A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 253 There are good things in the cave

"Where were you last night?"

As soon as Charles entered, Percy immediately went over to ask.

As the captain, Percy is responsible for the safety of the team members. Charles stayed up all night, which made him unable to sleep well last night.

Charles replied: "Well... I slept in a tree hole nearby."

After he finished speaking, he looked around cautiously, fearing that Dumbledore and Snape would suddenly jump out.

Seeing him like this, Percy said helplessly: "Professor McGonagall said that you don't have to worry about the principal, but she wants you to go find her when you get back."

Charles breathed a sigh of relief. Professor McGonagall was easier to deal with than Dumbledore. After all, she would not beat him.

Percy asked him again: "We have had breakfast, where are you?"

Charles said that he had just eaten some dry food and was ready to go.

The group packed up their luggage, turned the cabins back into wood, and began to enter the mountains.

The rain stopped last night, and today is a sunny day with moderate wind, which is more suitable for travel.

On the way, Rolf asked Charles excitedly: "Can you make a door key?"

He had used portkeys before, and after asking his family about it, he learned that making a portkey required a very profound spell.

Charles replied seriously, "If what I made last night was a qualified portkey, Professor Dumbledore would not have troubled me."

Luo Fu felt that it made sense. His elders had warned him that half-baked spells would most likely cause him huge harm.

He asked excitedly: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​using the portkey to teach them a lesson? I thought you would beat them black and blue."

Everyone else also pricked up their ears. They only knew that last night Charles was going out to teach the Slytherin students a little lesson. After the professors came over, they found out that he had used the portkey.

Charles smiled and said: "It is not good to hit others. We are all classmates and should be united and friendly."

Even Luna joined everyone in rolling her eyes at him.

Charles said to Rove: "Candles can be used for lighting, they can also be used to light up the house, and there are other functions that you will know when you grow up."

"The same goes for magic spells. Don't stick to the original function. It can be expanded to be used in many places."

Luofu couldn't hear clearly, mainly about the candle.

As he spoke, the mountain road began to become steeper, and the trees gradually became sparse.

"There's something there!"

Qiu Zhang pointed to the hillside on the right, with a big rock above it.

Cedric looked at the place under the big rock where the sun was not shining and said, "Your eyes are so good, just like an eagle's."

Qiu Zhang smiled sheepishly.

Percy, Rolf, and Luna didn't have as good eyesight as the two of them. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that there was a faint white mist around the stone, and there was a blue, slightly shiny thing in the shadow.

Luna said excitedly: "Maybe it's Black Leopard!"

The others were confused, and Rolf asked her: "Black... what is Leopard, a magical animal?"

Luna answered seriously: "Black Leopard is an animal covered in fire. When it runs on the ground, it can burn everything around it. The smoke may be left behind when it just ran over."

Then she whispered: "Minister of Magic Fudge has an army of black Leopards. Anyone who disobeys will be burned."

Rolf was dumbfounded, while the others kept smiling.

"I don't know if there's any black Leopard there," Charles said. "All I know is that we're going to make a lot of money."

Percy said excitedly: "It's the moon stone. Let's go there, but be careful."

After he finished speaking, he used transfiguration to turn a few stones at his feet into hounds. They howled and ran towards the big stone, running around several times.

It seemed okay, so Percy walked over with the others.

Moonstone is a special kind of stone, available in white or blue, that emits a light like moonlight. It can be used for decorations and for making potions.

The moonstone Qiu Zhang found was blue, the size of a football, and could be sold for a lot of money.

More importantly, moonstones do not exist alone. When you see one, there are often others nearby.

There is a cave behind a big rock two people high. Winter has just passed and the temperature inside is much lower than outside. It just rained last night and the air is humid. The cold air escapes and makes the surrounding area a little foggy.

It's just that the big stone happened to block the entrance of the cave. Perhaps due to soil erosion or the like, the soil below was a little loose. The stone tilted, revealing a palm-wide gap.

Luo Fu lay down next to the cave and looked inside, asking: "Will there be more moon stones inside?"

Percy answered after him: "Probably."

Qiu Zhang also said: "I think we should go in and take a look."

Girls like sparkling jewelry. Jewelry made of moonstone is not cheap. If you can find some good quality, you can save a lot of money.

The boulder at the entrance of the cave cannot stop the wizard's footsteps, and the boulder cannot be moved away, but it is very simple to open a hole in the mountain and pass through it. Cast the Mire Charm on the stone, and it will flow to the ground on its own.

"Ah, how could this happen!"

When he entered the cave, he stepped on mud, and soon his shoes were covered with a layer of hard rock.

Transformation spells are time-sensitive, and the changed things will return to their original state after the magic disappears.

After Percy explained, he shook his head and said to Rove: "I remember this is the content of the first grade Transfiguration course, which is required in the exam every year."

Luo Fu immediately became nervous. He forgot a test point and the problem was serious.

Charles was thinking thoughtfully on the sidelines. Things in books are not as good as personal experience. Maybe this level of thinking is involved when Hogwarts starts to offer such extracurricular teaching.

Maybe the professors will see that this year is going well and will add some additional problems next year.

Others no longer care about the test points. The cave is very deep, with blue and white light shining slightly in the depths. There is a fist-sized moonstone not far from the cave entrance. Cedric and Qiu Zhang are holding it. They come off the rocks.

Although this moonstone is smaller than the one outside the cave, its blue color is purer, its light is brighter, and it is more valuable based on its appearance.

Charles asked Qiu Zhang: "Does the moonstone have any meaning? Does it represent love or something?"

Qiu Zhang covered her mouth and laughed: "You are not giving it to your two girlfriends, are you?"

Charles got two gifts on Valentine's Day. No one knew that one of them was from Jack, and he became popular among girls for a while.

At this time Cedric said: "In France, moonstone represents health."

Charles narrowed his eyes and looked unkind.

Qiu Zhang discovered the problem sharply: "Why France?"

Cedric said: "I heard Seamus say..."

"Ahem!" Charles coughed twice and pretended to wave his wand to warn him not to continue.

Qiu Zhang would not let go of the opportunity to listen to gossip, and the time was not right now, so she said to Cedric: "Next time I go to Hogsmeade, I will invite you to the Three Broomsticks pub."

Charles was speechless. It was amazing that third-year and fourth-year students could go to Hogsmeade. He had gone there many times on official business. He muttered, "You might as well go to Mrs. Puddy's Tea House."

The faces of the two people suddenly turned red.

Luo Fu asked curiously: "Where is Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse?"

Charles replied angrily: "You will know by yourself when you are in third grade."

He was worried that Dumbledore would complain to the old man about what happened last night, so he asked if he could bring some back to the old man to give away if they represented love.

It represents good health. Get some more for yourself and give them to Gabrielle.

But you have to be careful about this, and ask about it next time when you write to discuss literature with Mrs. Delacour, to avoid having your water meter checked by French Aurors across the country.

"Let's move quickly." Percy tugged on his collar, "It's too cold here."

The insulation effect of the rocks is quite good. The terrain here is high and there are a lot of ice cubes in the cave. He may be older than the rest of them combined.

The group of people began to sweep through the cave. After picking up enough for grading, they began to pick their own, until a cry for help came from outside.

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