A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 230 New Business Model

In the principal's office, there are colorful candles on the plate, and the orange flames are jumping.

Charles reached out and picked up the flame on a green candle and threw it into his mouth. It tasted minty and cool.

Then he tried the flames of candles of other colors. The red candles were strawberry-flavored, the orange candles were orange-flavored, the yellow candles were sour lemon-flavoured, and the purple candles were grape-flavored...

When the flame is removed, it will rekindle itself and the candle will become shorter.

This kind of candy candle was invented by a Hufflepuff classmate of the same class as Professor Sprout. After marrying a Muggle, he ran an ordinary cake shop in Wales. He occasionally invented some small snacks for his own entertainment and gave them away. Some for friends.

This time, Charles launched a purchasing service. After Professor Sprout’s recommendation, his products were added to the sales list. These unique snacks were very popular. Like this candy candle, Charles directly wholesaled more than ten kilograms and gave it back to his friends. them.

Dumbledore also took the opportunity to replenish the dessert cabinet, but it seemed that a lot of it was going to be an advantage to someone.

Suddenly there were several stray elves in Hogwarts, and they even had a fight with the house elves in the castle. As the saying goes, every injustice has its owner, and Charles was captured.

His mouth felt a little greasy after eating too much sugar. Charles poured himself tea, but stopped after pouring half a cup.

Dumbledore was thinking carefully about Charles's plan for a part-time elf logistics company. When he stopped, he said, "Drink, it's okay."

Charles shook his head. The visual effect of this green and glowing drink was so impactful. It felt like drinking it would change your destiny.

Dumbledore continued to think, and he keenly discovered that there were huge variables behind this matter, but he could not grasp the trick for a while.

Charles took out a bottle of happy water and took a few sips, then took the half cup of tea to feed Fox.

The plan of the Working Elf Logistics Company seems very simple, a bit like online shopping and TV shopping.

The Charles plan uses GIF oil paintings as the main body, and realizes the flow of information based on the fact that characters in GIF oil paintings can exchange information between different frames. After receiving the information, the characters in the client frame oil paintings can provide customers with product lists and Make a sales pitch.

The client picture frame can receive orders through voice and other methods, transmit the information to the headquarters, and then distribute the orders to the merchant's client picture frame to remind the stocking. The merchant notifies the headquarters when the goods are ready, and the headquarters arranges the delivery and collection of house elves. payment.

In addition, working elves can also provide housekeeping services. For most wizarding families, it is neither possible nor necessary to raise a house elf. It is cost-effective to hire a working elf to do things when you are busy.

Britain is on the road to deindustrialization, and there are fewer and fewer factories, otherwise Charles might let them come in to make screws.

It stands to reason that this system can also be used to deliver letters and news, but Charles doesn't want to run into the two giants of the postal service and news, so he gave up.

Dumbledore's first reaction was that Charles' plan was feasible, but his intuition told him that this method of doing business was very different from the existing traditional model and would bring a series of impacts.

It’s just that he can’t tell where the problem lies, what will happen specifically, and what the final impact will be.

The economic issues cannot be explained clearly, but the technical issues can be seen at a glance.

Dumbledore asked him: "Have you ever thought about what you would do if someone cracked your frame and used it to do bad things?"

After eating a blueberry-flavored flame, Charles replied: "I've thought about this."

"Encrypted communication is used between the client and the server, and the key is changed regularly and irregularly. Each client has its own unique serial number. Only when the serial number is correct during the first handshake can the connection be established..."

Dumbledore could play games on a computer, but he didn't know programming or the Internet, so he didn't understand it at first.

So Charles took some paper and pen, drew simple diagrams, and gave examples, and finally made the old wizard understand what he meant by those things.

"What a genius idea."

After Dumbledore praised him, he asked a crucial question that Charles could not avoid: "What kind of spell should you use to achieve the function you mentioned?"

"According to what you just said, these picture frames need a hard magic 'shell', which requires extremely advanced magical knowledge."

Charles did a good job in PPT, but with his own technical level, he could not support such a large project. Without technology, it would be empty talk to realize everything.

"Hehe," Charles suddenly smiled very strangely, "Principal, do you know what the most powerful spell in the world is?"

After he summoned Dumbledore in the Charms class a while ago, the students at Hogwarts all joked that the most powerful spell in the world was the "Headmaster's Summoning Curse", and the professors also occasionally joked about it when chatting.

