A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 228 Live and learn

At the end of February, a cold and humid sea breeze was blowing on the small seaside island. In the house invisible to Muggles, blue flames were licking the bottom of the pot, and the restaurant was filled with the aroma of boiled mutton.

Jack was eating so much that he sweated slightly on his forehead. As he was eating, he shouted to the living room: "If you don't come over, you'll be finished. Then don't say that I bullied you and made you light a fire to prevent you from eating."

After coming here for a while, Grindelwald, whose skin had faded and returned to normal, came over with a copy of "The Wealth of Nations" while reading. After sitting down at the dining table, dishes, chopsticks, mutton slices and sauces flew in front of him.

He is very much like those people who will have mobile phones in their hands twenty or thirty years from now. In one hand, he holds a book that has been enchanted to turn the pages by itself. In the other hand, he holds the mutton slices with chopsticks, boils them in a pot, and eats them with chili sauce. From time to time, I would be fascinated to see the chopsticks parked there.

Jack was speechless for him. This guy was worthy of being paired with Dumbledore. One was playing on the computer and forgot to eat, while the other was reading until the mutton slices were scalded in the pot for ten minutes without any movement.

When night fell, after Jack had eaten and drank enough, he sat on the rocking chair on the terrace and watched a dementor hanging fish for the fishermen. Grindelwald brought two cups of hot tea.

Grindelwald sat down on another chair and said in confusion: "How on earth did Charles have such a long head that he actually thought of letting house elves run errands to make money."

"I don't know." Jack took a sip of tea. "Maybe he hit his head on the trash can when someone threw him in the trash can. I don't recommend learning."

Grindelwald also looked at the strange dementor on the seaside in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that I have been disconnected from the world for too long, and I can no longer understand it."

Jack thought he couldn't understand, but naturally he wouldn't say it. Instead, he searched through Charles' memory and said: "The world is changing profoundly every moment. It was my first time to go to Hogwarts." At that time, we were riding in a carriage pulled by the Thestrals, and now humans have launched probes that fly further than Neptune.”

"In 1900, there were 1.6 billion people on this planet. In a few years, it is expected to reach 6 billion by 2000. The earth is becoming more and more crowded."

"Human beings must solve the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation while they are alive. I dare not think about how many people there will be on the earth in 2100 and whether there will be enough land, air and water."

"Changes come from pressure, so more and more wheat is grown in farmland. When I traveled to France 90 years ago, one hectare of farmland there could produce more than one ton of wheat. Now it can reach about six to eight tons. "

He pointed at the dementors chatting with the fisherman on the beach and said: "There are more dementors in Azkaban now than before, but the overall number of prisoners has not increased much, and each dementor has received less. Reality dictated the changes he chose to make.”

"There are also the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. They have always been uninterested in human industrial products, and even hated them, but under the pressure of survival, they have begun to use weapons made by humans."

Grindelwald heard what he meant and said unconvinced: "The pace of wizards has not stopped, and we have also been developing in the past few hundred years."

Jack said calmly: "But Muggles develop faster."

Grindelwald sighed and nodded.

Now it is claimed that he felt that he could rule the world because of the resurgence of magical power. But in fact, the wizards who experienced that period of history knew very well that in the eyes of a group of wizards headed by him, that was the last time that wizards ruled. Muggle opportunity.

Jack put the tea cup on the coffee table aside, waved his hand, and a book flew from the bookshelf in the living room and landed on his hand.

He handed it over and said, "You can read this one after you finish the book in your hand."

Grindelwald took it and looked at the cover. It was "The Social Contract."

Jack continued: "Your model of rule based on force has long fallen behind, cannot keep up with the development of the times, and has been abandoned long ago."

"Only a group that controls the vast majority of resources can be a ruler. The country is their tool, and force is just a dependency."

"The current Muggle governance model is good. Those who control resources do not directly rule their own territories like the kings and nobles in the past, but choose their own agents."

"If you want wizards to rule the world, you might as well throw away the Statute of Secrecy and create a world where wizards and Muggles are open, inclusive, interconnected, and develop together."

"When we fully integrate into the world, instead of finding a high-sounding excuse to hide, what can we bring to the world so that the vast majority of people on the earth can identify with us, accept us, and support us?"

In the past, Grindelwald would have scoffed at this statement.

It's different now. After understanding the other person's true identity, no matter what he says, he will first act like he's open-minded and willing to be taught.

Jack finally said: "Charles and I talked about a plan before, using the disappearing cabinet and house elves to create a logistics system for Muggles all over the UK. It only takes half a day to send packages from Wales to Scotland, which is only half a year. There must be an income of hundreds of millions of galleons."

"How much?" Grindelwald rubbed his ears and cast a cleaning spell to clean out the earwax. "How much income do you think you have in a year?"

He is a person who has been a leader and knows the importance of money when doing big things. It is easy to do things with money, but nothing can be done without money.

But money doesn’t come with strong winds. Making money has always been an important task.

If we can really get hundreds of millions of galleons a year, if nothing else, we will be able to penetrate the Ministry of Magic of major countries like a sieve.

Jack shrugged and said, "With the restrictions of the Statute of Secrecy, wizards cannot openly do business with Muggles. No matter how much money there is in the plan, it will be useless."

"What's even more profitable is potions. If some potions could be sold to Muggles, they would be worth tens of billions of galleons a year."

Grindelwald was silent. He suddenly realized that he had never thought about the problems between wizards and Muggles from an economic perspective before. Instead, like many wizards, he only started from the perspective of magic and power.

He sat there and started thinking. After more than an hour, he went to Jack and said, "I want to know more about how Muggles make money."

Jack was making finger biscuits in the kitchen. He was very serious and said without looking back: "I will arrange for a squib to give you a class. He is Charles' stockbroker and is very good at this."

In the old man's opinion, stocks are something more magical than magic. If you throw money into it, it will either become more or less after you sleep. I feel that as long as you never choose to lose money like that, you will have endless money.

Grindelwald hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed. Compared to having Muggles teach him lessons, Squib was still acceptable.

Unexpectedly, Jack said again: "The fee will be deducted from your salary."

Grindelwald gritted his teeth, unable to fight, and endured it.

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