A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 256 A lot of doubts

The spiny-backed spiders in the mountains might also eat carrion. Smelling the blood smell of the trolls, they rushed over and filled the mountains and fields. Ron's face turned blue.

Then the spiders met Dumbledore and others.

"Professor!" Harry shouted subconsciously.

He didn't say which professor it was, but all the professors turned to look at him.

"Uh..." Harry scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Please leave the spider legs."

Wizards tend to be very nervous. They have been like this since childhood. During the day, they were chased by trolls, and at night they gathered together to hold bonfire parties.

Neville, Dean, and Lavender's groups were all safe. They came over after seeing the "Troll Fireworks" and learned that something big had happened.

It's fun when no one is injured or killed. Now they can only sit by the campfire and listen to Seamus whispering a magic spell to kill a dozen trolls. Ron's Happy Legs in his hands suddenly no longer smell good.

Ron was busy in front of the charcoal fire, flipping the long spider legs at the right time to ensure even heating.

After each leg was roasted, he shouted "Who wants to eat the meat?" and someone immediately came over to take away the hot and fragrant spider legs.

In the eyes of the students, this was an extremely happy spring outing. The lower grade students smiled particularly brightly when they thought that it would happen every year in the future.

In the principal's office in the castle, Dumbledore held a cold spider leg and studied a piece of troll armor with a serious expression.

There was a big hole in the back of the tattered armor on the desk. He kept tapping around the hole with the Elder Wand, his expression getting worse and worse.

As the saying goes, scary people can scare people to death. The principal looked up and saw the vice principal sitting at his desk at some point. He almost changed the principal.

Professor McGonagall asked worriedly: "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

In her memory, the last person who gave her best friend such a headache that she was so absorbed in thinking that no one around her noticed was Grindelwald.

Dumbledore sighed and said a little tiredly: "Today may be just an accident, or it may be a precursor to the goblin rebellion."


He looked at the portraits of the principals on the wall and asked: "Phineas, can you tell me about that incident a hundred years ago? There is some kind of strange magic left on this armor. I suspect it is related to that one." Things are related.”

Phineas Black did not pretend to be confused as before today, but said seriously: "Albus, too many people died a hundred years ago, just let that matter pass."

"Although you are a genius, you are not qualified to interfere in that kind of thing. When things start again, there will be portraits telling people what to do at that time."

After he finished speaking he closed his eyes and began to snore.

Dumbledore sighed and said to Professor McGonagall: "This is the armor made by goblins for trolls. When I saw it last school year, I thought it was prepared by a wizard for the trolls kept in captivity at home. Today, it seems that it is not in this way."

"It is impossible for anyone to prepare expensive goblin-made armors for so many trolls. There is only one possibility. Goblins and trolls collude."

"These armors are about a hundred years old. Many of them have been destroyed by some kind of strange curse. Some of them have the teeth marks of Chinese biting cabbage, which shows that they experienced a fierce battle after they were made."

"The fairies believe that the things they make belong to them, but these armors have not been taken back, which shows that the fairies are afraid of something."

"For example, the guy who was involved in those battles."

Professor McGonagall frowned and asked him: "Are you worried that goblins will collude with trolls again?"

Dumbledore sighed and said, "What I'm worried about is that someone is making us think that goblins are in cahoots with trolls again."

He was silent for a moment and then whispered: "A long time ago, Gellert... and I decided that goblins should not control Gringotts."

Grindelwald was deceived by Charles for some reason, and the subsequent Gringotts robbery had traces of him, so Dumbledore subconsciously thought that he would attack the goblins.

Professor McGonagall was taken aback. After thinking about it, he said, "I think Rita Skeeter's appearance is a bit strange. According to her habit, she should have come on the first day of extracurricular teaching. There is no reason to wait until today."

"If tomorrow's Daily Prophet's front page headline focuses on students being in danger, it will mainly accuse you, indicating that she has nothing to do with this matter."

"If she is hinting at the problem of goblins, then your guess is correct."

Dumbledore nodded and asked, "How are the students' mood?"

After he finished Skeeter's interview and killed those spiders during the day, he came back with a few pieces of armor to study, and left the rest to the professors.

Professor McGonagall said: "We have patrolled the surrounding areas. There are no trolls or spinyback spiders in that area. The students are safe."

"The young people are in good spirits and are holding bonfire parties now."

Dumbledore nodded and suddenly frowned, remembering a strange place.

At the same time, two students appeared in a cave near the bonfire party.

In the cave where she couldn't see her fingers, Eleanor pretended to be calm and said to Charles: "What did you do to bring me here?"

Charles just looked at her coldly and said nothing.

Eleanor subconsciously clutched her collar tightly, blocking her body with her double walls, like a girl who met a gangster.

After almost ten minutes, Eleanor prepared herself mentally. At this time, Charles also confirmed that there were no people or beetles around, and then asked: "Are you deliberately targeting Harry and Hermione's team?"

Charles and Seamus learned about the situation during the day. Harry's group was the first to be targeted by the troll.

Later, the appearance of Rita Skeeter gave him a guess. Among the two groups targeted by the trolls, one group had a famous "savior" and the other group was all girls. If something happened to these two groups, The impact on public opinion is the greatest.

Charles had read some of the old man's memories and knew very well that the armor on the troll was related to goblins. The old damage on the armor was caused by the old man. In addition, the capitalists behind Eleanor had attacked Gling Lord many years ago. ideas, it is easy to draw conclusions when combined.

But there is another question here. How did these armors come to light again? You have to ask how the old man dealt with the armors back then.

Eleanor did not answer Charles' question, but just bit her lips, turned her head, and looked into the dark depths of the cave.

Needless to say, the answer is obvious.

Charles suddenly hit the opponent with an uppercut in the stomach, making her bend like a shrimp. In a voice lower than liquid helium, he asked: "Who are you?"

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