Many, many years later, when Dumbledore's portrait was hanging on the wall of the principal's office, whenever he mentioned what happened today, the old Deng in the oil painting always shook his head and said: "'You want to ask me for help again. Do you want to exhaust me, an old man?’ I wanted to reject him like this, but... the money he gave me was too much.”

Charles spoke the incantation of the most powerful curse in the world: "Fifty thousand galleons."

Dumbledore fell silent.

Eleanor had donated so many galleons to Hogwarts every year for the past seven years, and she was graduating this year, so the money was gone.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Principals and professors who are accustomed to affluence always feel a little uncomfortable when they see that they have to go back to their previous lives.

Charles saw exactly this and used the Gallon Curse at this time.

However, the money was not given in vain. He said seriously: "I personally cooperate with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and use this money to entrust you to study the oil painting network system project I proposed."

"I will pay part of the down payment, put forward requirements and nodes at the same time, pay progress payments according to nodes, and pay the 5% warranty after completion of acceptance."

Amidst the endless chatter about cooperation plans and a bright future, Dumbledore suddenly felt that the person in front of him was not a second-year student, but more like a hateful father from Party A in terms of temperament.

It's good to have money, but the money is too much. I'm afraid there will be any additional conditions, so Dumbledore said: "If it's just an oil painting like this, it won't cost so much."

Charles shook his head and said, "It's necessary."

"I joined the Oil Painting Association and learned about magic oil painting."

"My plans don't just stop in the UK, but the whole world."

Dumbledore curled his lips slightly, thinking that this kid was still a child after all, and he always aimed to conquer the world.

"This matter is not urgent." The principal returned to the original topic, "You should arrange the house elves first so that they don't steal things from the kitchen and can eat what they want. We can talk about cooperation later."

Charles said: "Don't worry, I will let them pay for the meal. Dobby will come and talk to you about how much it will cost later. You can embarrass him a little bit."

Dumbledore looked at him puzzled and explained: "Dobby will have to live on his own in the future, but he still has a lot to learn."

Dumbledore understood and nodded slightly.

The matter was finally settled. Just as Charles was about to leave, he suddenly patted his head: "By the way, I remembered something."

Dumbledore reluctantly pushed forward the few candle candies left on the plate in front of him.

While putting away the candy, Charles said, "Thank you, principal, but that's not what I want to say."

Seeing Dumbledore reaching for the Elder Wand, the guy hurriedly said: "Headmaster, you just said that the magic shell of the picture frame requires advanced magical knowledge. How about we hold a cracking competition?"

Dumbledore asked him: "How do you want to compete?"

Charles thought for a while and then said: "The professors at Hogwarts came up with a topic to set up some magic oil paintings... Well, let's call it a firewall."

"The core of the oil painting is a piece of information, which can be a set of numbers or a piece of text. As long as someone can extract it and provide a method to avoid random guessing, they will win."

"I will pay the prize. The prize for the first place is 1,000 Galleons. The prize for the second place is 200 Galleons. The prize for the sixth to tenth place is 50 Galleons."

"If someone can crack it, the resulting new technology can be used in my future oil painting network system."

Dumbledore nodded after hearing this and said: "It's a very interesting game, but it will cost a lot of money."

Charles raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, Principal, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is world-famous. What an honor it would be if we could break through the firewall set up by Hogwarts. I think many wizards in the world would feel that way." Interested, especially other magic schools."

"I will charge a production fee for the oil paintings that are the title, and add a little profit, and maybe I can still make money."

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head, this kid can always come up with new tricks.

Charles continued: "Headmaster, don't you think the development of magic is a bit slow, so much so that some people think that improving or even slightly improving magic has come to an end, and no one has invented new magic for a long time."

Dumbledore shook his head and said: "Who said no one has invented a new curse? The curse I invented to make the transparent glue stick up is almost successful!"

"It's not like you don't read magazines. No matter what kind of magic there is, there are new results in every issue. Although many of the results have not made much progress, you can always walk from Hogwarts to London with one step every day."

Charles nodded immediately. Magic has developed, but the development speed of Muggles after the three industrial revolutions was too fast, so he felt that it was too slow.

"I have an idea," he said. "I'm going to see if making it easier to shop and setting up some awards can give people more incentive to research, invent and improve spells."

Dumbledore's expression became serious, and he waved his hand to let him go back first, so that he could think about this problem carefully.

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