb you."

Erica and Marlene had just been on vacation for two days. They hadn't seen each other for so long and naturally had a lot to do. Charles felt that he had better stop being a light bulb.

But as soon as he turned around, he found that Erica had locked the door to the room behind her, and looked at him and licked her lips.

One afternoon and one night passed, and the book will not go into details.

At 5:30 the next morning, when the three of them left the hotel, the aunt at the front desk said to the security guard: "They are so awesome. They are so young. The three of them ordered seven pig's trotters for dinner."

The security uncle saw that Charles' steps were a little wandering and he was wearing a yellow Borussia Dortmund fans scarf around his neck, and sighed: "It's good to be young."

It's still more than an hour before the sun comes out, and it's freezing cold on the streets.

Erica reached out and gently touched Charles' carotid artery, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Does it still hurt?"

Charles shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay. I drank the potion and it has healed."

Marlene was also embarrassed and said: "The potion for removing scars is pretty good. I will be fully recovered by noon."

The two of them drank too much yesterday afternoon, and now they still feel a little hungover. Thinking about it, they feel a little sorry.

The group of people walked outside the south city, and after leaving the city, they walked into a mountain shrouded in morning mist.

Marlene walked to the middle and took the hands of the other two and said, "Don't let go in the fog. It's easy to get separated and lost. Then you can find the way out when the fog clears at noon."

Charles asked curiously: "How to find the location?"

"Use your nose." Marlene said, "There is a special medicinal smell there, you can find it if you follow it."

Charles sniffed it curiously and said, "Besides the smell of perfume on your body, there is indeed a rather special smell."

Erica shook her head and said, "That's not the smell of medicine, it's the smell unique to ancient cemeteries. It smells a bit unpleasant."

Marlene nodded and said, "Erica is still smart, but Charles is stupid."

"There is a cemetery ahead. I heard that the coffins and corpses in the cemetery can be used to make some kind of magic potion after being buried in the soil for more than a thousand years."

Charles said: "Never heard of it."

Erica said: "It is a cursed potion that requires the corpses of people who died accidentally as materials. The poisoned person will be cursed and die in the same way as the corpse that made the potion."

"We at Durmstrang teach this, but don't you at Hogwarts?"

Charles said: "No, I haven't seen it in the book."

Marlene's school is an art college, and the potions class only teaches potions to protect the throat, remove acne and scars, and I don't know the details.

While talking, they came to an ancient cemetery with tall graves at the foot of the mountain. They crossed a crooked tombstone with the words "Friedrich von Wesson" and "1016-1024" engraved on it, and turned left and right on the hillside. Go all the way to the top of the mountain.

Behind the mountain is a lake. There are several small buildings beside the lake, with lights on in front of the door.

In front of the building is a temporary market-like place. It's still early, and many wizards put the herbs they brought on the stalls.

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