A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 243 We worked so hard, and he

Chapter 243 We worked so hard, but he...

"This is the waterwheel made by Merlin, but it's broken. Can you help us?"

Not long after Harry and his party left the village that was "attacked" by the Fire Giant, they received their first mission in the new village.

This village is located on the edge of a lake, with the water surface three or four meters high from the shore. It usually relies on an automatically operating water tanker to irrigate the surrounding land, but now that the tester has arrived, it has broken down.

"The shaft is broken and must be replaced with a new one."

"The spell above is a bit difficult, we need some time."

Fred and George were good at crafting all sorts of magical items, and this mission was clearly in preparation for them.

The waterwheel can run by itself because of the magic spell on the main shaft. If the carrier is damaged, the magic spell disappears. Repairing the shaft is easy, but restoring the magic spell is not that simple.

Dumbledore understood everything, so he accepted a fishing mission and went to the lake to catch fish. Harry and the others couldn't help, so they walked around outside the village.

"Ah, these belladonnas are sick!"

Neville found his mission to make a potion to remove the moldy scars on the belladonna leaves.

Some other herbs were needed to prepare the potion, and Harry, Ron, Hermione and Seamus helped pick them.

"Big rocks rolling down the mountain blocked the way into the mountain."

To the east of the village, the woodcutter sat on the roadside and kept sighing. A pile of big rocks blocked the road.

Hermione was going to the mountains to find herbs, but the road was blocked.

She used a floating spell on the falling rocks, but it didn't work, so she had to think of other ways.

To the south, a businessman sat under a tree and cried to Ron: "My mule was snatched away by bandits in the mountains. They occupied a mine..."

Ron wants to go into the mine to collect special ore, but obviously the bandits who stole the mule won't help.

To the west, Simo wanted to collect aquatic plants on the shore. Several fishermen advised him not to go to the water's edge. There were crocodiles there that were bigger than the boat.

In the north, Harry knocked on the door of a solitary wizard and asked to borrow a broomstick to fetch some feathers from the eagle's nest on the cliff.

As the sun set, Dumbledore, who had been feeding fish all day, returned to the village and found that the villagers had moved their tables and chairs to the square in the center of the village. The bonfire was ready, and the aroma of barbecue and wine filled the air. The villagers were all excited. Wearing beautiful new clothes.

Dumbledore asked the village chief who was having a barbecue: "Is there any festival going on today?"

The village chief pointed to the notice board not far away and said, "Today is a happy day!"

Harry and the others had already returned and were all standing in front of the bulletin board. Princess Shui Tofu was as dumbfounded as they were at the latest announcement.

Dumbledore walked over and took a look. Seeing that he was well-informed, he was stunned for a moment: "Charles ascended the throne and became the new king?!"

Hermione raised a slightly trembling finger and pointed to the next sentence: "He...he...he also married the queen?!"

The girl laughed angrily: "I have been moving rocks all day today, and my waist is almost broken due to exhaustion. He actually... actually..."

The stones on the road were ineffective with magic, so Hermione could only use brute force to move them away.

She had never done any heavy physical work since she was a child, so she didn't know how to use force, and her movements were a bit irregular. She was naturally very tired, but luckily she didn't twist her waist.

Comparing others with each other makes people mad, and he is working so hard while he is enjoying himself there, so he must not bear to be rude!

Others had the same idea, even Seamus was gritting his teeth. The skin of the big crocodile today was very tough, and he was almost eaten.

A group of people suddenly became more motivated after recalling today's situation and vowed to bring down the emperor.

Princess Shui Tofu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed for two minutes. Then she turned around and shouted to the villagers: "Dance, play music, drink wine, and eat meat!"

They are essentially ghosts who have lived for thousands of years. Their long-term boring life has made them good at finding fun. Now that there is big news in the castle, how can they not be happy.

The New Dynasty elegant music started playing, and the village soon turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Harry turned to his companions and said, "Let's eat well and have a good rest. After completing the task, we will settle the score with Charles."

Everyone nodded together.

Not long after everyone embarked on the journey to beat Charles, there was a cry from the roadside.

Even Dumbledore, who had experienced strong winds and rains, would be confused for a while when he saw a luxurious full-length mirror with arms and legs growing out and sitting on the roadside wiping his tears.

Princess Shui Tofu was shocked when she saw the magic mirror. She hurried over and asked, "Why are you here?"

Magic Mirror hugged her and howled loudly. He stopped for half an hour and sobbed: "I'm so miserable. That bastard Charles bullied me with her. Not only did they beat me together, but they also kicked me out of the house. !”

Princess Shui Tofu held the magic mirror, patted the back of the mirror and said, "If you don't cry, don't cry. Let's go find them to settle accounts now!"

The magic mirror also hugged her and kept crying, "I'm so miserable!"

Harry was familiar with Charles' personality. This guy would not hit anyone casually, nor would he hit furniture, so he asked the magic mirror: "Why did Charles hit you?"

Magic Mirror was very unconvinced and said: "That bastard fish obviously fell in love with her at first sight, but he was too timid to admit it, so I helped him."

"Hmph! I was kind enough to help, but not only were they not grateful to me, they even beat me!"

There was gossip, and Seamus perked up as soon as he heard it, and immediately asked: "Who does Charles like? Is he beautiful?"

Others, like him, gathered around because Charles's gossip was more important than Merlin's.

The magic mirror said: "You guys can see for yourselves."

A picture appeared on the mirror that made Dumbledore almost cover the students' eyes: On a comfortable-looking bed, Charles was sleeping soundly with a beautiful lady in his arms, seemingly without any clothes on.

"Wow!" Hermione covered her wide eyes with her open-fingered palms, "He...he...he..."

Hermione was almost a year older than Harry and Smith, and her thoughts were more mature. Her father was a doctor and was worried that his daughter would bring a grandson back during the holidays, so he had done relevant science popularization, so he naturally understood it better than others.

Harry was immediately dumbfounded. He secretly read the books that Charles hid under the bookcase and gained a simple understanding of the "adult world".

Fred and George are also old enough that their faces are the same color as their hair.

Dumbledore sighed, wanting to have a good talk with Jack.

Comparisons are harmful. Princess Shui Tofu was very angry. She gritted her teeth and said, "Am I not as beautiful as her? Why are you beating and scolding me and being so nice to her?"

She was really angry. Charles obviously didn't beat her, but just tied her up for interrogation, but her memory was distorted in her anger.

Magic Mirror said angrily: "Huh, it's in vain that I spent a lot of effort to knock them out, and I spent a lot of effort to carry them and make them sleep together. Not only did they not thank me, they even beat me!"

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